James E. Archibong PhD.

Dedicated to the women of Cross River State

On 26 January 2009, less than two years in office as First Lady, Mrs Obioma Liyel Imoke was awarded the Central Bank of Nigeria Best First Lady Award for Women Empowerment. She was the first recipient of the award since it was instituted. It was apparent from that award that her tenure would be momentous, eventful and awash with activities, programmes, achievements and honours.  In her eight years in office as First Lady of Cross River State (29 May 2007 – 28 May 2015, Mrs Obioma Imoke had accomplished so much in the area of women empowerment, child rights protection and assistance to the poor, surpassing those of her contemporaries. In fact, she touched many lives, and there was no dull moment.

She committed a lot of resources, time and energy towards the advancement of women, championing their cause, uplifting their status and confronting harmful customary practices and stereotypes. Obioma Liyel Imoke worked assiduously to bolster the wellbeing of children because every child is entitled to dignity, healthy living and enjoyment of basic rights. For that reason, she rendered unqualified support towards their physical, mental, psychological and spiritual development. POWER, one of her pet projects, which empowered women to be self-reliant, was designed to unleash their economic potentials and liberate them from the shackles of poverty. A highly visible NGO, it successfully impacted the lives of vulnerable women in the state, creating an enabling environment for them to participate more productively in the economy. She taught life-changing skills that transformed ‘ordinary women’ into determined, courageous and successful women of destiny.

          Through her numerous projects, Mrs. Obioma Imoke provided hope to the hopeless, succour to the oppressed and added value to the lives of many. She was a pillar youths, orphans, and widows who were amply touched by her limitless charity. There is something about Obioma Imoke which leaves many bewildered. This is her spirit of humanity. She is imbued with the milk of human kindness and filled with passion for service. A pillar of women empowerment, it has been her utmost desire to help less privileged people break the limitations and constraints around them and attain God’s purpose in their lives.

This book provides an insight into the projects initiated and implemented by Mrs. Imoke while in office as First Lady of Cross River State. It is written to the glory of God, and in honour of this dynamic, visionary, resourceful and God-fearing woman for selfless service to humanity. Her passion for service had been the driving force behind her successes, achievements and laurels. She is truly a good, kind and loving mother – a woman with a heart of gold.

James E. Archibong

January 3, 2021, Calabar

Table of Contents

Dedication                                                                                                            2

Preface                                                                                                                  3

Table of Contents                                                                                               5


Chapter One: May 29, 2007 – Dawn of a New Era                                               7                                           

Chapter Two: Behind Every Successful Man                                                        35

Chapter Three:  Our own Mary Slessor                                                                 42


Chapter Four: The POWER Concept                                                                     49

Chapter Five: POWER in Action                                                                            60

Chapter Six: Empowering Female Politicians                                                        79

Chapter Seven: POWER Golf Tournaments                                                           88


Chapter Eight: A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC)                                                    91

Chapter Nine: Mothers against Child Abandonment (MACA)                            109

Chapter Ten: From Street Children to Destiny Children                                       117

Chapter Eleven: De-Worming Programme for Children                                         123

Chapter Twelve: Inculcating Right Values in Youths                                             129

Chapter Thirteen: Innovations at the Calabar Carnival                                           134


Chapter Fourteen: New Year Eve’s Windfall                                                         139

Chapter Fifteen: Medical and Humanitarian Assistance to Women                        147


Chapter Sixteen: Cross River Pray                                                                         161

Chapter Seventeen: The Social Agenda                                                                 166

Chapter Eighteen: Rebranding Cross River                                                            174


Chapter Nineteen: Accolades to a Dynamic Leader                                               184

Chapter Twenty: Awards and Honours                                                                  191

PHOTO GALLERY                                                                                           207



Chapter One: May 29, 2007 – Dawn of a New Era 

Cross River and the Challenges of Development
Cross River is a state which over the years has faced numerous challenges of development, such as infrastructural inadequacy or decay, mass unemployment, a weak private sector and non-functional public utilities, most of which that preceded the Imoke administration. A land of opportunities, Cross River is endowed with huge resources and potentials. A land of great promises, it has abundant agricultural and marine resources which have largely remained unexploited. Its strategic location in the Niger Delta with an outlet to the sea gives the state access to national and international markets. All that was needed was a dynamic and visionary leadership that would     steer the state to a greater height. The state needed an exemplary, hard-working and God-fearing leader who would harness, coordinate and mobilise the human and material resources for the development of the state. Senator Liyel Imoke provided this leadership when he assumed office as Governor of Cross River State.

A New Dawn in Cross River State
On May 29, 2007, Senator Liyel Imoke was sworn in as the governor of Cross River State. The inauguration ushered in a new dawn in the developmental aspiration of the state. It heralded an era of visionary leadership, pragmatism and transparency in the management of the affairs of the state. Senator Liyel Imoke’s emergence on the political landscape of Cross River marked a turning point in the quest for development in the state. His inauguration on May 29, 2007, brought the once described backwater state to the limelight among states which are working hard. 

Since he took up the mantle of leadership, he had operated on certain principles: broke new grounds and strived to liberate the people from poverty and backwardness; brought governance to the grassroots and championed the cause of the oppressed;  delivered on his promises to the people and created avenues for the manifestation of their potentials; placed emphasis on merit, competence, hard work and creativity; defended the truth, justice and people’s right; stood for democracy and freedom; embraced dialogue, promoted peaceful coexistence and respected the rule of law; distributed resources, appointments and opportunities equitably; championed the enthronement of good governance; and led the fight against corruption and maladministration.

In the task of moving the state forward, Liyel Imoke had exhibited dynamic qualities, rare leadership attributes and charisma. His emergence on the political landscape of the state arrested the drift and reversed several years of exploitation, marginalisation, mismanagement and backwardness. His government initiated strategic policies and programmes which have had significant bearing on individuals, institutions and communities. In the eight years of his administration, he had embarked on policies and programmes geared towards reforms and regeneration of the economy. Revolutionary measures had been initiated to rebuild infrastructure, sanitize the polity, and restore confidence in the leadership as well as faith in the followership. He had laboured hard to translate the abundant human and natural resources into economic prosperity for the people.

Senator Liyel Imoke strived to deliver the dividend of democracy through huge investment in education, health, environment, agriculture, job creation, infrastructural development and private sector driven growth, among others. He has also laid a solid foundation for sustainable development by addressing the socio-economic needs and aspirations of Cross Riverians through the initiation and implementation of policies and programmes directed towards reforms, regeneration and transformation of the economy. The government adopted life-changing policies and programmes that impacted positively on the people. The impact was felt in tourism, agriculture, tourism, science and technology, education, skill acquisition, youth empowerment, environmental protection, health care and sports among others.

The Vision Statement
In his Vision Statement Senator Imoke stated that “Cross River State aspires by 2020 to be the leading Nigerian State with prosperous, healthy and well- educated citizens, living in harmony with people and nature and pursuing their legitimate interests in freedom moderated by good governance.” The Governor had also consistently maintained that his administration will move beyond policy conception to actual implementation of a well-thought-out process.

Imoke’s Rescue Mission: The Seven Point Agenda
        Senator Liyel Imoke initiated a transformation agenda, the first of its kind in the state. Embodied in the agenda were revolutionary measures, policies and programmes that will touch every aspect of life and move the state forward. The    following seven-point agenda was evolved by the administration for the state:

  1. Make agriculture more productive and profitable by encouraging the adoption of agricultural best practices and ensuring that investment in the sector is participatory and adaptable.
  2. Grow the tourism industry by enhancing existing tourist sites, developing new sites, and initiating and strengthening tourism activity in the state.
  3. Expand access to and affordability of qualitative education and social services to empower youths with relevant technological skills and knowledge.
  4. Institutionalise basic healthcare by providing a primary healthcare delivery system that meets the needs of both urban and rural communities.
  5. Develop a strong private sector driven economy by growing the purchasing power of Cross Riverians and encouraging private enterprise and strengthening the real sector of the state economy.
  6. Build, upgrade and maintain infrastructure for transportation, electricity supply, communication, water supply and sanitation in urban as well as rural communities.
  7. Preserve physical environment through conservation and promotion of environmentally friendly practices in development and lifestyle.

In order to actualise the agenda, set out by the administration, urgent reforms were necessary to make government more proactive and better places to deal with the numerous challenges of development. Thus, the following areas were earmarked for reforms: public service reforms, local government reforms, social welfare reforms, tax system reforms, public procurement reforms and reforms in the tax administration. A committee was constituted to review the laws of Cross River State. 

Economic Rejuvenation
         The rejuvenation of the state economy took off with the articulation of an     economic blueprint for the state, which was published in 2008. In an address to the public, Senator Imoke remarked that “we have a clear vision of where we want to position Cross River State. Detailed and deliberate planning, resolute execution and conviction would ensure that our efforts meet with our objectives, in concert with your expectations.”  The 66-page booklet provided details of where the state was and what it intended by achieve by 2011. Senator Imoke remarked that the blueprint was designed to guarantee continuity in planning the course of development in the state, in addition to the seven-point agenda of the administration and its reforms package.

One of the hallmarks of good governance is the ability of appointees and persons entrusted with responsibility to understand and interpret policies and work as a team to implement those policies to produce desired results. Thus, the administration organised a retreat for top government functionaries at the Obudu Ranch Resort from 11 to 16 March, 2008.the participants included Executive Council members, Special Assistants, Heads of Department, Commissions and Agencies in the state. They were to chart the policy direction of the government for the period 2008 to 2011.

During the retreat, each of the Ministries, Departments, Commissions and Agencies was given a platform to present to the state what it had to offer to those that needed their services most within the next four years in terms of projects and     services. Using the medium-term expenditure framework (MTEF), the State Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (SEEDS) and the Millennium Goals (MDGs) as a beacon for projection, the MDAs utilised the opportunity provided by the retreat to restate their vision and mission in the first instance and their achievements so far as well as future projections.

Through the SWOT analysis initiatives, the MDAs, during the retreat further showcased their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats and achievable targets during this four-year rolling plan. The presentations also included initiatives and methods to be evolved by each MDA in realizing these achievable set targets, their cost implications and timelines for achieving them. Another retreat was held between 14 and 16 April in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.

The economic policies provided enabling environment for growth and investment. The Imoke administration took steps to increase investment and diversify the economy. The government provided a friendly environment and incentives to foreign investors, guaranteeing the safety of their investment. This had translated into faith and confidence in the economy and an influx of investments and tourists. Economic activities were gingered leading to creation of jobs for many.

Senator Imoke had recorded a lot of achievements in attracting investments which would reposition the state on the path of growth and sustained development. General Electric responded with $1billion USD investment. A major strategy was the promotion of a private sector driven economy. In furtherance of this policy, the following measures were instituted:

  • Establishment of the Investment Promotion Bureau.
  • Adoption of the public private partnership (PPP) to actualise its economic vision and put the economy back on the path of growth.
  • Establishment of the Microfinance and Enterprises Development Agency (MEDA) to expedite the growth of small and medium enterprises.
  • Creation of the bureau for Public and Private Partnership.

The diversification of the economy remained a major goal of the administration and a catalyst to rejuvenate the state economy. The state faced a lot of financial challenges when it lost Bakassi Peninsula to Cameroun. Coupled with its debt burden from the construction of Tinapa Business Resort, the government needed to diversify the state economy. The state had over depended federal allocation over the years and ignored the great potentials and endowments which the state is blessed with. This was a major step by Senator Liyel Imoke to fast-track the economy to modernity and prosperity. The government needed to formulate a comprehensive economic reform plan by investing in agriculture, tourism and other sectors. The administration had also evolved strategies and stepped up its drive to develop the economy, one of which was devoting more than 43 per cent of the 2009 budget to the economic sector.            Senator Imoke said the state would only embark on projects which were viable: “we do not go into projects that do not make sense.” It was for this reason that the government had invested heavily in tourism and agriculture. In these areas, the state had comparative advantage. The state government also secured approval from the Federal Executive Council for the long-awaited procedural and operational guidelines for the Tinapa Business and Leisure Resort. As noted by Senator Imoke “This approval, once gazetted, gives Tinapa the status of a Free Trade Zone, the first retail Free Trade Zone of its kind in this part of the world.” One of the biggest projects and an essential element of the economic blueprint of the Imoke administration was Calabar Energy City. When completed would be Africa’s biggest energy sector logistic facilities.

         The administration established the Commercial Agriculture Project and encouraged the cultivation of various crops. The Cross River Songhai Farm Initiative was one of the laudable projects of the Imoke era. One of the mandates of the company was the training of Cross Riverians modern agricultural techniques, including processing and sale. Other multinational companies that invested in large-scale agro allied businesses state were Wilmar international Limited and Dansa Agro Allied Industries. The investments of Wilmar in the development of oil palm plantation, oil mills and oil palm refinery were said to be worth $450 million USD. Dansa, one of Dangote’s companies, went into massive pineapple plantation in Akamkpa in a multi-million-naira investment. The government also established the Cross River Agricultural and Rural Empowerment Scheme (CARES) the aim being to provide training for rural farmers and support the development of agricultural value-chain in the state.

Tourism and Culture
           Tourism became another major area of investment for the government. His vision was to make Cross River State Nigeria’s main tourism destination. The administration embarked on a design and implementation of tourism and culture roadmap, which included the development of an all-encompassing Tourism Master Plan for the state which would ensure that all tourism sites were developed to world class standards and marketed in like manner by the State Tourism Bureau. The Calabar Festival was transformed and internationalised. The Carnival was made more relevant to the African experience through a substantial injection of local content and Public Private Partnership. Some local festivals, one of which was the Leboku New Yam Festival, were elevated to international festivities. National golf tournament to hold around April every year was introduced into the state tourism calendar.

The state government embarked on the Summit Hills Development, which will include an international convention, centre reputed to be the first of its kind in Africa. The Convention Centre will be linked to Tinapa Resort by monorail. The tourism industry was also enlarged to include heritage tourism, which the state is richly endowed with. Senator Imoke added to the list of his strategic investments in the tourism industry the construction of an all green 18 holes golf course very close to Tinapa, the Theme Park, Cross River Open Golf Championship and Calabar Easter Ball.  The state government concluded a pact on the hosting right of the KORA Awards at Tinapa for five years. The event is an internationally extolled Africa Music Awards.

The state government through its tourism bureau initiated a Public, Private Partnership (PPP) with RemLords Tour and Car Hire Service that will ensure smooth traffic to the most exotic tourist site in Nigeria – the Obudu Mountain Resort. In furtherance of the PPP, the state government procured four IVECO luxury buses and handed them over to RemLords Tour and Car Hire Service for the conveyance of tourists and for hiring by registered tour operators heading for the Obudu Mountain Resort. The managers of the tourism industry were exposed to international best practices. The Special Assistant on Culture and Tourism was sponsored as part of Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) to represent the state at international events.

Youth Empowerment
There had been conscious and deliberate efforts to create employment for     the youths in the state. In order to enhance the engagement of unemployed youths, the government created a data base for job placement. The Ministry of Youths and Sports Development embarked on job placement as well as vocational training for youths in line with government policy of promoting skill acquisition and vocational training for youths. In support of the process, the Central Bank of Nigeria Entrepreneurship Development Centre was established in Calabar. This initiative facilitated by the state government, had the capacity to train thousands of unemployed youths from the South-South region in medium and small enterprises. Thousands of Cross River businesses and entrepreneurs were also assisted by the Micro Enterprise Development Agency. In 2011, Senator Imoke initiated a youth empowerment scheme, The Bridge Leadership Foundation (TBLF), to shape up young people and prepare them for leadership. Between 2011 and 2019, more than 45,000 youths from Cross River State have enjoyed capacity building and technological innovation drill of the Foundation. 

Infrastructural Regeneration
          One of the enduring legacies of the Senator Imoke was the massive urban renewal and rural transformation undertaken by his administration. In his inaugural address on May 29, 2007, Senator Liyel imoke said with regard to rural transformation that “We are not unmindful of the deprivation our people, especially those living in our rural communities are facing. As a means of opening up our rural areas we need to embark on an aggressive integrated rural transformation programme that will ensure that the state attains 100 per cent access to potable water and access to motorable roads.” The government created certain agencies to drive infrastructural development in the rural areas. They include the Rural Development Agency (RUDA); Cross River Rural Access Mobility Programme (CR-RAMP); State Electrification Agency; and Border Communities Development Commission. These agencies will deepen the rural transformation programme of the administration. RUDA embarked on road projects in all the local government areas of the state apart from Calabar South and Calabar Municipality. The Agency lined up hundreds of non-functional boreholes for rehabilitation. CR-RAMP addressed the aspect of opening up access to the rural areas by massive construction of roads. The State Rural Electrification Agency provided electricity in several communities in the state. Through the Border Communities Development Commission, the state government took development to the often-neglected people in the remotest communities of the state. Projects executed by the Commission include construction of schools, health centres, boreholes and VIP toilets.

The government also instituted the Urban Renewal Programme for a comprehensive infrastructural development and aesthetics in urban areas of the state. There was also increased access to potable and safe water through the execution of water projects in the state. The government put in place a policy to provide state civil servants access to low cost, affordable housing. In 2012, the government built 200 housing units in Akpabuyo Local government Area for civil servants. Similar investments were also proposed for Odukpani, Ogoja and Ikom.

