Barrister Fabian Awhen

Simply understood democracy means “a people-based rule”, that is where the ruled are involved in ruling themselves. In a way, it is the rule of all by all.

This description of democracy is apt, but given the present realities, some political scientists could prefer a better definition, perhaps, to reflect the peculiar circumstances of our time and to find acceptance of our behavioural pattern.

However, no matter how disconcerting the aberrations in the system may be one central theme of democratic governance is the people.

The people constitute the government by election, willingly undertaken by themselves and for themselves.

Thus, the whole essence of democracy is the people in other words the masses

Little wonder then that the oath of office and allegiance usually administered on the political office holders through appointments and those who secured the peoples the mandate through elections brings to bear a covenant of selfless service between them and the governed.

For instance, the fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy which most of the political office holders affirm to uphold make it clear that Nigeria is a state based on the principles of democracy and social justice and that the security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government.

Again, among the several political and social objectives of that section of the constitution are that the state shall abolish all corrupt practices and abuse of power and shall within the context of the ideals and objectives of the provisions harness the resources of the nation, and promote national prosperity and an efficient dynamic and self-reliant economy.

Furthermore, the democratic state is also saddled with the task of controlling the national economy in such a manner as to secure the maximum welfare, freedom, and happiness of every citizen based on social justice and equality of status and opportunity.

In other words, the material resources of the nation are harnessed and distributed as best possible to serve the common good.

Surely these provisions of the constitution which are administered on oath to office holders and elected political leaders coupled with the oath of office cannot on their own be translated into functional reality without the commitment of our newly sworn-in political leaders and office holders.

This therefore puts a burden on all those who have taken their oath of office and allegiance and subsequent assumption of office to see it as a clarion call to selfless service to their fatherland.

They should realize that the mass support and turnout they enjoyed during their election their swearing-in and the goodwill extended to them on their election and appointments is not in vain but a demonstration of confidence and high hopes to improve the fortunes of the lives of the people through good leadership characterized by the superiority of knowledge, ability, experience, accountability, and responsibility.

This means that they must have good conscience, vision, discipline, and above all ability to generate cooperation and stimulate initiative that will create wealth for the people.

Events in the past years indeed in Nigeria’s political history leave much to be desired.

For instead of those holding political offices and those elected pursuing the greatest good for the greatest number they rather subvert the will of the people for their own interest.

Yet going by the tenets of democracy, it is the successful politician or political leader or appointee who should translate the laws of the land as enshrined in the constitution into concrete realizable goals with the masses being the beneficiaries through good governance.

This indeed should be the beauty of democracy and what is expected of our new political leaders and officeholders as they commence the journey of that service to their fatherland commence the journey of their service to their fatherland.

EteteOnline Team

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