Access to Quality Healthcare
          The policy on health was predicated on improved access to quality healthcare. This involved setting up of a comprehensive primary healthcare programme and supporting facilities across the state, which was achieved in collaboration with the Tulai Chanrai Foundation of India. The government also recorded giant stride in tertiary healthcare and commenced the construction of a new specialist hospital at the Summit Hill Development area. Under his watch, the state became the first in the South-South to inaugurate a Primary Health Care Council. The inauguration of the Council was informed by the problems the health sector faced and the need to properly coordinate the diverse bodies for optimum results. The government also initiated a medical insurance scheme.

         Reduction of maternal mortality was cardinal in the healthcare policy of the administration. The Imoke administration made steady progress towards reducing the rates of maternal morbidity as part of an overall plan, while also making headway in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals as they related to women. The Ministry of Women Affairs in partnership with the Ministry of Health carried out a programme for traditional birth attendants on the improvement of modern birth practices. This was to complement other measures aimed at the reduction of maternal mortality in the state. The state government operated a Free Health Programme Scheme targeting those that needed government most. Pregnant women and children under 5 enjoyed free medical services in the state. The policy of immunisation of children against killer diseases was actively pursued and implemented. The government combated malaria through its Roll Back Malaria programme. Its strategy included distribution of thousands of long-lasting insecticides treated nets.

Access to Quality Education
            The policy on education was aimed at restoring stability and high moral   values in the school system. It was also to promote access to affordable education, improve quality and equip young people with relevant skills. In this regard, schools were massively renovated and equipped with modern learning tools, computers and laboratories. New ones were constructed to reduce the number of out-of-school children in the state. In order to enhance technical and vocational education, the government established the Institute of Technology and Management, Ugep. The College of Education, Akamkpa was re-established to boost access to teacher education in the state. Scholarships were awarded to deserving students. The Imoke administration released special intervention funds to tertiary institutions in the state to address issues of accreditation and infrastructural deficit.

Interactive Session with School Children
Education was used as a deliberate strategy and a veritable instrument for advancing the interest and wellbeing of children in the state; and Governor Imoke was determined to bring sanity into that sector. The Governor therefore told primary and secondary school students in Cross River State to report teachers who engaged in trading instead of performing their duty. The Governor made this remark at a stakeholders’ dialogue with school children while celebrating the 2008 International Day of the African Child and commissioning of ASFAC boxes at the main bowl of the Cultural Centre, Calabar. Senator Imoke commended the interactive session for affording him an occasion to gather from the children the difficulty confronting them. He acknowledged the deplorable state of education in Cross River state and said it will no longer be business as usual. According to him, children were not to blame for the sudden drop in the quality of education. He blamed parents and teachers for showing bad examples.

He advised the children to assert their rights and inform him of any teacher that decides to trade rather than teach. He spoke of the transformation fast taking in the world which has no place for half-baked graduates. There must be discipline in the school system otherwise government’s investment in education, including efforts to renovate and equip schools will be counterproductive. He disclosed that his administration had evolved policies and strategies to lift the standard of education in the state namely:

  • building of three science laboratories for school.
  • provision of computer room and library with books.
  • provision of pipe borne water.
  • enlistment of qualified teachers.
  • ensuring not more than 40 students.
  • capacity to graduate at least 60 per cent of students who take and pass school certificate examination.
  • renovation and transformation of 60 secondary schools and 135 primary schools yearly, including missionary schools.

The state government had already recorded significant achievement in the education sector in 2008. These include:

  • award of scholarship worth N200 million to students of Cross River State origin in tertiary institutions.
  • recruitment of 300 additional qualified teachers, including contribution by volunteer teachers.
  • reopening of College of Education for training of teachers.
  • ensuring that ICT Department creates opportunity in basic technology training.
  • total war on cultism.
  • award of scholarship to members of the Children’s Parliament to university level.

There is no doubt that the Imoke administration had performed remarkable well with respect to making Cross River a state fit for a child. The Commissioner for Education, Professor Offiong Offiong, said as part of disciplinary measures, 12 students had been expelled for NYSC Secondary School, 20 were being investigated for examination malpractice, 250 teachers disciplined, out of which three were dismissed and some principals demoted.

The Speaker of the Children’s Parliament, Endurance Okpa Agbo, in his address, suggested several ways of improving the standards of education in the state. He commended Senator Liyel Imoke for actions so far taken to improve the standard of education in the state. The Speaker particularly praised their mummy, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, for introducing AFAC; and the Commissioners for Education, Professor Offiong Offiong and Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, for their contributions to the enrichment of the quality of education through their respective offices.

The First Lady of the state, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, who had stood by children and helped them achieve their aspiration in life, also spoke at the occasion. In her address, she stated that the celebration of the International Day of the African Child was in remembrance of the massacre if children in Soweto, South Africa in 1976, when they protested the use of Afrikaan, a language imposed by the white apartheid government. Mrs. Imoke then called for a minute silence in memory of the children killed.   

 Promotion of Sports   
           The state never had it so good in sports. A lot of resources had been committed to the promotion of sports which resulted in bumper achievements in sports never seen in the sporting history of Cross River State.  The Vice President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan (as he then was), eulogised Senator Liyel Imoke for his efforts in ensuring the readiness of the U.J. Esuene Stadium, training pitches at the stadium, and Saint Patrick’s College, Ikot Ansa, General Hospital Calabar, Teaching Hospital and other facilities for the hosting of the Under 17 World Cup scheduled for October/November 2009. The government brought an innovation into the Obudu International Mountain Race, with the introduction of a children’s race. It also ensured that race continued to attract the best mountain runners from around the world. With effect from 2008, Senator Imoke sumptuously approved the extension of prize money to the 9th and 10th placed finishers. In the three previous competitions, prize money was given to the best eight finishers.

He evolved big plans for Calabar Rovers and Pelican Stars, two leading football clubs, and generally for sports in the state. According to Senator Imoke “I am looking at sports holistically. I have a blueprint which will see both Rovers and Pelican Queens regain their pride of place in Nigerian football. I know both teams have not been at their best of late but that will change soon.” In addition to the achievements in football, state athletes won laurels in various athletic competitions. Cross River athletes excelled in athletics in national and international championships. Sportsmen and sportswomen who won laurels were motivated with cash gifts and other forms of incentives. One of the beneficiaries was a sprinter, Mercy Nku. She had won the 100m gold and set a new Games’ record at the 7th All Africa Games in Johannesburg in 1999. She was offered a three-year scholarship by Senator Imoke to complete her studies in Canada. In appreciation of the gesture, Nku said “I am a very happy woman today because my sports-loving governor has come to my aid by fulfilling my heart desires. He has offered me scholarship to enable me to complete my nursing course in Canada.”  Within the tenure of the Imoke administration, Cross River had achieved a lot more in sports than it had done in the past.

Women Empowerment
           The administration of Senator Liyel Imoke was women friendly. Transforming the Status of Women was one of its deliberate policies. With regards to the recognition and empowerment of women, it had never been that good. Under the watchful eyes of Senator Imoke, women had broken the barriers, shackles, yoke and limitations imposed on them by custom, religion and other circumstances of birth. Women have been marginalised, victimised and violated for many years before the arrival of Senator Imoke and his wife, Obioma Imoke.

         Senator Imoke equally rose up to the challenges embedded in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Implementing the Beijing Platform for Action is mainly the responsibility of government, and also of institutions in the public, private and non-governmental sectors at the community, national, sub-regional, regional and international levels. The Platform acknowledges that significant progress will depend on building strategic partnerships and involving all stakeholders in the efforts towards change. The issues dealt with in the Platform for Action are global and deeply entrenched. His administration had made concerted efforts to end discrimination and practices harmful to the physical and mental health of women and girls in the state. He promoted gender equality in all spheres. His health policies, political appointments and empowerment programmes became more gender sensitive and unprecedented taking into consideration the special needs of women. This was much better than anything ever seen in the state.

           The status of women was transformed from one of passive onlookers and bystanders to that of active participants. He wanted women to be an integral part of these transformation programmes. In this regard, women should be involved in decision making and strengthening of the state economy. The number of women is involved in politics, governance and decision-making in the state increased. Appointment of women into key offices was became a deliberate strategy. Women held important positions in the government and were prominent in the legislative, executive and judicial arms. They were also found in the top echelon of the civil service of the state. 

           Senator Imoke decided to tackle head-on issues affecting women and children, including empowering thousands of them through various schemes, which were designed to reduce poverty and boost economic self-reliance among women. One of the ways the administration had been empowering women at the grassroots was through the provision of loan facilities. In this regard, the state Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development played a crucial part.

          The state government empowered thousands of women through micro credit scheme. This would enhance their participation in agriculture and petting trading and eventually encourage economic self-reliance. The credit scheme was accessible to all categories of women, in particular widows chosen from the 196 wards across the state. The state government in partnership with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs trained 72 female unemployed graduates in computer application in 2008, with plans to train more in subsequent years. Cottage industries in 10 local government areas were renovated and furnished to promote generation of income and reduce poverty among women.

Hosting of Summit of South-South Governors    
A remarkable achievement of the Imoke administration was the successful        hosting of the inaugural South-South Governors Summit. The Summit marked a critical moment for the area, when State Chief Executives buried their personal differences and political affiliations to work together for the common good of the area and its people. It was the view that the economy of the region would experience accelerated recovery if the leaders could combine their resources. The Summit which had the theme “Positioning the South-South for Global Competitiveness” provided a platform for synergy among the governors and an opportunity for them to render account of the stewardship. In attendance to address the Summit were acclaimed resource persons and many key speakers of international distinction.

In a communiqué at the end of the meeting, the six governors agreed to build in the short and medium term, regional and common infrastructure in aviation, roads, security, education power and railway. They also agreed to develop joint economic ventures through Public Private Partnership. The communiqué further reads:

  • The Summit has agreed to create genuine strategy to rationalise and efficiency as a region and not to compete in the two key areas of agriculture and education.
  • The region has agreed to establish a coordinating body, as a permanent institution, that will have responsibility for the implementation of the mandates of the regional integration.
  • The Summit has agreed to promote knowledge, economic research and development and promote youth programmes in the areas of job creation and entrepreneurial development.
  • The Summit expressed appreciation to the six governors of Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Delta, Edo and Rivers States and urged them to brace up for the integration of the region. 
  • The Summit also thanked the planners, paper presenters, resource persons and participants.
  • The Summit further commended the support given by the people and government of Cross River State for its success.

Implementation of Millennium Development Goals
In addition to the developmental agenda articulated by the government, the administration of Senator Liyel Imoke was also saddled with the responsibility of    implementing the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). The policies, programmes and initiatives of the Imoke administration, directed towards women, children and the less privileged were also largely aimed at the attainment of the global Millennium Development Goals. The MDGs were derived from the actions and objectives embodied in the Millennium Declaration that was embraced by 189 nations and signed by 147 heads of state and government during the UN Millennium Summit in September 2000. The eight goals constituted the world’s principal development challenges and were set to be achieved by 2015. The following goals were further dissected into 21 determinable targets with 60 indicators: Goal 1: To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger; Goal 2: To achieve universal primary education; Goal 3: To promote gender equality and empower women; Goal 4: To reduce child mortality; Goal 5: To improve maternal health.

Goal 6: To combat HIV/AIDs, malaria and other diseases; Goal 7: To ensure environmental sustainability; Goal 8: To develop a global partnership for development. Members of the UN and about 22 international organizations participated in the adoption of the UN Millennium Declaration.

Collaboration with the House of Representatives
The state government pledged to work with the House of Representatives Committed on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).  The state government had launched some intervention programmes intended to enhance the livelihood of Cross Riverians. Under its healthcare delivery programme, the state had earmarked 150 health centres for renovation. In an interactive session with the House of Representatives Committee on MDGs led by the Deputy Chairman, Hon. Adewale Aribisala, Senator Imoke said that observations made by the Committee would be incorporated into its seven-point agenda, and that the state needed an MDG office with consultants and engineers to achieve its goals.

Senator Imoke took additional steps to actualize the vision set out in the MDGs, namely, the appointment of two new Special Advisers. These were Special Adviser Forestry Biodiversity and Conservation and Special Adviser International Donor Support. They were entrusted with responsibilities relating to the challenges facing the state. According to Senator Imoke, the Special Adviser Forestry Biodiversity and Conservation would ensure the accomplishment of the concept of forest development and conservation. The Special Adviser International Donor Support would collaborate and coordinate all donor programmes, and also assume responsibility in respect of challenges related to the MDGs.

Good Governance

Public Service Reforms
The state government embarked on the training of its public servants in areas deemed necessary. In line with the SERVICOM mandate, the government invested in the enhancement of ICT skills, capacity and human resource development. The administration also institutionalised Due Process in order to ensure greater transparency in the conduct of government business and inspire the confidence of the public. Performance targets had been set via the Medium-Term Sector Strategy (MTSS), and benchmark service delivery for all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs). In its bid to motivate its workforce the government approved promotion across board up to December 2007. It also introduced a vehicle ownership scheme for civil servants.

The government injected new ideas and resources into the management of public transportation. The Department of Public Transportation (DOPT) was created and placed under a Special Adviser. The Department procured and took delivery several Metro-Blue (luxurious) buses to boost public transportation. A new modern taxi service system was introduced and implemented in partnership with private operators. Several taxis were procured for the scheme in phases.

ICT as a Tool for Good Governance
Senator Liyel Imoke sought to enthrone good governance through effective application of ICT in the state. This made the state a destination of choice for investors, businesses, conferences, visitors, tourists, academics, students, researchers and institutions in West Africa. He sought to position Cross River State as a leading model in e-governance. In order to actualise this vision, he introduced     a comprehensive computer training programme as a measure of ensuring good governance and high-quality service delivery at all levels. The Governor, his deputy, cabinet and top-level civil servants were trained at the Information Technology Village, Calabar. According to Senator Imoke, the computer training would harmonise skills in computer knowledge usage and application to enhance efficiency in his government’s resolve to translate its policies, programmes and projects into good governance.

          The Imoke administration embarked on the digitisation of critical sectors of the state. It engaged the services of Smartgov, an ICT firm, to fast-track reforms and to create a state-wide identity management system for residents and companies. This project significantly improved the lives of Cross Riverians. The initiative further enhanced the automation of key ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), revenue collection, issuance of biometric identity cards and reduction in the cost of governance. It also led to a surge in online transactions, access to the internet and other benefits.

Political Inclusiveness
Politically, he operated an all-inclusive administration, which ensured that all shades of opinion and diverse interests were accommodated. This style of governance was consistent with the advice of the Emir of Borgu Kingdom, Niger State, Dr. Haliru Dantoro, Kitoro III (CON). He had counselled Senator Imoke to run an all-inclusive government when he visited him at Government House, Calabar. An inclusive administration gave a sense of belonging and satisfaction to all the ethnic, political and social groups in the state. He had exhibited qualities hardly seen in contemporary Nigerian leaders. That was why some analysts described him as 21st century model for good governance, transformation and exemplary leadership. He had operated an open-door, interactive, grassroots and people-oriented administration, which endeared him to all including his critiques and political opponents.

One remarkable measure initiated by him was the institution of an Elders Consultative Forum as a key advisory committee. As part of a deliberate policy to ensure good governance and inclusiveness, Senator Liyel Imoke inaugurated the Cross River Council of Elders Forum (Elders Forum). He said members of the Elders Forum should rise above ethnic interests, party affiliations and primitive sentiments in the discharge of their advisory functions. He said further:

We also expect that beyond being a forum for the exchange of ideas to aid and strengthen governance, it can become a veritable lobby group for the entire state in all matters affecting its interest; an additional voice you may say for the people of Cross River State.

…it is not enough to rely on the advice of a few technocrats; we equally need to draw from the experience and wisdom of our elders; men and women, who in their various fields served and achieved during their time.

 He also held regular Town Hall meetings. In an address to his assistants in 2008, Senator Imoke stated that public office was a public trust, and that a call to service was the highest responsibility in life.  He believed and still does that governance is all about how the lives of the governed are impacted positively, and that government should be able to touch the lives of those who need it most.  Politically, Senator Liyel Imoke is an asset to Cross River State. His views on national and international issues are highly respected. He had displayed mastery and dexterity in the art or science of good governance. When his election was nullified in 2008, he accepted the verdict as a law-abiding citizen. In a statement issued in Calabar, he said:

I, Senator Liyel Imoke, Governor of Cross River State, hereby acknowledge the verdict of the Electoral Appeal Tribunal delivered in Calabar today, Monday 12th July 2008, nullifying my election of 24th April 2007 as Governor of Cross River State. I wish to state categorically that as a law-abiding citizen, I will respect the rule of law and the Constitution I swore to uphold. In the light of the judgment, I am handing over to the Speaker of the Cross River State House of Assembly until a fresh election is held and an elected Governor subsequently sworn in. I appeal to all Cross Riverians to remain calm and go about their normal duties. Let me use this opportunity to thank all Cross Riverians for the immense support given to my administration within the past year and pray you extend the same to His Excellency, the Acting Governor, the Rt. Hon. Francis Adah. Long live Cross River State! Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

He had laid a solid foundation for sustainable democracy in the   state by addressing the socio-economic needs and aspirations of the people. He believed then and still does in amicable resolution of conflicts through the conference table. This had ensured that political and other forms of misunderstandings within the state were resolved peacefully, amicably and satisfactorily. He became a symbol of unity and rallying point among Cross Riverians.  Senator Imoke is a champion of free and fair elections, who conducted free and fair local government elections in the state. The electoral process in the state continued to improve under his watch, resulting in great confidence in the ballot box and unusually large voter turnout.

Transparency in Public Administration  
          Senator Liyel Imoke had pledged from the outset to be open, transparent, accountable and judicious in its application of public funds. He had made probity and prudence the foundation of his policy formulation and implementation. He believes that people entrusted with public funds must be accountable and transparent in the management of such funds. In other words, the era of profligacy was over. His administration despised corruption in all its ramifications because corruption kills initiatives, discourages investment and promotes poverty; hence the drive to institutionalise accountability and transparency which stands out as the hallmark of good governance.

Senator Imoke invested a lot in security. The investment was predicated on the fact that for the state to attain the status of a preferred destination within the West African sub-region, it must pay high attention to security. The state must not only be secured but the people must be security conscious. Thus, the government moved swiftly to contain the activities of criminals, thus making the state free of militants and kidnappers, and youth restiveness prevalent in the Niger Delta region. It provided security agencies with the needed support and enabling environment to carry out their duties more efficiently and professionally.

Public Appreciation
          The performance of Senator Imoke as Governor of the state received wide public support and applause, alongside numerous awards and honours. The conferment of Doctor of Laws (LLD) Honoris Causa on him by Imo State University speaks volumes. In his citation, the University described Senator Imoke as “political prodigy, model of a patriot, quintessential business magnate, public servant and technocrat.”

In February 2015, the Paramount Ruler of Boki Local Government Area, His Royal Highness Chief Fredaline Akando, remarked that “Imoke is the best thing that has happened to Cross River and particularly Boki in recent past. The infrastructures spread across the area are as a result of Imoke’s kind heart, as he decided to focus on rural transformation since his assumption of office which today has improved the area in terms of development.” 

The Chairman and members of Calabar Municipal Traditional Rulers Council, while extolling Senator Imoke for transforming the socio-economic vista of the state said: “Nobody in this state will deny the fact that dividends of democracy dot all the nooks and crannies of the state. They are things we can feel, touch and even see with our naked eyes as we walk round the state.”

Chapter Two: Behind Every Successful Man
There is no doubt that the achievements of Senator Liyel Imoke were remarkable and unprecedented. However, he could not have achieved so much without the complementary role of his wife, Her Excellency, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. With the Governor to help him actualise this vision was his amiable wife. When Senator Liyel Imoke took up the mantle of leadership of Cross River on May 29, 2007, he did not come alone, but in company of his beloved wife, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. This is because behind every successful man there is a woman; and in the case of Liyel Imoke “a destined and articulate woman”. As the First Lady of Cross River State from 2007 to 2015, she had left indelible footprints on the sands of time.

A glimpse into her profile shows that she was born in Lagos to the family of Dr. Thaddeus Ezeashi, a medical doctor and Nigeria’s first anethesthesiologist      and Mrs. Grace Ezeashi, a nurse, both from Illah in Oshimili Local Government Area of Delta State. She grew up in Enugu and attended Girls High School, Nsukka and Federal Government College, Enugu. She proceeded to the     University of Nigeria, Nsukka and the Nigerian Law School, Lagos, where she obtained a degree in law and thereafter called to the Nigerian Bar.

After her successful academic pursuits, she tested her hard-earned skills in diverse fields of employment, sojourning in the corporate world, before settling down in core entrepreneurship and administration. Recounting Obioma’s corporate experience which began at an early age, Ekwy Uzoanya, aptly states thus:

It was soon after graduation as a young lawyer that she began her career in the firm of Lagos-based General Oil Nigeria Limited. She believed in hard work and herself in her duty. For seven years, she did her job conscientiously until she was made the coordinator for the company and vested with the responsibility of settling up offices in ECOWAS Countries with base in Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire.

She has been described as one with a strong desire to explore new grounds. She later joined the Standard Finance and Investment Limited in 1991. She also demonstrated her investment culture, entrepreneurial skills and business acumen when she left the finance company to assume the prestigious position of Chief Executive Officer of Cecil’s Limited. Uzoanya again narrates Obioma Imoke’s success story in her new venture:

At Cecil’s Limited, it was about custom made kitchen and bathrooms. She found the secret of making money in merchandizing exclusive materials and services. This also explains why she founded the first indigenous supermarket and departmental store in Nigeria Value Mart Discount City Supermarket and Variety Store located in Victoria Island, Lagos. And has remained its CEO.

          Obioma loves trading and became an entrepreneur after resigning from her job. In pursuit of her new career in trading, she established Value Mart, taking after Walmart in the US. Value Mart has derived much of its successes from the managerial prowess of Mrs. Imoke. According to Uzoanya, it “was voted West Africa’s best supermarket in 2005 by the Institute of Direct Marketing of Nigeria. Her ingenuity, industry, indefatigability and persevering disposition culminated in her setting up of an ultra-modern beauty service clinic in Abuja. The establishment of the Surefoot International School in Calabar is another clear attestation to Mrs. Imoke visionary leadership and assiduousness. Multi-talented and unassailable in every area of endeavour, Guardian Woman 2018 describes her as “an attorney, a seasoned administrator, a serial entrepreneur, a child rights crusader, a women’s empowerment facilitator and development activist.”

          The serial entrepreneur is also a family woman. She is happily married to His Excellency, Senator Liyel Imoke, and the marriage is blessed with beautiful children. Her busy schedule as an entrepreneur and administrator has not interfered with the motherly role of raising children and taking care of the home. In this regard, corporate ladies have a lot to learn from her.

          In 2007, Mrs. Imoke assumed the Office of First Lady of Cross River State. This entrusted on her enormous responsibilities. Looking back at her tenure in office, there is no doubt that Cross River State has never had this kind of First Lady that engenders so much love and enjoys unprecedented popularity among the people wherever she goes. Obioma Imoke is a woman of rare character, a humanist, pacifist, and exemplary leader.

          She has been a source of inspiration to many. Much has been said or written of her rare attributes. The attributes of bravery, determination and courage ascribed to her only partially describes the inert virtues with which she is endowed. The hidden treasures embedded in the heart of this woman attributes have helped her to confront and overcome the challenges of life. Her bravery has helped her break any kind of barrier, confront arduousness at all times and succeed where others fail.

Obioma Imoke is known to be very hard working. By dint of hard work, she took herself out of the limitations of life; beyond the reach of customs and gender-based prejudices. She has been described by Uzoanya as a spirited person who “refuses to hold down by any kind of barrier or difficulty wherever she finds herself. Not even the much talked about discrimination against women could slow her down. Barely at the age of 30, she became the chief executive of a corporate body.”

Linus Obogo in a masterpiece titled “Obioma Imoke as a messenger of hope” observed that “She is different things to different people. To some, she is a friend through whom, radiates uncommon warmth. To her husband, she is a loving hind and pleasant roe, the wife of his youth who ravishes him with tender loving care. But to a wider spectrum of Cross Riverians, especially widows and the indigent and abandoned children, she is a total and committed mother, who, like a pullet, must nestle her hatchings from the harsh and inclement weather.”  However, from whatever perspective one may see her, certain attributes make her outstanding and unique. These are love, compassion, care, humanity, simplicity, tolerance, benevolence, charity and passion for service. Obogo, while extolling her rare, ingrained attributes, observed that Mrs. Obioma Imoke represents “an answer to a question, a solution to a problem, a silver lining in a horrendously dark tunnel of life and a necessity in the midst of hopeless millions.”

In the same vein, the famous analyst, Dr. Okpo Ojah, in his article “Nigeria: Obioma Imoke and the Power Project” said she “represents an ideal woman of virtue, a pride of womanhood and an epitome of beauty plus elegance. She is indeed a great model, mentor, a lady with an enduring visionary drive, motivational compass, a shepherding force and above all a champion of the Nigerian women.”

          It is not all about her success story in business, there is also something about Obioma Imoke which has stunned many and left them bewildered. This has to do with her spirit of humanity. She is imbued with the milk of human kindness which has greatly impacted the lives of women, children, orphans, and the less privileged in the society.  Mrs. Obioma Imoke has devoted herself and resources to the enhancement of the quality of life of vulnerable and less privileged people. In this regard, she focused on women because they are vital to family growth and societal development. In assessing this attribute, Mary Akpet states that:

No one touches the heart like a mother. The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke’s untiring efforts at ensuring that our babies get the best chance to live and her exemplary action at presenting her children for immunization, as a measure to soothe the fears of mothers who might be skeptical from hearing the oldwives’ tales on the evils of immunization is captured here for posterity.

Just as she believed in hard work then to enable her start off in life and chart a course for a fulfilled future, she still believes in hard work as the galvanizing force today. But this time around, it is not to promote a corporate entity but more to uplift mankind and assist women overcome their limitations and attain God’s purpose for them in life. Uzoanya states   that:

Within the past one year, the entrepreneur has tackled head-on the challenges facing the children and women through life-changing projects namely partnership opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER), Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA), A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC). While she uses ASFAC and MACA to deliver charitable projects targeted at abandoned babies, their mothers and the needy by providing shelter, food, medical care and training, POWER is the platform on which small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) related projects are managed.

Her interest in philanthropy started early in life, when she exhibited kindness and tender heartedness towards disadvantaged people. Her interest in helping young pregnant girls started when she was young. She had wished someone would help provide them a home where they could have safe delivery. The girls had already made mistakes and needed to “be housed and while there get God into them. Hopefully, they’ll live a better life after that.” 

When she became First Lady, she was distraught by the number of babies being abandoned on the streets. According to Mrs. Imoke “I investigated and found out that girls get pregnant, run from home, put to bed and throw away those babies.” On this basis, she inaugurated MACA, which comprised Refuge Baby and Refuge Girls to rehabilitate the girls and teach them life and vocational skills. As succinctly stated by Mary Akpet “Mrs. Imoke’s compassion to give homes to the lowest of the low – young girls abandoned by family and shunned by all for mistakes committed due to ignorance, and perhaps need, is also shown through her pet project ‘refuge.’”

In the course of the celebration of her golden jubilee, women groups in the state described Mrs. Imoke as a virtuous woman who had positively touched the lives of Cross Riverians. Then State President, National Council of Women Society (NCWS) Rev. Mrs. Grace Ekanem described Mrs. Imoke as its best patron, who had given the group the recognition it desired. Rev. Ekanem further described her as admirable, caring and understanding. She extolled the quintessential woman leader for bringing life to many notwithstanding their background. A Local Government Service Commissioner, Pastor Mrs. Eno Oqua described Mrs. Imoke as a woman with a golden heart, a champion of women and children rights, whose efforts resulted in the passage of the state Child Rights Law and provision of a home for abandoned babies. In his “messenger of hope,” Obogo describes her as mother to the poor and a rare gift to Cross Riverians.

As first lady, she was first among equals: the first to venture into vigorous    and genuine women empowerment projects; the first to pick up abandoned babies and street children and transform their lives into destiny children; the first to draw from the Central Bank of Nigeria Trust Fund since its inception several years ago; the first to win the Central Bank of Nigeria Best First Lady Award for Women Empowerment; the first to take the fight against preventable killer diseases to the grassroots, earning her awards and accolades; and first to bring God into governance, partnering Him to break ancient strongholds, curses and covenants that impede progress in the state.  Arising from her numerous achievements, Guardian Woman 2018 said Mrs. Obioma Imoke has joined the roll call of “change-makers, innovators and female leaders who are breaking boundaries and pushing the limits to what women all over the world can achieve.”

Chapter Three: Our own Mary Slessor

Who will be the Next Mary Slessor?
On May 29, 2007, as part of the inauguration ceremony to usher in the Imoke administration, a drama was performed in honour of the First Lady of the state, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke at the Cultural Centre Complex, Calabar. The show was exclusively packaged for women who also trooped in from across the nation to catch a glimpse of the drama and honour one of their own.

          The title of the drama, which was performed by a group of children, was “Let them Live” and centred on the life and times of the Scottish missionary, Mary Mitchell Slessor, in the Okoyong area of present Odukpani Local Government Area, Cross River State. As reported by Hilda Okoisor, the dramatists said in the ensuing prologue:

Today, another family will shed tears. Today one man will lose his entire family just like that. It’s tragic that a single birth could lead to multiple deaths. I hear the cry of a woman today. She will be put to death for giving birth to two babies at once. How much longer will we continue to suffer?

          Mary Slessor is a household name in Nigeria today. She became popular and famous for her charitable work of stopping the killing of twins in old Calabar. She is today our icon, rare gem and role model. In her report that followed the drama, Hilda Okoisor asked “who will be the next Mary Slessor?”

          When the children performed the drama depicting the activities of Mary Slessor, they did not have Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke in mind. They never knew or contemplated the kind of First Lady she might be or the kind of programmes she might embark upon. To them it was a mere entertainment, re-enacting events of over 100 years ago. Or was the theme of the drama a co-incidence? Seven years into the administration of Senator Liyel Imoke, his wife and State First Lady, had initiated and implemented several life-saving programmes similar to and reminiscent of the life and times of Mary Slessor. 

          These two women have a lot in common: both are caring, loving, God-fearing; both have strived hard to use their resources and God-given talents to save lives and serve humanity; both are labourers in the vineyard of God; they endear followership and inspire leadership; and both are charismatic, pragmatic and visionary. Over seven years into the tenure of the Imoke administration, another Mary Slessor had emerged, one who placed the interest of others above hers, and who mades the pains of others her pains.

Like Mary Slessor, Obioma Liyel Imoke established the Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA) and the Refuge which have saved the lives of many abandoned children and catered for young teenage pregnant girls rejected by their parents and shunned by society. Apart from rescuing these abandoned babies from death, MACA ran an aggressive campaign against child abandonment.

          Mary Slessor was an advocate of women’s rights and particularly condemned the lashing of women. She challenged the system of justice and vehemently opposed the practice of determining guilt by making people drink poison like Mary Slessor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke has championed the cause of women; and has been a voice to thousands of women, who languish in poverty. She has worked tirelessly to empower women as well as celebrate their achievements.

          Mary Slessor was an ambassador of the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, and the beautiful town of Aberdeen. More importantly however, she was an ambassador of the people of old Calabar. Anytime the story of Ma Slessor is told, the Presbyterian Church of Scotland, the town of Aberdeen and the city of Old Calabar will be mentioned and brought into limelight. For the people of Old Calabar, she was ambassador of peace, justice and human rights.

          So, it is with Cross River State and Obioma Liyel Imoke. She has been a true ambassador of the state selling its potentials, endowments and opportunities to the entire world. The story of charity, humanitarianism and women empowerment in contemporary Cross River State will not be complete without reference to the legacy of Obioma Imoke.

          Mary Slessor was a missionary. It was her missionary work that brought her to Old Calabar. She preached and spread the gospel and taught people how to live a useful life. Like Ma Slessor, Obioma Imoke is a “missionary”. She is a strong, committed and devoted Christian who has made God the foundation of her existence, source of strength and pillar of    faith. Like Mary Slessor, she has been one of the labourers in the Lord’s vineyard, helping many lost souls to find Christ and walk in His ways. In her mission, vision and determination to turn around the destinies of women for the better, she founded the Women of Destiny, a ministry of women intercessors. Through   this initiative, destinies of many – women, men and children – have been turned around, and many lives transformed.

          She established the Church at Hephzibah at Government House, Calabar, through which many lives have been touched and saved. Governance in Cross River State has been deeply rooted in the word and fear of God. It has no longer been business as usual. That is why governance is peoples-oriented and has been given a human face; that is why the state has shunned evil, cultism and corruption; that is why the state is marching forward and continues to record successes and victories in all circumstances; that is why in the face of tests, trials,  temptations and tribulations, it continues to trust  and hold firmly unto God as the final solution; and that is why in the face of difficulties, challenges and challenges, the state continues to triumph and remain strong. The wife of the Governor has also been the facilitator of a prayer programme in the state called “Cross River Pray”.

          Another area of comparison is the life-saving initiatives of the two women. Mary Slessor saved the lives of twin babies and established an orphanage for them. Mrs. Obioma Imoke established an orphanage, Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA) where abandoned babies were rescued and cared for. What today’s women and girls do to unwanted babies by abandoning them in gutters and refuse bins to die is not different from killing twin babies, a customary practice in Old Calabar, in Mary Slessor’s time. The difference probably lies in the fact that the twin killers of that time acted out of ignorance and superstition, and before the goods news of Christ could be preached to them. They believed that twins were a curse to their village.

          Today’s women who abandon babies to die after carrying them in the womb for nine months, and undergoing a painful labour, do so out of wickedness, disrespect for human life and lack of fear of God. Despite the existence of orphanages and extensive campaign against such evil practices, the spate of child abandonment continues. Obioma Imoke’s MACA runs daily jingles on radio against child abandonment; and that unwanted babies should be taken to the orphanage where modern facilities are provided for their care.

          Mary Slessor’s campaign against abandonment and killing of twin babies initially yielded partial results due to opposition. Later, the result was total. Today, about 100 years after her demise, she is remembered and commemorated all over the world. Obioma Imoke has equally recorded a limited success in her crusade against abandonment of unwanted babies. She too has been a victim of a campaign of calumny. Though the success of her efforts may now be partial, eventually it will be total. The foundation she has laid will always provide the impetus for further action on the issue. And like Mary Slessor, her efforts will be remembered, spoken of, and etched in gold   in the years to come.

          Mary Slessor campaigned for the rights of women. She was able to stop acts of brutality, violence, killings and public flogging of women. Obioma Imoke matches this quality very well. She abhors violence against women and is a strong advocate of the rights and empowerment of women. She loves, celebrates and encourages the achievements of women.

          Mary Slessor had a strong personality which enabled her to stand up to the chiefs and condemn acts of wickedness against women and children. Slessor was a motivational speaker and spoke Efik, main language of the Calabar people, fluently. She used the power of language to dissuade the people from evil. Like Mary Slessor, Obioma Imoke possesses a strong personality and charismatic attributes. She looks imposing yet subtle, powerful but harmless. She is a motivational speaker as well. But unlike Mary Slessor, Obioma Imoke might not be fluent in Efik language, one of the first languages of Christianity and trade in pre-colonial Nigeria. Perhaps she is still learning the language. On this point, Mary Slessor outscores her. But Mrs. Imoke has made up for this by having a good and authoritative command of Mary Slessor’s native language – English. One needs to listen to her address an audience in English; and depending on the circumstance, event or the level of literacy of her audience, she can switch over to Pidgin English to drive home her point.     

Partnership was a tool Mary Slessor used effectively. She collaborated with the chiefs and government to stop heinous practices such as killing of twins and banishment of their mothers, trial by ordeal, burying slaves alive alongside the chiefs and gross violation of the rights of women. POWER, the pet project of Mrs. Imoke, is about building partnership. No one can go it alone in this ‘global village’ and succeed optimally. As the saying goes, ‘a tree cannot make a forest.’ The First Lady, through POWER, has built a partnership with like-minded organisations, individuals and government to enhance the socio-economic and political status of women and bring succour to deprived children and the less privileged in the society.  

The life and activities of Mary Slessor match those of Mrs. Obioma Imoke in many respects except perhaps in the aspect of the game of golf. Obioma Imoke likes and plays golf and has a strong passion for the game. There is no record to ascertain whether Mary Slessor was a golf player. Even if she was, there was probably no golf course in then Old Calabar, and/or she might have been too busy settling local feuds and communal squabbles or spreading the gospel to have had time for recreation. However, the absence of the game of golf in Ma Slessor’s profile, which has brought a little contrast between her and Mrs. Imoke, has been made up by the institution of an annual charity golf tournament in her honour.

          Christened Mary Slessor Charity Golf Tournament, Obioma Imoke instituted the tournament in December 2008 to raise money to save the lives of abandoned babies, the kind of project Ma Slessor would have embarked upon if she were still alive. Thus, even as she rests in the bosom of the Lord in Heaven, Mary Slessor is assured that her efforts were not in vain and would be appreciative of the humanitarian works of Mrs. Imoke and the honour done to her.

Our own Mary Slessor
Against the backdrop of her humanitarian efforts, the Cross River State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Ntufam John Okon (as he then was), described Mrs. Obioma Imoke as “Our Own Mary Slessor.” He compared Mrs Imoke to legendary Mary Slessor, the celebrated Scottish missionary who fought for the rights of women and children and saved the lives of twin babies. Mrs. Obioma Imoke exhibited a similar attribute, which made her the champion of women and children’s rights, and a defender of the weal, poor and oppressed. In his tribute at the opening ceremony of the skill acquisition programme of the wife of former chairman of Akamkpa Local government Area, Mrs. Maureen Nkiri, Ntufam John Okon appreciated the benevolent work of Mrs. Obioma Imoke, which had given hope and support to the hopeless, vunerable and disadvantaged members of the society.

Driven by humanity and passion for women and children, Mrs. Imoke engineered the passage of the state Child Rights Law and rehabilitation of homeless street children, among many other humanitarian gestures. In spite of any campaign of defamation against her, like Mary Slessor who was insulted in the course of saving lives, Mrs. Imoke had remained focused and undaunted. The former PDP state Chairman therefore described her as the Mary Slessor of our time.    


Chapter Four: The POWER Concept 
          Women in Cross River State like their counterparts in other parts of the nation, face discrimination and marginalization in most aspects of human endeavour. They are on daily basis exposed to abuse, violence and trafficking. Women in the state make up almost 50 percent of a population of about four      million people of which about 72 percent reside in the rural areas. Most of these women are into subsistence farming and petty trading for their livelihood.

          These women are very hard working, resourceful and endowed with great potentials. Many of them are the bread     winners in their homes. They run their homes and provide for the welfare of their families. They go to the bush market, procure food items and other agricultural produce and transport to the urban markets. With these earnings, they are able to feed and sustain their families, settle house rents, pay school fees for the children and undertake other financial responsibilities traditionally reserved for men. Women have ventured into fields of endeavour and professions hitherto exclusively dominated by men. Many have acquired powerful and intimidating credentials, manifested their potentials in top carriers and excelled in management positions.

          Following this successful and amiable performance of the women, a good number of men have abdicated their social and economic responsibilities in the home. Yet instead of showing love and gratitude to their women, they are turned into punch bags.

          The Cross River woman can achieve much more than she has done now, if she is empowered. Majority of women resides in the rural areas and are involved in agriculture. A sizeable population is educated but jobless. Those who can embark on private ventures have no financial resources to do so. These women can achieve a lot if they are financially mobilized and their potentials well harnessed. They can achieve their goals, actualize their vision and manifest their true and natural endowments if deliberate and concerted efforts are channeled into women empowerment programmes.

          Driven by the multiplicity of problems and challenges confronting the women of Cross River State, the First Lady, Her Excellency, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, launched an intervention programme to address them. Women empowerment initiative is not a new phenomenon. It has been around by different nomenclature. But what is new and different now is that Mrs. Imoke has gone beyond lips service and rhetoric to concrete, visible and practical achievements. She decided to take the bull by the horn and face up to the challenges confronting women in the state. As the First Lady aptly noted during the 2009 International Women’s Day celebration, it was necessary for women to be celebrated because of their role in the society. She has not only celebrated women, she also empowers them.

          The women empowerment drive of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke is in line with and supportive of the efforts, policies and programmes of Senator Liyel Imoke’s administration directed towards women, children and the less privileged, and consistent with the attainment of global Millennium Development Goals. In his inaugural address on May 29, 2007, the Senator Imoke committed himself to ensuring sustainable gender empowerment in the state. It was in the spirit of the realization of this vision that Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke launched the Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER) or, as it has been pointed out by a writer, “that was the tonic his wife Obioma needed to spring into action” Put differently, POWER is a Millennium Development Goal initiative that seeks to empower the women of Cross River State to take advantage of the developmental drive and ample opportunities created by the Administration of Senator Liyel Imoke.

POWER Flagged off in Ogoja
          The First Lady displayed the milk of human kindness when, in 2007, she launched her pet project to support the women of Cross River State, eliminate the vestiges of poverty and assist in the realization of the vision of Governor Imoke. The project named Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER) was flagged off in Ogoja in the Northern Senatorial District of Cross River State on Saturday October 27, 2007. The wife of the Governor set out her strategy against the scourge of poverty to include the establishment of small-scale industries; provision of market for the bountiful agricultural products; adult literacy programme; and training of women.

          The initiator of POWER told the women that the project would not dole out money to them because it was not sustainable to do so. According to her:

I am not a bank. I would give value to women’s lives by ensuring that their products find ready markets at the local and international markets. We are also going to build small scale industries, provide plantain cutting machines, garri frying equipment, good preservation and packaging facilities to make our agricultural products attractive at the international market.

          The Mrs. Imoke stated that the emphasis was on the women because they were most susceptible and most affected by poverty. She stressed the cardinal role of women in feeding the family: “when a woman cooks food, the son eats there, the father, the mother in-law, the father in-law and the sister in-law feed there too”. In prosecuting the project, POWER set up offices in all the wards across the state with a network of field workers to register women and help them with advice and counseling. From each ward, twenty women were chosen. The First Lady, however, assured them that “every single woman who registers will be empowered. To register is free because POWER is to put money in the hands of women and not to take money from them”. The speech was highly inspirational and emotional and full of optimism. The women responded with cheers, ovation and applause. It was a message of life and hope. The Chair of POWER stated further that “they have told us that our state is the tourism destination, when we are empowered, we can go to the Ranch, we can go to Tinapa and Jolly and nobody will molest us”. It was also an opportunity for her to dole out pieces of advice on successful marriage peaceful and happy home were given to the women. The First Lady counseled them not to fight with their husbands but use dialogue in settling family feuds. “When the light is out and you tell your husband what you want, he will not reject it, but if you want to fight him because you are empowered do not count on me”.

          Other prominent speakers at the occasion included Mrs. Rose Oko and Mr. Peter Ojei. Mrs. Oko said over seventy percent of those affected by poverty were women and that POWER “has keyed into what is happening globally as efforts across the globe are concentrated on fighting the poverty scourge among the women”. She stated that POWER will successfully tackle the menace of poverty among women by empowering them. Peter Ojei, who was the Deputy State Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), said that the Party was in support of the project since its successful execution will transform into success for the state and for the Party.

Unveiling of POWER                                                                                                                                                
The process of actualization of the concept of POWER moved to the next level when Mrs. Obioma Imoke unveiled the project to the media in Calabar on November 6, 2007. The interactive session with the media was held at the Metropolitan Hotel, Calabar with Mrs. Adesuwa Onyenokwe, renowned television journalist, hostess of popular TV Shows, One-on-One and Today’s Woman, as the compere.

          The First Lady stated that she conceptualised the setting up of POWER after her husband’s victory in the gubernatorial election and was desirous of helping him accomplish the mandate he was entrusted with. She was also inspired by the desire to boost the quality of life of women in the state, equip them economically so that a woman does not have to depend entirely on her husband in the task of running the home.

          She acknowledged the traditional hardworking attribute and resourcefulness of the Cross River woman. Mrs. Imoke said the sustainability of the project after the tenure of the present administration was of utmost importance in her mind. In order to address this challenge, POWER has been duly incorporated under the Companies and Allied Matters Act. With this step, it is expected that the Cross River State House of Assembly will confirm and formalise it as a positive gender empowerment scheme for the benefit of the women of Cross River State.

          The First Lady further outlined the vision behind POWER. It will function as company with incubation centres set up in local government areas. There will also be established processing centres where some of the farm produce, which otherwise would have been wasted, would be processed, packaged and transported to local and international markets. Foods packaged in Nigeria are very popular and sought after the world over, but due to inadequate packaging for these markets they are absent in food stores overseas. In the respect, POWER will be of tremendous assistance to the farmers.

          The incubations centres will be provided with modern apparatus, gadgets and devices that could process fruit juice and tin tomatoes, among others. POWER will procure a shop at the Tinapa to act as an outlet for its products. The initiator of POWER said that the question may be as to why she was empowering the women. And she said why not.  She said the woman has worked vigorously and spiritedly, usually with negligible resources to sustain and keep the family together. And with the woman’s endowments from God, she wraps and shields her husband and children with love, protection and caring. This was what the former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, had in mind when he said, “there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women.” Thus Mrs. Imoke through the pet project will not only empower the woman, but she will also consistently encourage her by celebrating her success. Put lucidly, her vision “is to put power in the hands of the woman.” She said, “POWER is not about me, it’s about the women of Cross River State.”

          The POWER project, she stated, will get under way with a conference in that November. The conference was also intended to kick-start POWER before proceeding to various communities where the participants were to register in their wards. According to the First Lady, “a POWER conference has been scheduled to flag off this programme. We are also exploring partnership with accomplished resource persons and mentors to empower these women with knowledge, skill and guidance. We also seek support in the form of capacity building, funding and material provisions.” The conference will have in attendance the wife of the Nigerian President, Hajia Turai Yar’Ardua, who will officially make public the emblem of the project before declaring open the conference. Mrs. Imoke said.

POWER Launched by Nigerian First Lady
          The First Lady displayed the milk of human kindness when in October 2007, she launched her pet project to support the women of Cross River State and assist in the realisation of the vision of Governor Liyel Imoke. The project named Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER), was commissioned in November 2007, by the former First Lady of Nigeria, Hajia Turai Musa Yar’Adua.

          The former First Lady of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Hajia Turai Musa Yar’Adua accorded official recognition, endorsement and blessing to POWER. Since its inception, the pet project had received wide acceptance and acclamation as well as turned out to be the rallying point for women in the state.

          Wife of the former president of Nigeria, Hajia Turai Yar’Adua was in Calabar on November 8 to open POWER Conference, unveil POWER logo as well as perform foundation laying ceremony in respect of some POWER projects initiated by the Cross River State First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke. Hajia Yar’Adua who praised Mrs. Obioma Imoke and her husband Senator Liyel Imoke for embarking on such a laudable programme, said during the opening of the conference and unveiling of POWER at the Cultural Centre, Calabar that the project will bring about quality changes and enhance better living standards among the poor. She said POWER had the prospects for improving the fortunes and conditions of women, children and the society as a whole; and therefore, urged other governor’s wives to emulate Mrs. Imoke’s empowerment in order to create a positive effect on the lives of the people. Hajia Yar’Adua appealed to national and international organisations for support and sponsorship to allow Mrs. Imoke realise the objectives of POWER, which she prayed would enhance the pecuniary status of humanity.

          The State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, remarked that the presence of Hajia Yar’Adua at the POWER Conference was gracious and very significant for POWER in the state. He said POWER was well conceptualised, with great expectations, but without government funding. The Governor stated that the pet project had created an excellent opportunity for women to grow, progress and flourish in business. It was not just a matter of creating awareness, he said, but an opening to teach and inform the women on the ways and means of empowering themselves. This initiative had no political alignment or interest but was designed to empower Cross River State women who epitomize workers in the society.

          In the aspect of the major role women play in sustaining and maintaining the family, Governor Imoke concurred with his wife that Cross River women are committed, focused and industrious. They can complement the effort of the government to develop the economy and the populace and should therefore be invigorated particularly those that need government most.

          The state government will build a partnership with POWER in order to realize its laudable goals as well as encourage sponsors and partners to take part in the programme, Senator Imoke said. He paid tribute to Hajia Yar’Adua and other wives of governors who graced the occasion. They had added value, support and approval for a smooth launch of the empowerment programme.

          On her part, the initiator of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Imoke stated that the programme had four essential elements, specifically, Agriculture, Merchandizing, Creative Arts and Travelling and Tourism. The programme, she said, was designed with entrepreneurial objectives to develop women in the state in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals and complement the effort of Governor Liyel Imoke in that   respect. She stated that her husband had promised in his inaugural address on May 29, 2007, to put human development first. That promise inspired the birth of POWER which was designed to institute training opportunities for women. POWER will train women in agriculture, processing and marketing of their produce. Merchandising will be founded on development of business with prominence on importation and exportation which will support a web of businesses.

          The First Lady of Cross River State expressed POWER’s intention to establish an art village as well as offer assistance to women involved in creative arts in finding markets for their products. POWER, she said, will also be committed to developing women and getting them involved in travelling and tourism. The state Christmas festival and Calabar carnival will create ample opportunities for women to empower themselves. The State First Lady paid tribute to her husband, Senator Liyel Imoke, corporate organizations and individuals for identifying with and sharing in the vision and philosophy of POWER.

          In a keynote speech entitled “Broadening Access to Financial Support for Female Small Business Owners,” the Managing Director Bank of Industry, Mrs. Evelyn Oputu, stated that women could have access to financial assistance by forming themselves into cooperatives and large business enterprises. She asserted that women were making considerable and significant ingress into politics, a fact which should be recognised and given prominence by increasing the number of women political appointees in government. Her argument for the empowerment of women was predicated on the fact that women with gainful employment raise better children and could provide food for the family. Mrs. Oputu lauded Mrs. Imoke for inaugurating the empowerment project and enjoined other first ladies to imitate her footsteps.

The Mission of POWER
POWER was inaugurated with the following objectives:

  • to sustainably empower the woman economically, socially, spiritually and politically.
  • to create opportunity for partnership and networking among the entrepreneurial class, from the uneducated grassroots women to the elitist urban dwellers.
  • to create access to knowledge, elicit support and enhance projects centered on the realization of sustainable women development; and
  • to introduce education through female adult literacy programmes

The complementary role of the project has been lucidly   articulated in the vision of the First Lady and the passion behind it. According to her as her husband’s helpmate and foremost supporter, she stands firmly beside him in his efforts to move the state forward. She says, “it is this passion that has given birth to POWER”. She states further that POWER is not about her, it is about the women of Cross River State. Her vision of POWER is to see these women able to achieve and sustain a standard of living that is above average. According to the First Lady:

I see a people able to live fruitful and healthy lives; I see a people who can be all they want to be; using their God-given talents to empower themselves and create lasting legacies for their families; I see a people transformed by knowledge, skill, opportunity and success.

She promised to transform the lives of the women through knowledge, skill acquisition and opportunities.

          Cross River State is a home to diverse ethnic groups and Calabar its capital is a land of many firsts. The topography is immense, natural, beautiful and resourceful. The Obudu Ranch Resort is one of the finest tourist destinations in the world. The Tinapa is a world class integrated business resort in West Africa. The state is like “a beautiful female adorned with an abundance of physical and spiritual beauty, strength and resilience”. Besides, Cross River State parades an array of beautiful, hardworking, resourceful, talented, enterprising and real women. What POWER seeks to do is to harness these potentials, attributes and endowments.

          This vision will be achieved by exposing these tireless mothers, sisters and daughters of Cross River State to empowerment and sustainable development opportunities. Thus, the First Lady’s project was specially packaged to transform the lives and destinies of the women of the state through divergent and bountiful opportunities to be ushered in by POWER. As aptly stated by Mrs. Imoke, POWER is designed to:

  • teach the woman better skills.
  • expose her to better financial assistance.
  • expose her to improved capacity building techniques to enhance her business and make her products readily and consistently available to broader markets within and outside Nigeria.
  • create conducive family focused working environments like industrial parks and incubation centres, where the family can work together and profitably too; and
  • consistently encourage the woman by celebrating her success.

Chapter Five: POWER in Action
          The First Lady of Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, has taken her pet project outside the realms of rhetoric often associated with such programmes in the past. She has injected life and impetus into POWER and turned it into an instrument of growth, development and progress. POWER’s timeline has been eventful, chronological and pregnant with numerous achievements. It has also had challenges trailing it.

          The pet project initiated a POWER walk in Ogoja on October 27, 2007. This was followed by a POWER conference from November 6-9, 2007, for the take-off of the programme. This was likened to the Beijing International Conference on Women 1995. According to Ekwy Uzoanya, “she recreated Beijing conference in Cross River State during POWER conference 2007, an economic summit of its own kind. The impact of that economic and non-political conference had on women of Cross River State was enormous. As a follow-up, capacity building workshop for SMEs conducted around the state by POWER. This organisation also qualified about 135 farmers for micro-credit loan.

          The POWER conference coordinator said it was designed to kick-start the project in various localities in the start. As she stated, it was “a platform that created an opportunity for partnership and networking among the entrepreneurial class from the educated, grassroots women to elitist urban dwellers, corporate entities and development agencies”. Women who took part in the conference were exposed to ways and means of enhancing their businesses through better skills, financial assistance and capacity building techniques.

          In an expository analysis of the entrepreneurial drive and humanitarian disposition of Mrs. Obioma Imoke, Uzoanya opines that “there are the visionary and entrepreneurial strides that stand the Cross River State First Lady out in uplifting womanhood. She can relate to the lamentations of the women because she has been there before”. POWER sought to acquaint itself with the problems, prospects and challenges that the women of Cross River State have to contend with daily. In this regard, it embarked on a tour of the 18 local government areas of the state in order to appraise as well as ascertain the needs of the women. The trip was also utilized to sensitize women and make them more appreciative of the programmes of POWER.

Building Partnerships
          POWER is about partnership and collaboration. This principle has remained its cornerstone and source of strength. The NGO, in its bid to increase cassava yields and earnings for farmers collaborated with the State Ministries of Agriculture, Women Affairs and Finance in a joint cassava project. The vision behind this joint initiative was ultimately to establish an ethanol refinery in Cross River State. In the short and medium term, however, the pooling of resources will witness an astronomical increase in cassava production, processing and packaging. This will also create profitable markets for cassava products locally and internationally. In addition to the afore-mentioned Ministries, the NGO has initiated discussions with other ministries and Agencies of Government on ways of adding value to and improving on the quality of life of Cross Riverians. These include the State Planning Commission, Ministry of Youths and Sports, Rural Development Agency, the Chairmen of local government councils and the Niger Delta Development Commission.

          In another visionary and entrepreneurial stride, POWER refurbished and commissioned cassava processing factory on March 28, 2008, at Itigidi. The Standards Organization of Nigeria (SON) carried out several satisfactory tests on the products from the factory and thereafter presented a certificate to Mrs. Obioma Imoke for the cassava flour being produced by the POWER initiative. SON stated that the product had met its standard.

          During the presentation of certificate to Mrs. Obioma Imoke in Calabar, a director of SON in charge of laboratory services, Mr. Louis Njoku, showered encomiums on the First Lady and POWER for their relentless efforts at ensuring that the cassava flour from the factory met the standard of SON. As he put it:

getting certificate for a product from SON is not a one-day thing; it required hard work. I am happy that you met SON standards in this direction. We are not presenting this certificate to you because you are the owner of the NGO but because the products from the factory have met SON standard after we conducted several tests on the products.         

          In her response, Mrs. Imoke thanked all those who helped to make the dream a reality. Looking very happy, joyous and fulfilled, she thanked “God Almighty for the vision, enablement and strength to pursue the vision”. She expressed gratitude to persons who contributed in one way or the other towards the realization and actualization of the vision, particularly her husband, Governor Liyel Imoke for his encouragement. She also thanked the women of Cross River State for keying into the project and the POWER team for travelling at short notices and responding to late night calls anytime an urgent matter was at hand.

          The presentation of the certificate marked a great stride in her strife to empower and pursue the wellbeing of women of Cross River State. On this occasion, the First Lady was visibly elated and excited. Other dignitaries at the presentation ceremony were the wife of the State Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, wives of State Commissioners, wives of local government chairmen in the state and Special Advisers to the Governor, among others.

          In another empowerment drive, POWER procured an ultra-modern cassava processing facility situated at Okpudu in Yala Local Government Area which has been churning out cassava flour, garri, odourless fufu and starch. The International Institute for Tropical Agriculture provided opportunity for partnership in managing the Yala cassava processing facility. As observed by Uzoanya, the First Lady “grabbed the opportunity and passed it to the women”. The Okpudu cassava processing outfit has created jobs for the women in particular and the local populace in general, in addition to opening a large market for cassava products. This was intended to be a model whose success story will be recreated by POWER in other parts of the state.

          Apart from its successful investment in cassava products, including upgrading a garri processing centre to a full-fledged cassava processing factory and providing farm inputs to women for cassava cultivation, POWER embarked on the building of a rice mill in Abi Local Government Area and oil palm mill in Akamkpa Local Government Area. An oil mill was to be sited in Odukpani Local Government Area as well. Vegetable farmers have also been part of the support programme of POWER.

          The other empowerment programmes of POWER in the agricultural sector included acquisition of fertilizer, cassava cuttings, rain boots and hand gloves for distribution to women at subsidized rates through registered POWER cooperative societies. The scope of business enterprise had gone beyond cultivation of crops. According to Uzoanya:

cashing in on the abundance of fruits and vegetable in Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke is building a modern fruit and vegetable market at 8th mile, Calabar to create market for SMEs involved in fruit and vegetable farming, processing and packaging. The market when fully operational will create additional market linkages for the farmers and processors. That market will create business for over 2,000 SMEs along the chain and contribute at least two percent to the current state gross earnings from agricultural sector as revenue.

Through her initiatives and the support of POWER, women involved in SMEs have enhanced and profited more from their businesses. She is not just teaching them how to eat fish, but how to catch, sell and profit from fish. Uzoanya also states that “within the past one year, she has created over 400 entrepreneurs and is mentoring many more”.

POWER Products
          POWER products involved packaging. This included POWER palm oil, POWER plantain chips and POWER plantain flour. Already POWER garri has been in the market for some time and is very nutritious.  In order to upgrade their products to a world class, POWER embarked on an internationally acceptable packaging of the products. The aspect of packaging meant the National Agency for Food and Drugs Administration (NAFDAC) would be involved in the registration of the products. POWER had already embarked on the registration processes for its cassava products with NAFDAC.

Access to Micro Credit
          One of the objectives of POWER which has been pursued vigorously is the facilitation of access to micro finance for women. In order to assist women farmers in the state, POWER     secured a N100 million trust fund. Mrs. Imoke, who made the   announcement in Calabar, said it had been a herculean task securing bank loans to enhance the investments of the rural women in agriculture. The First Lady disclosed that POWER was sourcing for loan from financial houses for the invigoration of agriculture in the state and that the administrators of the programme were compiling a list of cooperative societies to benefit from the loan. She stated that the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) donated N10 million to POWER when it was inaugurated in 2007, another laudable effort to support a noble cause.

POWER Micro Credit Agricultural Loan
           In March 2009 more than 70 women cooperative groups in the state were empowered by Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke through her NGO, POWER. Under the Agriculture Micro Credit Scheme, cheques of N500,000 were given to each of the women cooperative groups. This represented a new source of hope and opportunities to the women groups. Under the terms of the facility, 40 percent of the total sum will be written off on the timely repayment of the loan.

          The wife of the Governor and founder of POWER who initiated the credit facility, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke said “we met the various groups, the chairpersons of all the 18 local government areas, the Women Development Officers (WDOs) and women cooperative societies and concluded that the best option was to deal with the cooperatives. Our breakthrough came when we entered into an agreement and signed a memorandum of understanding with the Central Bank of Nigeria to draw from its Agricultural Trust Fund Module in a tripartite arrangement with Oceanic Bank PLC and First Bank of Nigeria PLC”. The First Lady enjoined the women groups to ensure that they used the facilities prudently and judiciously. In this way, they can make progress and advance to a higher position in farming. According to her “indeed my greatest joy will be to see the Cross River Woman Succeed in her business, contribute immensely to her family income, while strengthening our capacity to make Cross River State fit for a child”.

The facilitator of the loan and founder of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Imoke said she was motivated to empower women when she realised that about 72 percent of women in Cross River State were farmers. The Head of Development Finance, Central Bank of Nigeria Calabar Branch, Mr. Donatus Etim, said the micro credit scheme, which started since 1974 had never witnessed any award till then. On her part Chief Executive Officer of Ocean Bank (as she then was) Chief (Mrs.) Cecilia Ibru prayed God to give them wisdom strength and ability to farm successfully for their development.

The Cross River State for Agriculture, Mr. Sam Uju, lauded POWER for giving opportunities to women to rise and shine and create an enabling environment for all. Some members of POWER team explained the benefits of POWER to farmers in the state: “POWER has impacted the lives of women positively. Before the issue of micro credit, or what you are witnessing today, we took the pains of going through the local government areas to train them on how to manage these resources when they come into their hands.” The General Manager of Cross River Broadcasting Corporation (CRBC), Dr. (Mrs.) Theresa Essien had this to say:

I see that it is so heart-warming to see that so many women would be taken off that poverty list. Because this action might look simple today, but it is creating a better tomorrow for the women, and for the children and of course the men of Cross River State. Because once you are able to take of the needs of women, you find that you have taken care of almost 80 to 90 percent of the society’s problems.

The beneficiaries of the micro credit bank loan lauded the scheme and thanked Mrs. Obioma Imoke, and prayed that “make their families grow and better their lives. The POWER programme which was not funded by government was to enable women to develop, progress and be productive members of the society.    

          The support for rural women farmers in the state by the First Lady has never been in doubt and has not waned. Such support has been more practical than theoretical, manifesting in several ways including the provision of equipment that would increase their yields and reduce wastage. Female farmers in the state were highly elated when POWER procured and distributed six POWER Trams to them. The First Lady once again proved her resilience, doggedness and uncompromising posture towards factors that impede or act as hurdles to the full realization of the potentials of women farmers. The provision of the POWER Trams was predicated on Her Excellency’s candid principle that “if you cannot get your goods out to the market, you cannot get good money for your sweat”. Uzoanya rationalizes the investment in transportation:

Transportation system is either non-existent in rural areas or are too expensive for the poor rural farmers especially women, and as such trek miles with tones of load on their head, Obioma is doing something about this in Cross River State. She developed a people and goods transport linkage system that goes from wheelbarrows to tricycles (POWER Trams), pickup truck and finally to big lorries that are built to be people and goods friendly.

SMEs are major beneficiaries of this system. Transportation system of this kind adds hope of survival of many SMEs that depend on the broken public transport system. On the overall plan, every Local Government Area will get four big trucks, many POWER Trams and many wheelbarrows at subsidised rates.

          The six POWER Trams were intended to minimise the huge challenges encountered by these women in the course of evacuating their farm produce. The POWER Trams in addition, will tackle the problems of transportation to and from farms, mills and markets. Female farmers were happy and appreciative of this benign and courageous step to put smiles on their faces and for making the difficulties facing them in the rural areas one of the First Lady’s priorities.

          The POWER Trams were part of a pilot scheme which would essentially transform the agricultural landscape with respect to female farmers in the state and ultimately turn around their fortunes.  In her remark at the inauguration of the vehicles, the initiator of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Imoke stated that the state government was determined to combat poverty by empowering Cross Riverians, particularly women. In this regard, POWER was playing a complementary role by adding value to womanhood, alleviating their suffering and pains and identifying with their endeavours to furnish their families with essential needs.

          The Founder/Chair of POWER opined that rural women bore the burden of producing the greater part of the food consumed in urban areas and lamented the suffering they were undergoing while transporting their produce from very bad and sometimes in accessible, topography to the location of the market or where they were processed. Evacuating the farm produce remained a matter of grave concern to the First Lady. The absence of transportation to convey them from the farms implied the perishing, wastage or loss of a larger output. Such colossal loss touched on the heart of Mrs. Imoke when in her characteristic magnanimity and ingenuity; she presented the six POWER Trams to four local government areas at Itigidi in Abi Local Government Area. The beneficiaries were Akamkpa, Odukpani, Abi and Yala.

POWER Trams provided the much-needed solution that would address the critical need for convenient, compact and handy means for shuttling food products and other farm produce around, from the farms to the markets as well as the factories. The management of the POWER Trams was vested in the Chairmen of the local government areas. This, the First Lady said, would ensure that the vehicles were managed efficiently.

Giving of Life Option to Widows (GLOW)
Widows in the state, as in other parts of Nigeria, are exposed to hardship, discrimination, violence, rejection, poverty and harmful widowhood rites. Many are disinherited and denied access to property belonging to their late spouses. The plight of widows is now a matter of international concern. The inaugural International Widows Day was observed in 2011. It is a day set aside to reflect on the sufferings and pains of widows and find ways of mitigating the harsh conditions and experiences they are often subjected to.  Some widows have been condemned to destitution and forgotten by their family members, including children. But one person who did not forget them while in office as First Lady was Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. In her magnanimity and benevolence, she initiated humanitarian programmes to assist them generate income and improve their living standards. Touched by the plight of widows in Cross River State, she initiated the Giving of Life Option to Widows (GLOW) in June 2012.

          Project GLOW became one of the projects managed by POWER, the umbrella body for women empowerment in the state. Through the GLOW project the Founder/Board Chair of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, has made a deliberate attempt to generate sustainable wealth for widows. Her aim of empowering widows is, among others, to complement her husband’s efforts in taking government to those who need it most.

          Widows in Nigeria are among vulnerable groups who need government most. Since the project was launched Mrs. Imoke has put smiles on the faces of widows. The GLOW project has presented sewing machines with thousands of naira to indigent widows in the state. At the handing, out ceremony which took place at the POWER Head Office in Calabar, Mrs. Imoke stated that the presentation was made possible by the cooperation between POWER, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) and the State Government. The beneficiaries were drawn from the 18 local government areas.

          The Governor’s wife, while wishing them well, said that the machines were to enable them to earn a living, and should not be sold. They should use the sewing machines judiciously to improve their lives. She reiterated that GLOW was designed to enhance the socio-economic status of widows through sustainable means of support, economic empowerment and business development so that they can have a happy and fulfilled life after the demise of their husbands. According to the First Lady, “your lives will not end after the death of your husbands, if you use these equipments judiciously”. Mrs. Imoke said she will do more for the widows in many other areas if they satisfy her that they have put the machines to a proper and profitable us. The Executive Director of POWER, Tammie Kammonke, said the handing out of the sewing machines to the helpless widows was Mrs. Imoke’s way of identifying with their plight.   

          Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke said GLOW was aimed at mitigating the impact of widowhood, especially for those whose condition makes them very vulnerable.

Widows occupy a special place in God’s agenda. God has put this burden in our heart to intervene and reduce the burden they carry to the extent to which we have the ability to do.

The vision of this project is encapsulated in its name, GLOW, which is Giving Life Options to widows. That way, they will be able to confront all malaise they content with such as poverty, discrimination, stigmatisation, vulnerability to diseases and loss of self-esteem.

We did a symbolic intervention today to commemorate the international widows’ day, but our plan is to teach them how to fish and not necessarily giving them fish so as to change their lives for real.

Widowhood is not the end of the world. Our slogan is Keeping Hope Alive. Life should not end because their husbands died. We are here to protect their right and by the grace of God, life continues after.

          Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke donated six-wheel chairs to physically challenged women to ameliorate their sufferings and also distributed foodstuffs and clothing materials to widows in the state. Speaking at the commemoration of 2012 International Widows Day in Calabar, Governor Imoke announced that 980 widows were part of the programme, tagged ‘SAFETY-NET’ which is instituted for the most vulnerable in the society, with a monthly stipend and skill acquisition.

The Wife of the Governor maintained that the micro credit scheme for women was aimed at assisting widows to end their poverty situation. She also advised widows to form Widows Association both at local and state levels to enable the state government ascertain the number of widows in the state and plan for them.

Empowering Widows through Forever Living Products
          The wife of the Governor took another giant step in the empowerment of widows in the state when she registered them as distributors and marketers of products of Forever Living Product (FLP). Mrs. Imoke, who is also a distributor and marketer of FLP, stated that the business will empower the widows and provide them with a steady income.

          Addressing the distributors and marketers of FLP in Calabar, the wife of the Governor said that “Forever Products are not sold in pharmacies, chemists or departmental stores therefore these widows were registered into the FLP network and have become effective distributors and marketers of the products in the state. There are no limitations or barriers for anyone who wants to succeed in the business of Forever Living Products distributorship; the network stands out among other marketing networks in the world, and I recommend it to everyone”.

Project AWAKE
          Project Awake was launched to promote sustainable economic development in communities through a gender focused intervention strategy. It is a community based agricultural scheme built on a partnership between POWER and the Cross River State Microfinance and Enterprise   Development Agency (MEDA) and the Bank of Agriculture.

          The project was conceived under the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) III intended to minimize poverty and hunger in communities in Cross River State, promote gender equality and empower women. According to the Director of Project Awake, Rosemary Achonwa, it was designed to be operative from 2012 to 2015 in the 18 local government areas of Cross River State. Under the scheme 400 women cooperatives of 10 members each were the targeted beneficiaries. This would lead to the creation of 4,000 “Agribusiness” or “Agripreneurs” in the state.

            Project Awake has recorded a number of achievements. As of April 2014, it had spent the sum of over 98 million naira as loans to 187 cooperatives made up of 1,870 women in the State. Mrs. Rosemary Achonwa stated that an Enterprise Assessment exercise was conducted by Awake in collaboration with MEDA across the state between 2012 and 2013 to identify the cooperative societies and to decide on the nature and scope of operations of each society. She maintained that 210 cooperative groups were involved in primary production and processing of agricultural products. The project was supposed to incorporate all the wards in the state, and if each ward had at least two cooperatives, Project Awake would create over 4,000 agri-businesses for women. The Director noted that the second part of the project would concentrate on women in the riverine, marshy and hilly areas. According to her, “so far 180 cooperative groups have been assessed and 132 selected to benefit from the second round of intervention”.

Project Awake Capacity Development Programme
          Another method of strengthening women cooperatives and ensuring their survival even beyond the funding programme by Project Awake is through capacity development. In this regard, project Awake in conjunction with Cross River State Microfinance and Enterprise Development Agency (MEDA) held a one-month capacity development course for women cooperatives in all the local government areas of the state. The objective of the programme was to enhance their viability, sustainability and ability to operate without having to depend on the funding from Project Awake.

          The capacity development programme prepared the women cooperatives for the future, and how they can sustain their business with alternative funding opportunities. It provided a forum for the groups to appraise their participation in Project Awake. They discussed the credit facilities provided under the scheme, the challenges in accessing them, repayment plans and the progress and successes recorded so far as well as their expectations. All in all, the participants were deeply grateful to the Founder/Chair of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke for setting up Project Awake and the State Government for providing the funds. They also prayed for its continuity.

POWER Agro Exhibition
Cross River State is agrarian, and agriculture was one of the seven-point agenda of the administration of Senator Liyel Imoke. In order to reduce poverty among the people and make them less dependent on the government, women and youths must tap into the agricultural potentials of the people of the state. The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, was of the view agriculture is that one of the surest ways of employment generation and wealth creation for both rural and urban youths in the country. In this regard, Mrs. Imoke called on youths, the unemployed and women to embrace fish farming as a source of livelihood. She made the call at the inauguration of a 15-man Executive Committee of the state branch of the Catfish Farmers Association.

          The First Lady reiterated government determination to meet the domestic food requirement of the state within the shortest possible time by harnessing the potentials in agriculture especially in fish farming. She promised to assist farmers in the area of micro credit, technical partnership, enabling environment and market outlet. POWER held its first agro equipment exhibition in Calabar. The exhibition took place during the South-South Economic Summit at the Tinapa Business and Tourism Resort. Participation was open to organisations and the public.

POWER Capacity Building and Sensitisation
One strategy which POWER adopted in its empowerment drive was capacity building through seminars and workshops. Through this method, women were mobilized for poverty reduction. POWER exposed women to workshops, seminars and participation in trade fairs. POWER organized a one-day sensitization seminar for women farmers in Cross River State. While declaring the seminar open, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke advised women farmers to maintain credible management to achieve excellence in programme implementation. She stated that the objective of poverty reduction through farming and other related activities were in order, adding that they formed a major component of the nation’s agenda and Cross River State Seven-Point Agenda.

          Mrs. Imoke pointed out that the association’s efforts towards mobilization, information, education and training of women farmers have been accepted as a welcome design within the scope of Nigeria’s vision 20-20-20. The First Lady   said that since the association was registered with POWER, they were in a better position to receive micro credit financing for farming, food processing, food security, food distribution and buy back. The chairman of the occasion and renowned female farmer in Cross River State, Mrs. Martina Odum, spoke on the benefit of farming which she said was the direct injunction given by God to man to till the earth for his sustenance. She advised youths to see farming as an avenue that could be exploited for gainful employment.

          The president of Cross River State Women Farmers Association, Mrs. Monica Okom disclosed that the seminar was a prelude to the forthcoming four weeks workshop designed to build adequate capacity for women farmers in the state. She urged the participants to take the seminar seriously.

POWER Arts and Craft Workshop
In the bid to enhance the economic power of women in the state, a one-day workshop for women in the business of arts and craft was organized by POWER in collaboration with the Ministry of Women Affairs, Guaranty Trust Bank and Dangote Group of companies. While declaring the workshop open, the Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, enjoined participants to reflect on professionalism in their businesses to attract the teeming tourists to the state. Senator Imoke said tourism as an integral part of his seven-point agenda had opened up avenues for people to make money and advised practitioners to take advantage of the diverse cultural heritage of the state by reflecting it in their artwork.

 In her remarks, the initiator of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, said the aim of the NGO was to empower women to improve upon their existing businesses by putting more money in their hands. She explained that the workshop which had as its theme “The Business of Arts and Crafts” was organised to expose women in various occupations of arts and crafts as well as how to move their businesses to make profits. She challenged the participants to produce arts and crafts that would meet the expectations of tourists as well as take advantage of over 30 booths she had acquired for women to display their arts work in that year’s Calabar Christmas Festival.

The workshop chairman, Yvonne Fasinro, said the workshop was to prepare arts and crafts practitioners to compete favourably with artists in other countries and make arts and crafts a legendary landmark in Cross River State. The workshop featured paper presentations by resource persons on people, ancient and modern, the business of arts and crafts, among others. The Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke and his wife also inspected the arts and craft works exhibited by the women. The participants said they had learnt a lot from the workshop and commended Mrs. Imoke for her untiring efforts at improving and enhancing the quality of life of women in the state through her numerous empowerment programmes.

Booths for Arts and Craft Works at Carnival
Women involved in the business of arts crafts who participated in the workshop organised by POWER would be given an avenue during the two days Calabar carnival to put into practice what they learnt as well as provide opportunities for their economic advancement. Mrs. Imoke said that gesture was in furtherance of the commitment she made to facilitate the empowerment of women in the state. She therefore requested women who wrote their names at the workshop for the carnival booth to bring samples of the things they wanted to sell during the carnival day to the POWER secretariat, Okoi Arikpo House, Calabar.

          The exercise, Mrs. Imoke said was for the purpose of carrying out quality checks on the products, and to ensure that those who got the booths were able to to maximize the gains and opportunities of the carnival. She reminded them that the products they would be bringing should meet the following criteria: portability of work, amenability, durability, good finishing with Cross River insignia, fair price and peculiarity to Cross River State.

POWER Data Base for Female Artisans
POWER created a data base for female artisans in the state. In that regard, it called on female artisans in the state to report to POWER secretariat located at Okoi Arikpo House, 10 Calabar Road, Calabar for registration. The purpose was to select those whose main source of livelihood was in the arts and crafts. This was to ensure their inclusion in the POWER Data Base, with a view to exposing them to abundant tourism opportunities, especially during the forthcoming Calabar Festival. They were requested to come with samples of their work.

A Session with Fashion Designers
          The Governor’s wife played host to members of the Fashion Designers Association of Nigeria (FADAN) Cross River State Chapter in Calabar Mrs. Imoke who spoke through the Director of Operations of POWER, Sir Celestine Okanya, listed the four cardinal goals of POWER to include agriculture, arts and crafts, merchandise and tourism, adding that the Fashion and Design programme will be incorporated into the empowerment arrangement for the youths.

            She observed that the role of FADAN in achieving the strategic goals of POWER could not be underestimated and urged the Association to produce the first carnival costume with Cross River signature in it in the next Christmas festival in Calabar. The Governor’s wife used the forum to announce a talent hunt in the second anniversary of POWER in November 2009 and advised members of FADAN to be part of it.

Chapter Six: Empowering Female Politicians

Greater Involvement of Women in Partisan Politics
          Her Excellency Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke craved for greater women involvement in partisan politics. She launched a campaign to ensure that women show interest in politics and can aspire to important political positions. It was in the bid to achieve this objective that she initiated POWER Political Advancement for Women (PPA4W) to provide the impetus and platform for women to fulfill their political desires. Women have been marginalised politically for many years and are considerably disadvantaged despite their sizable population and attainment of quality education.

One major disadvantage or setback for female politicians in Nigeria is lack of funds to participate or compete in the electoral process. In order to redress this deficiency, the PPA4W was initiated to promote equality and access to funding. As to what motivated Mrs. Imoke to institute the trust fund for female politicians in Cross River State, the wife of the governor said:

The only motivation that propelled us at the Partnership Opportunity for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER) to initiate and design the POWER Political Advancement for Women (PPA4W) project fund is principally to encourage our female politicians who do not have the means but are genuinely interested in the cause of promoting decent politics, to be able to access it.

The PPA4W posits that women empowerment and gender equality are human rights and are prerequisites for enduring democracy and the attainment of an inclusive, equitable, and stable society.

POWER Trust Fund for Female Politicians
The empowerment programme of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke was not only socio-economic but also political. She also worked tirelessly and assiduously to put political power in the hands of the woman. The goals of this trust fund, according to Mrs. Obioma Imoke, are:

To create awareness to the public about the importance of institutionalizing gender friendly policies within our society and especially, our political parties, to guard against inequalities and discriminations which deprive Nigeria of otherwise well qualified persons who could serve successfully in various capacities across the country.

The fund will equip and empower women with the knowledge, capacity and ability to identify their abilities and capabilities to access and achieve political inclusion. We will ensure that women are accountable to those who have elected them to serve in whatever capacity. Women must start acting what they say, they must start doing it now, even if they are not doing it perfectly. We want to ensure that women harness and leverage on the strength of their members in society to achieve better and more inclusive participation in the polity.

I want to add too that the fund would serve as springboard for those who have achieved to take responsibility for mentorship and the coaching roles the women need, especially for those who desire to take after them.

As to whether POWER will address the perceived imbalances in political power distribution in the state, Mrs. Imoke said:

The good news is that change has come with the PPA4W project. This initiative is intended to create a fund to be responsibly and transparently managed by a Board of Trustees to equip interested, capable and qualified females and bridge the inequality in terms of access to availability of funding between male and female politicians, before, during and after elections.

Launch of POWER Trust Fund
In order to achieve the goal of empowering female politicians, Mrs. Imoke launched POWER Political Advancement for Women (PPA4W), deliberately designed to bring women into the heart of politics in Nigeria. The occasion had in attendance important personalities, captains of industries and renowned politicians. The initiator of POWER, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, stated that this “initiative is intended to create awareness to the public about the importance of institutionalizing gender-sensitive policies guarding against inequality and discrimination that deprive Nigeria of well qualified persons.” Mrs. Obioma Imoke expressed the need for women to show interest and take active part in politics, for this reason the setting up of PPA4W. She referred to a United Nations document “Empowering Women for Stronger Parties: A Good Practices Guide to Promote Women’s Political Participation” and said that “globally although 40-50 percent of party members are women, women hold only about 10 percent of the leadership positions within those parties”. Some of the short-term objectives, according to Mrs. Obioma Imoke are to equip and empower women with knowledge and capacity to participate in the political process; ensure that women are accountable to the electorate; and that women utilize their huge number for effective and result oriented participation in politics.

She reiterated the importance of mentoring young female politicians by the older ones and that PPA4W was launched to create awareness on the availability of qualified, capable and willing women who are equipped to be in the mainstream of Nigerian politics. It was in fulfillment of this noble goal that the PDP in Cross River State gave tickets to 4 female chairmanship candidates, 15 female vice chairmanship candidates and 56 female councillorship candidates, surpassing previous elections by over 100 percent.

The wife of the Governor recommended the Cross River State model to the rest of the country. The Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke expressed support for the empowerment of female politicians. Women are committed and responsible and have demonstrated their competence in managing critical sectors, in particular the economy. “Rwanda today has one of the most robust economies in Africa”, courtesy of women, he said. The Governor also expressed support for Affirmative Action to facilitate the emergence of female candidates. He also urged women to live up to the trust and confidence reposed in them by the PDP.

The Chairman of the ceremony, Senator Grace Folashade Bent, described Cross River State as a model for the rest of Nigeria and urged the PDP to adopt it. The event was attended by Senator Florence Ita-Giwa, Mrs. Kema Chikwe, former Minister of Aviation, Rev. Grace Ekanem, President of National Council of Women Societies, Cross River State chapter, and Ntufam John Okon, State Chairman of the PDP. Also, in attendance were business moguls, top politicians, members of the National Assembly, government officials and leaders of the PDP. They delivered goodwill messages. Senator Bent and Mrs. Chikwe described Mrs. Obioma Imoke as a determined woman, with a large heart who, when she has set a target for herself, would not relent until it has been achieved. According to Chikwe “Obioma has been a girl I have known for a long time. Now, having set her mind towards the success of female politicians in the state and elsewhere and other political projects, I know that she will definitely succeed.”

Cash to Female Politician
          The PPA4W handed out various amounts of money to female candidates who contested the 2013 local government elections in Cross River State. These funds were raised during the launch of PPA4W. At the presentation ceremony, Mrs. Obioma Imoke said it was to supplement or offset expenses borne by them as a result of their participation in the election. She said the success of female politicians aspiring to elective offices has been hampered by meager finances, and that PPA4W planned, as part of its long-term objectives, to empower female politicians financially. The State Chairman of the PDP commended Mrs. Imoke for her tremendous support to female politicians in the state.

          The PPA4W swung into action in the 2013 local government elections in Cross River State and through its instrumentality 75 women were elected into the local government administration, made up of four chairmen, 15 vice chairmen and 56 councilors. Comparatively, it represented an increase of more than 100 percent over previous local government elections in the state. This was described as “an unparallel political feat that has attracted commendations all across the country and has made the state a reference point in gender equity in political balancing.”

POWER Goes Political: Women Mobilise for Liyel Imoke
When the election of Senator Liyel Imoke was annulled on July 14, 2008, by the Court of Appeal in Calabar, there were protests and public display of anger against it. Indeed, the news was received with shock and sadness across the state. Prominent among the protesters and sympathizers that identified with the Imokes in the trying moments were women of Cross River State. This was not a surprise as Senator Imoke and his wife had made women advancement and empowerment a priority on the agenda of the administration.

Women from all walks of life came to demonstrate the spirit of like-mindedness and show solidarity and galvanise support for the revalidation of Senator Imoke’s mandate. Women across the state descended on Calabar to express displeasure over the annulment and mobilize massively to overturn the injustice done to the people of the state, who voted overwhelmingly for him on April 14, 2007. The 14 months of Senator Imoke’s leadership had witnessed giant achievements, good governance and transparency, and these feats could not be ignored by those women and other Cross Riverians who cherish good things.

The rally which attracted a mammoth crowd involved women from all the 18 local government areas of the state. Also present were women from various ethnic groups resident in Calabar, including Hausa community, Yoruba community and Igbo community, among others. It was a true expression of love and solidarity for a true statesman.  POWER, the pet project of Mrs. Obioma Imoke for the empowerment of women in the state, initiated the women rally. According to a press release:

The women who orgaanised themselves under the umbrella of POWER waited anxiously to receive their mentor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, wife of the PDP candidate for the re-run election Senator Liyel Imoke. The women who spoke through their leaders pledged that they were solidly behind Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke and her husband and will revalidate their mandate which was thwarted by the Court of Appeal ruling.

POWER is not a political group. It is socio-economic and designed to put economic power into the hands of the woman. But on this occasion POWER went political; women were seeking political power for their mentors, for without its economic power, which they had started enjoying under the Imoke administration, might just be a distant dream. The women had cogent reasons to rally behind Mrs. Imoke, prominent among which were her selfless service to humanity; campaign to end child and maternal mortality; eradication of poverty among women; and commitment to peace, unity and advancement of women in the state. Therefore, a vote for Senator Imoke would be tantamount to a vote for excellence, continuity and enhancement of the status of socially disadvantaged people.   

At the rally, the state Chairman of the People’s Democratic Party (as he then was), Ntufam Ekpo Okon, expressed deep gratitude to the women for their support and solidarity. He gave them assurances that the PDP administration in the state will always accommodate their interests. He also counseled that they should return to their wards to create more awareness among women on the need to be peaceful and orderly during campaigning and to come out en masse on 23 August 2008 (election day) to cast their vote for Senator Liyel Imoke.

           A national Trustee of the PDP, Dr. (Mrs.) Stella Attoe (as she then was), who also addressed the women, advised them to exercise their voting power and repeat the great achievement of 14 April 2007. Other speakers were the wife of the Acting Governor, Mrs. Iwi Frank Adah, and wife of the Secretary to the State Government, Mrs. Ann Ugbo, PDP state Women Leader, Mrs. Teresa Ezama, the South-South Women Leader, Mrs Angela Effiom and a woman activist in the state, Mrs. Grace Ekanem. Among other things, the speakers educated the women on how to effect and ensure a valid and successful voting. This was to enable them to return to their communities and localities to teach other women.

          Then emerged at the rally the special one; the role model for African women; an embodiment of simplicity, humility and accessibility; one who cares much about other people’s problems and is ready to solve them before hers; and a woman of faith, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke.  As was succinctly captured in a press release:

When she came out to meet the women, the PDP candidate’s wife, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke who was overwhelmed by the presence of such a mammoth crowd of women, thanked them for their support in the April 14 election, which was annulled by the court verdict, urged the women not to relent in their effort or be demoralized, but rather come out en masse to consolidate their mandate.

The women should not be frightened, cowed or scared by miscreants; Mrs. Imoke urged them. Rather, they should remain firm and focused on their resolution to demonstrate beyond doubt that Cross River State is wholly, absolutely, and in every respect a PDP state. Prayers which were consistently offered for the state in those challenging times had started yielding results. Mrs. Imoke informed the women that the prayers coordinated by Cross River Pray had yielded astonishing and miraculous results by removing the barriers, hurdles and impediments to the smooth take-off of the Tinapa business resort.

          It was in this euphoria that the born leader, a political icon, man of the people, and a silent revolutionary, Senator Liyel Imoke walked into a blazing, massive and thunderous ovation from the women. They erupted into songs, bestowed    praises on him, and extolled his rare leadership qualities, urging him to reclaim his mandate, as women were solidly behind him.

          In his response to the eulogy, Senator Liyel Imoke recounted the performance of his administration in the past 14 months as it related to women and concluded that it had never been so good. According to the governor-in-waiting, his administration had carried women along very well, assuring them of more opportunities when his mandate was revalidated. He also promised of his readiness to continue from where he stopped. Senator Imoke charged women who had not collected their voter’s card to do so to enable them to participate in the rescheduled election on August 23, 2008.

Comprehensive and Decisive Victory
          Women demonstrated tremendous support for Senator Imoke in the re-run election; so, did other sectors of the society. They responded massively on the day of election and made their voices heard loud and clear that Senator Liyel Imoke was the people’s choice. Little wonder then that his victory was comprehensive, sweeping and decisive.

In a thanksgiving service after the re-run and re-election of Senator in 2008, the First lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke thanked the people of Cross River State for their all-round support and unprecedented show of love during the annulment of the popular election that brought her husband to office. Mrs. Imoke dwelt on the grace and kindness of God which enabled them to surmount many challenges while the transition lasted. She advised all men and women of goodwill to walk in fear of God.

Chapter Seven: POWER Golf Tournaments
          The First Lady loves golf, which she started playing in Abuja. According to her golf is quite calming, warming and relaxing and, through it, one could accomplish good exercise. Golf is also a kind of tourism. Mrs. Imoke inspired women and children to play golf as a recreation and an occupation. She introduced a charity tournament that will hold every December at the Calabar Golf Club. The tournament was packaged under the auspices of POWER. Mrs. Obioma Imoke used the occasion to appeal for funds to manage a home called “The Refuge” which looks after abandoned babies and pregnant young girls, and also implement other objectives of the NGO.

          The POWER golf tournament attracted a cream of players from far and wide to be part of the inaugural tournament. The more than 100 golfers who descended on the serene city of Calabar for the week-long championship comprised the best twenty professional golfers in Nigeria on the Professional Golfers Association of Nigeria (PGAN) order of merit. The State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke and his wife, the initiator of POWER, and organizer of the tournament Mrs. Obioma Imoke, were among the golfers.

          The tournament which was christened Mary Slessor Charity Golf Tournament took place at the Calabar Golf Club and attracted important personalities from all nooks and crannies of the nation. They included the Arewa Consultative Forum, General IBM Haruna, the IBB Club captain, Barrister Paul Erokoro SAN and the past President of Golf Union of Nigeria, Chief Ogunwole. Others were Professor Bola Afolabi, competition secretary of IBB Club, Abia Bassey and IBB Club Manager, Ado Gonji.

          The State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke teed off for the professional golfers in which Nigerian top 20 professionals competed for the prize money of two million naira. The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, teed off for the lady’s golfers’ tournament called Ladies Challenge.

          The amateur golfers also took their turn in the championship. Governor Imoke performed the official teeing off ceremony. After two days of professional and breath-taking contest, Ali Abdulahi emerged victorious. The Zaria based professional golfer defeated Mike Ubi and Francis Ugbong who finished joint second. The tournament enjoyed an impressive turn-out and cash was doled out in support of Mrs. Obioma Imoke’s pet projects.

Launching of Mary Slessor Raffle Ticket in Calabar
          The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke called on well-meaning Nigerians to support her initiatives through the purchase of the Mary Slessor charity golf raffle ticket which was launched at the magnificent IBB International Golf and Country Club, Abuja. She explained that the proceeds from the launching will go a long way to support her various pet projects. She further disclosed that about 48 street children had been placed in a well-furnished home where they were adequately catered for. Mrs. Imoke stated that since the Child Rights Law had been passed in the state, parents who neglected their children or labeled them will be prosecuted. The Captain of the IBB International Golf and Country Club urged everyone to support the noble project of Mrs. Imoke by purchasing the raffle ticket. He promised that they will do their own appeal, and all proceeds generated channeled to the POWER project, and assured that all members of the club will participate in the Mary Slessor Charity Golf Tournament in December in Calabar. High point of the occasion was sale of tickets and presentation of trophies by the Mrs. Imoke to the winners of the tournament.

          The Mary Slessor raffle ticket was also launched in Calabar. Speaking at the occasion, the Governor’s wife, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke said the launching was to raise funds for her numerous projects including Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realisation (POWER), Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA), A State fit for a Child (ASFAC) and the Destiny Child Centre (DCC). The First Lady whose address was read by Lady Golf Captain of Calabar Golf Club, Dr. Anthonia Adindu, said as a helpmate to her husband, the governor, she shares in the vision of making Cross River a state fit for women and children. She said she has been able to rescue 53 abandoned babies, provided services for teenage girls at risks as well as resettled about 50 street children at the Destiny Child Centre. According to her, golf is another form of tourism which requires involvement of all well-meaning individuals, corporate citizenry and philanthropists. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke encouraged women and children to take to golfing for leisure as well as a profession.

Cross River State Open
The maiden edition of Cross River State Open, also known as the Governor’s Cup, was held in Calanar at the Calabar Golf Club during the Easter period. The tournament which involved professional and amateur golfers was the initiative of Governor Liyel Imoke. According to the events and sponsorship manager and immediate past captain of IBB Golf and Country Club, Abuja, the tournament was a welcome development since Calabar had become a major tourism destination, as well as a business destination of the future. The professional golfers had sweet words and commendation for Governor Liyel Imoke. The best professional golfers were on parade in the maiden edition. Top players from more than 50 golf courses across Nigeria competed in the four-day tournament.


Chapter Eight: A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC)

Children: Special Gifts from God
Children occupy a primal place in the First Lady’s scheme of things and philanthropic outreach. Her love for children knows no bounds. She has done much more than any other in the care and promotion of the wellbeing of children. In her thought-provoking exposition, she has asserted that “forty years from now it will not matter what kind of car you drove; what kind of house you lived in; how much you had in your bank account. But the world will be a little better because you were important in the life of a child.”

           These are leaders of tomorrow, who might be governors, presidents, judges and chief executives of companies, which the society stands to benefit a great deal from. They might as well be armed robbers, area boys, street girls, hoodlums or militants terrorising the society. Many children eventually end up on the streets for various reasons. These are orphans, the delinquent, those branded child witches, and children from poverty-stricken background.  It all depends on the foundation the society lays for them now.

          As a mother, she is always keen to be associated with matters concerning the welfare and development of children; and takes delight in identifying with programmes that improve their well-being. In this respect, the Mrs. Imoke Lady has consistently and without any reservation condemned the recurrent practice of abandonment of children under any circumstance. She has always advocated the essence and importance of taking proper care of mothers and children in the state. In this regard, she has always, and without any reservation or equivocation, condemned the practice of child abandonment under any circumstance. Beyond mere condemnation, she has established a home, The Refuge, to take care of such problems.

          In her characteristic love and compassion for children, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, initiated ASFAC a project designed to distinguish Cross River as a state fit for children. With ASFAC, an enabling environment for the growth, health, education and general wellbeing of children in the state will be created. It was launched as part of the Children’s Day Celebration of May 27, 2008, with the following objectives:

  • Raising awareness of the peculiar challenges of children in Cross River State.
  • To ensure that the Child’s Rights Act was passed in Cross River State.
  • Providing basic healthcare for children.
  • Facilitate the amendment of the existing penalties on rapists, child abuse, child trafficking and child labour with the hope of nullifying their reoccurrence in the State.
  • Promoting academic excellence and qualitative education.
  • Facilitate resource support for schools in Cross River State; and
  • Promoting individual and corporate social responsibility towards children in Cross River State.

The project has a long a term agenda which will cater for the growth, basic health and educational needs of children in Cross River State. A number of programmes have been launched through which this laudable vision can find expression.    

           The First Lady also asserts that government has an obligation to protect and enforce the rights of children as well as discharge its obligations to them. Children should also be protected from abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation. For those who suffer disabilities, they should be entitled to some measures of assistance to enable them cope in life. Again, Mrs. Obioma Imoke is seeing her concept transmitted into practical and realizable assistance to children through her pet project ASFAC. ASFAC has become a voice to the children of Cross River State and speaks on their behalf in all facets of life.

ASFAC is a programme instituted by Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke to achieve her vision of making Cross River a State fit for a child; to make the state favourable for a child to be cared for from conception to adulthood; and for the mother to live and bring up her child. ASFAC was initiated out of the fact that children are gifts    from God and are supposed to have a good life and quality education. That was why she established Surefoot International School.

ASFAC Give Back Programme
          There will be collaboration between ASFAC and well-meaning indigenes of Cross River State, citizens of Nigeria and child-related organizations to provide educational system with a distinct structural difference in the State. This will greatly enhance the quality of instruction imparted to the children.

ASFAC Health Programme
          This involves sensitization and creation of awareness. It is concerned with informing women and the general public on the free medical care to all pregnant women and children under the age of five years. The policy is that of the state government, but ASFAC will complement the aspect of publicity to ensure that it is effectively carried out throughout the state.

ASFAC Advocacy Programme
          It will embark on health and sex education in all schools in Cross River State. The advocacy programme will promote abstinence in its campaign against HIV/AIDS among school children. ASFAC recognizes the complementary role played by traditional birth attendants in the state. It will ensure appropriate training and retraining for them as well as ensure their certification as birth attendants and midwives by the State Government. ASFAC will work towards reduction in maternal and infant mortality in Cross River State.

Celebration of IDAC 2008
          ASFAC celebrated the International Day of the African Child (IDAC) 2008 by pioneering a Governor Meets with the Children Forum. In attendance were students from different schools in the Calabar Metropolis, teachers, parents, government functionaries, members of the National and State Assemblies, Service Commanders, members of Children’s Parliament, journalists and many other interest groups. The State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, reassured the children that the event would be observed annually in the state. The occasion offered the children a chance to communicate their expectations, hopes, aspirations and challenges to Governor Imoke. At the event the ASFAC Give Back Boxes were launched. Its response was resoundingly successful.

          ASFAC’s Plan of Action is reflected in the following values:

  • Children need to have the best possible start in life.
  • Children need access to quality basic education.
  • Children need ample opportunity to develop their individual capacities to the maximum.

ASFAC will continue to play a central role in the advancement of the cause of children. In this respect, it would be a voice that will continue to speak to conscience of firms that produce child-destructive products for them to abide by existing laws and be socially responsible.

  • ASFAC will make impact if advocacy for policy and institutional changes becomes big part of her activities.
  • ASFAC will create and encouraging, challenging and competitive environment where ordinary child is transformed to extra ordinary genius.

In his analytical exposition of the good works and achievements of the First Lady, Ogbonnaya also reflects on ASFAC:

ASFAC an acronym for A State Fit for a Child is another project Mrs. Imoke has committed time and resources. The programme is poised to project Cross River State as an ideal place for children, by creating an enabling environment for child development in terms of health, education and general wellbeing.

Since its inception, ASFAC has evolved numerous programmes to advance the interest and growth of children, and has continued to move from strength to strength, witnessing increased activities and recording huge successes.

It is in fact the best thing to happen to children in the state.

ASFAC Advocacy Walk 2008
On the occasion of the 2008 Children’s Day Celebration there was “A State Fit for a Child”, (ASFAC) Advocacy Walk. The Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, lauded the wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke for being proactive in matters affecting children, and the Governor for creating conducive environment and providing the enablement for children to excel. The Commissioner stated further government’s readiness to tackle and eliminate children related problems with the creation of the Ministry of Women Affairs as well as the efforts   to enact the Child Rights Law in the state. She disclosed that the state had built a new and solid foundation in its commitment to the growth of the child.

IDAC Commissioning of ASFAC boxes
            The occasion of the International Day of the African Child (IDAC) was marked with the commissioning of A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC) boxes. The wife of the State Governor and initiator of ASFAC, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, said that she was motivated by what children pass through in life, which might affect their growth, to inaugurate the pet project, ASFAC. This   will take care of the interest and wellbeing of children in the state ensures that children are not only seen but heard. She stated that the training of a child should not be left to the government alone because education is health and well-being of the child in the state. The First Lady lauded the government on its stance regarding the Child Rights Act which Champions a policy on the development of the child in the field of education, health and environmental needs. She expressed gratitude to her husband, the Governor, for his encouragement, friendship, assistance, and contributions in matters concerning the growth and well-being of the child.

ASFAC Camp Rock
          The month of December 2008 was as eventful for children as it was for adults. Mrs. Obioma Imoke’s pet project for children, “A State Fit for A Child” (ASFAC) organised a Christmas holiday camp called ASFAC Camp Rock for children. The Governor’s wife who declared the camp open in Calabar, remarked that the initiative was designed to implant in children good morals and values that would transform them into good citizens and ambassadors of the state.

          The First Lady promised to make the camp an annual event so that the children will receive lessons and acquire knowledge and information on the state. She enlightened them on the profile of the state as the number one destination for tourism and leisure, and the need for them to be sufficiently acquainted with information about the state.

          The Governor’s wife urged parents to permit their children to participate in the next edition of the holiday camp which she said will be expanded to embrace a larger turn-out of children. She counseled the children to be dutiful, respectful and obedient to their parents and guardians. ASFAC Camp Rock was Imoke intended to accommodate six children from each ward of all the local government areas of the state. Among other plans for the children, the Office of the Wife of the Governor will partner with the Professional Golfers Association of Nigeria to train fifty children from the Camp Rock.

ASFAC Advocacy Walk 2009
         The Children’s Day Celebration of 2009 had a number of activities lined up to mark the day. One of those activities was an ASFAC Advocacy Walk led by the First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke. The First Lady sent best wishes to the children on the commencement of the ASFAC Advocacy Walk and congratulated them and members of the State House of Assembly on the passing of the Child Rights Bill into law. The Governor’s wife stated that the law was intended to take care of the rights of the Children and their welfare. Cross River State is pleasant, homely and perfect for children to live in and fulfill their dreams and aspirations. The children were reassured of the love, support and commitment of the state Government.

          The ASFAC Advocacy Walk commenced from the Federal Secretariat, passed through Murtala Mohammed Highway to the Cultural Centre, where the State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, received them. In the company of the children was the Commissioner for Women Affairs and that of Social Welfare, wives of members of the State Executive Council, wives of Chairmen of Local Government Councils and other personalities in the state.

ASFAC Camp Rock 2009
          The 2009 one-week ASFAC Camp Rock ended in Calabar with a call on children to be obedient to their parents. The call was made by the wife of the State GovernorMrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, at the closing of the 2009 ASFAC Camp Rock which held simultaneously at the Hope Waddel Training Institute and Destiny Child Centre, Calabar. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke said she was optimistic that the children would use properly what they learnt during the one-week ASFAC Camp Rock.

          The 2009 ASFAC Camp Rock organised by ASFAC in collaboration with the state government, and supported by UNICEF, had as its theme “Citizenship and Leadership Training”. In an interview, Mrs. Imoke said she was motivated to establish the Camp Rock to make the children feel the impact of the Christmas season and promised that the programme will be sustained. In her address, the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, congratulated the children on their wonderful performance, and advised them to continue to be obedient to their parents and see themselves as future leaders.

          One of the campers, Jeremiah Elijah, from Ikom Local Government Area, on behalf of other campers, expressed gratitude to the Governor and his wife for seeing that children from the 18 Local Government Areas of the state are brought together to interact. He noted that the only legacy parents can bequeath to their children was sound education. On their part, some parents commended the efforts of Mrs. Imoke for making the state fir for every child and prayed God to give her the enablement to sustain it. Even children from the rural areas were represented. “I salute her courage for thinking about those of us from the rural areas”, one of parents said.

ASFAC in action Akpabuyo in 2008
           Akpabuyo is one of the local government areas in Cross River State, located on the fringes of Calabar. Following ASFAC camping programmes in Akpabuyo in 2008, children in the area were made to feel the impact of the initiative and packages provided by Mrs. Imoke. The initiator of ASFAC, Mrs. Obioma Imoke assured the children of Akpabuyo that ASEAC was designed to to make the state truly conducive for a child to be raised from infancy to adulthood, and for mothers to lives happily and cater for their offspring. She said as gifts from God, children are supposed to have good life and quality education.

          The wife of the Chairman of Akpabuyo Local Government Area, Mrs. Naomi Boniface Archibong expressed the desire of Akpabuyo the attract the dividends of ASFAC by accomplishing all its goals and objectives. She stated further that ASFAC in Akpabuyo had designed a programme for children below 18 years, women leaders in the 10 wards, POWER administrators in the 10 wards and traditional birth attendants. The ASFAC celebration involved carnival float, educational aid to 20 orphans and inauguration of ASFAC children foundation.    

ASFAC Camp Golf Clinic
           The package of the First Lady for the development of children was also taken to the realm of sports. This is in line with one of the missions of ASFAC to create encouraging, challenging and competitive environment where the ordinary child will be remodeled into an extra ordinary, gifted and brilliant youngster. At the teeing off in Calabar of the Children’s Golf training programme in December 2008, Mrs. Obioma Imoke reaffirmed her determination to fashion out a conducive and enabling environment and awareness that would introduce children to the wider sporting activities.

           The golf training programme was an expression of Mrs.  Imoke’s passion for the physical and mental development and fitness of children which would give them the means to face the challenges they may confront in life. As part of its programme of activities to groom and nurture children, ASFAC organized a holiday camp for them. The golf training programme was one of the packages for the pioneer ASFAC children’s campers.

           The First Lady who was represented by the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, enjoined the children to show commitment and exhibit all amount of seriousness in the training programme to allow them to engage in it as a career in future. POWER, the pet project of Mrs. Imoke played a vital role in packaging the golf training programme which was a prelude to the unprecedented and much anticipated big golf tournament in Calabar, POWER’s Director of Operations, Sir Celestine Okanya, said that the children golf training programme was a constituent or component of ASFAC camp package for children and wished that it would produce Nigeria’s next super star. The Captain of the Calabar Golf Club, Mr. P. K. Bello, who superintended over the children golf training programme expressed gratitude to the First Lady for her magnanimity in introducing the children to the game of golf at a tender age.

           The ASFAC camp had children numbering 97 who were drawn from the 18 Local Government Areas of the state. The tee-off was performed by the wife of the Deputy Governor while Master Michael Okon did same for the ASFAC campers. At the teeing off of the children’s golf training programme, the then Director of Operations of POWER, Sir Celestine Okanya stated that arrangements for the successful hosting of the Mary Slessor Golf Tournament had been concluded and appealed to all Cross Riverians and lovers of golf to turn out in large numbers for the tournament. Okanya said that two-million-naira star prize will be up for grabs and commended Mrs. Obioma Imoke for initiating the competition.

ASFAC Essay Competition/Talent Hunt
           The effort to enhance the quality of life of children in the state by the First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, also manifested in the arena of education. One of the programmes of ASFAC aimed at child development was the Calabar Carnival Essay Competition for educational institutions in the state. The falling standard of education, in particular, the dearth of reading culture had been a source of apprehension to Mrs. Imoke. For that reason and in order to complement measures by the state government to revamp education she, through the instrumentality of ASFAC, initiated the essay competition to build young writers and discover new talents in the state.

            The competition has two segments, one for secondary schools and the other for tertiary institutions. Since its inception, the essay competition had been recording a large participation, with thousands of entries from contestants. The contest which was organised annually had different themes, and the contestants were saddled with the responsibility of interpreting the themes through their treatise. Winners received various prizes, including plague, laptop computer, cash and scholarship. Mrs. Imoke, as Mother of the Day at prize presentation, always advised young people to spend less time on the internet and cultivate the habit of reading because reading “widens the imagination.”

The First Lady had also expressed her determination to promote academic excellence among school children in Cross River State by providing a furnished resource centre in any school that will excel in any of school challenges organized by her in the state. She spoke at the prize presentation ceremony of the first Calabar Carnival Essay Competition for secondary schools and tertiary institutions in the state. The theme of the essay competition which was “Sustaining Earth’s Treasures through our culture” was organized by ASFAC and the Carnival Commission of Cross River State.

           Her Excellency disclosed that the centre will enrich and boost their academic endeavour as well as improve their research capabilities to meet the challenges of the future. She reminded the children of Governor Liyel Imoke’s promise to involve children in the governance of the state when her pet project ASFAC was launched in May 2008. He had promised that children would be given a chance to make contributions on policy. Participation in the competition was one of such channels through which children could make useful contribution towards the sustenance of the earth.

ASFAC Painting Contest
          ASFAC organized a lot of activities for children. One of them was a two-day painting contest for children in secondary schools in Cross River State. The painting contest was titled “Child Abuse” and designed to identify new talents. It was also intended to engender the interest of children in arts. The most important reason for the contest was to expose the numerous vices committed against children through their own eyes.

          The contest was sponsored by POWER in partnership with the Ministry of Women Affairs and National Museum Calabar and put together as one of the events to celebrate the Children’s Day. The painting contest was held in Calabar, Ugep, Ikom and Ogoja in which more than 150 students took part. The competition was won by a student at Army Day School School, Calabar, and a pupil of St Peter’s Primary School, Ikot Offiong Ambai, Akpabuyo.

          The Curator of the National Museum Calabar lauded Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her sponsorship of the painting contest. Mrs. Imoke initiated talent hunts for children through a number of programmes, one of which was the art competition. The field of arts is gainful and worthwhile. If children embrace it, they are bound to achieve great things in life.

Foremost Defender of Children’s Rights

Driving Force behind State Child Rights Law
The First Lady is a strong believer and advocate of the basic rights of the child such as the right to life, dignity, respect, education, health and recreation. In this respect, she has been in the forefront of the drive to get the Child Rights Bill passed into law by the Cross River State House of Assembly. She had been a foremost defender of the rights of children in the state.  In a message to an advocacy retreat, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, said there was need to fully scrutinize     information that was relevant to the passage of the Child Rights Bill by the State House of Assembly. Mrs. Imoke stated this in a message to the opening ceremony of a three-day advocacy retreat for state legislators and top policy makers on the Child Rights Bill organized by the UNICEF assisted programme in Ikom.

The First Lady said the timing of the event was essential and relevant, and called for collaborative effort to ensure an enduring legacy for children. In order to achieve this, a Child Rights Bill that will stand the test of time should be contrived taking into cognizance issues that pertain to children’s rights and wellbeing. The First Lady took time to articulate certain issues intrinsic in the Bill such as survival rights, development rights, protection rights and participatory rights, and wished participants a fruitful deliberation. In attendance at the opening ceremony were members of the Children’s parliament, some members of the State House of Assembly and other stakeholders in the drive to promote the rights and wellbeing of Cross River State children.

Inauguration of Second Children Parliament

One of the children’s programmes undertaken by the First Lady was the inauguration of the second Children Parliament. This move was in line with her vision of making the state fit for a child. Her Excellency expressed happiness for being present at the inauguration and charged them to develop a positive attitude and passion for the state. They should portray the state in good light through good conduct and character.

           She is always mindful of the fact that children are the leaders of tomorrow and should be well nurtured physically, morally and intellectually. As the representatives of the entire children in the state, members of the Children Parliament, were advised to be focused and to carry out their responsibilities with a sense of seriousness, discipline and purity so as to fulfill the mission and purpose for which God has commissioned them to do for Cross River State.

           The First Lady informed the Parliamentarians of the Governor’s readiness to attend some of their sittings, and that requests for such attendance should be relayed through the Attorney and Commissioner for Justice. She also promised to take a child along with her to the next United Nations children parliament. The First Lady was very unhappy and disappointed that when she attended the last children parliament in New York children from Cross River State were not represented and pledged to reverse the trend.

           The participants at the inauguration were very happy to have the First Lady in their mist that was also saddled with the duty of handing over the mace to the newly elected speaker of the parliament. The handing over of mace by the Mrs. Imoke marked the most interesting and delightful part of ceremony. The rendition of poem by the Committee Chairman on Information added colour and flavour to the inauguration.

           The Imoke administration promoted the activities of the Cross River State Children Parliament, one of which was according to members of the Parliament a rare privilege to hold their deliberations at the State Executive Council Chamber. They used the medium to articulate issues affecting children in the state. After listening to their deliberations, Senator Liyel Imoke said the state would domesticate the Child Rights Act in acknowledgement of the vital place of the child in the society. Senator Imoke promised to address the challenges confronting children and make the state comfortable for children.

Describing his government as “children-oriented administration,” Senator Imoke said the requests by the parliament would be handled by appropriate ministries and departments. He condemned child labour and trafficking and appealed to society to give children opportunity to grow and succeed in life. The negative labeling of Cross River as a state where children are taken out for cheap labour was roundly condemned by the Governor, who also promised to halt the spate.

Senator Imoke identified education as a major element in the development of a child, which will make them globally competitive. He advised them to work hard in school and dismantle the educationally disadvantaged status of Cross River State. The governor said his administration will work hard to develop the standard and quality of schools in the state by providing basic infrastructure, training and re-training of teachers.

On her part, Mrs. Obioma Imoke said the Children Parliament was key in the government effort to provide the best for the child and urged members to see the development as an opportunity to transform the lives of children in the state. She applauded the initiative of the Parliament at bringing the problems of children to the attention of the government and urged then to work out a programme on sensitisation of other children on issues concerning them. The children carried out     a mock session of parliament with the theme “A State fit for a Child.”  Advocacy Visit by Members of Children Parliament

Members of the State Children Parliament embarked on an advocacy visit to Senator Liyel Imoke in his office in Calabar. The Speaker of the Children’s Parliament, Miss Loveth Nja, hailed Governor Imoke for hosting them and appealed for increased funding, more scholarship awards for members, a secretariat and official means of transport to promote their activities. The children used the avenue to underline the societal challenges facing them.

The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, who had been in the forefront of tackling problems affecting children, applauded the wisdom of the Children Parliament in bringing the problems of children to government for consideration. She urged the children to evolve programmes to create awareness and sensiitise other children on matters concerning them. The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, remarked that the presence of the children had kindled the interest of the government in finding ways of assisting them. She urged members of the Parliament to take advantage of the opportunity to change the life of the child.

After listening to deliberations by the Children Parliament in the state Executive Council Chambers, Governor Imoke said his government was “children-oriented administration” and promised that the appropriate ministries will provide for them in their budgets. He assured them of meaningful policies, programmes and projects that will strengthen the physical and mental well-being of children. He stated that his administration had already initiated programmes for children similar to what obtains in the civilised world. One of the strategies of the state government in addressing issues affecting children is the domestication of the Child Rights Act in the state. The state would adopt the Act in recognition of the place of the child in society.

The Governor used the forum to condemn child labour and trafficking appealing for every child to be given opportunity to grow and be successful in life. He frowned at the notoriety of the state for taking children under 18 years of age out for cheap labour and added that the state will halt the tendency by engendering an economy and opportunity for the child to develop.

The Senator Imoke described education as a critical factor and bedrock to the development of the child. They should therefore pay attention to their studies as less than 25 per cent of Cross Riverians that sit for the Senior School Certificate Examination make up to five papers. He stated government’s resolve to improve on the standard and quality of schools and health delivery in the state.

NAPTIP and UNICEF Workshop on Children in Uyo
           The First Lady also asserts that the society has a duty to protect the rights of children, as well as discharge its obligations to them. Children should be protected from abuse, neglect, violence and exploitation. For those who suffer disabilities, they should be entitled to some measures of assistance to enable them cope with life’s challenges. The wife of the Governor is a strong advocate of the rights of children such as the right to life, dignity, education, health and recreation. She expressed her feeling towards children at a two-day zonal workshop at Uyo. Mrs. Imoke who spoke through the wife of the Deputy Governor, said the workshop came at the appropriate time when the problems of abuse, trafficking and exploitation of children have reached an alarming and catastrophic dimension. She decried the lack of protection for children even from their parents who are often their abusers. Mrs. Imoke also frowned at the activities of some “spiritual churches” which are in the habit of labeling children “witches” and accusing such children of responsibility for the misfortune of their families. This type of allegation has led to rejection or abandonment of children by their parents. Therefore, a forum designed to brainstorm on the improvement of the welfare of children, formulate policies and device means of confronting the challenges facing them is highly commendable, Mrs. Imoke said.

           The First Lady of Cross River State proffered practical and realizable solutions to the protracted problem of child rejection some of which are cooperation between NAPTIP and Cross River State Government and partnership with ASFAC. She also advocated the coming together of First Ladies of the South South, NAPTIP and UNICEF to evolve a common programme to tackle the problem of child rejection syndrome in the zone. In addition, work plan and data should be produced on how to stop the problem.

           The panacea must also include the aspect of educating   parents, churches and the public on issues of child rejection. The participants at the workshop might as well borrow a leaf from the programmes instituted by Mrs. Imoke. The First Lady of Cross River State had already initiated programmes such as ASFAC, MACA and the Refuge for promoting the rights, growth, health, education and general well-being of children in the state. The workshop was organized by NAPTIP and UNICEF to address issues concerning child rejection in the South-South States. Mrs. Imoke enjoined the delegates to be committed to the issues under consideration and assured them of cooperation.

Chapter Nine: Saving Future Generation of Cross Riverians

 The Surefoot Foundation
One of the ways of actualizing her vision and mission of palliation was the inauguration of the Surefoot Foundation, for the rehabilitation of young pregnant school girls at risk. It was founded on the belief that “there are no illegitimate children, but there are illegitimate parents.” Also, in the vision of the Foundation, “there is no denying the fact that our children and youth are the future of our nation. The girl child forms a significant proportion of this demographic group and incidentally, they also form our focus at the Surefoot Foundation.”

In the contemporary socio-economic conditions, physically developed but emotionally immature girls are exposed to dangerous sexual relationships, sometimes with their consent and at other times without such consent (through rape and incest). According to the Foundation, “such sexual encounters frequently result in unplanned and unwanted pregnancies with the result that these girls either opt to have abortions or are stigmatised for being single parents.” The Foundation strongly maintains, advocates and canvasses the position that an unwanted pregnancy should not mar a girl’s future. The primary goal of the Foundation therefore is:

to encourage sexual abstinence and focus girls on taking more responsible and informed decisions especially in their formative years. In the event of unplanned pregnancies, the Surefoot Foundation will provide a refuge where these girls who have been ostracised by their families or society can find shelter, care and direction in an environment where medical care, spiritual direction and practical guidance are provided free of charge. 

The following aims of the Foundation had also been articulated:

  • To save the lives of vulnerable children.
  • To reduce infant mortality.
  • To reduce the rate of child abandonment and abortions.
  • To help prevent teenage pregnancies by encouraging abstinence.
  • To provide avenues of social re-integration for single teenage mothers.
  • To facilitate the placement of babies in properly screened foster homes, adoptive homes.

Under the auspices of the Surefoot Foundation, Mrs. Obioma Imoke established the Mother Against Child Abandonment (MACA) and A State Fit for A Child (ASFAC). MACA was one of the initiatives of the First Lady to accommodate      unwanted babies as well as reintegrate young and teenage pregnant girls at risk. It     provided a safe haven for these young women and girls and ensured that an unwanted pregnancy did not destroy their future. This initiative was designed and packaged to save the future generation of Cross Riverians.

MACA concept
Young women and girls are vulnerable and are often swindled by men with sugar-coated tongue into relationships which most times result in unplanned pregnancies, frustration and ostracism. Often these men, most of whom are already married with grown-up children, take to their heels, leaving their victims with nothing to take care of themselves and the babies. Sometimes, the individual responsible for the pregnancy is not even known, and the thought of giving birth to a bastard leaves a sour taste in the mouth. Therefore, the most convenient options open to the victims are abortion (usually unsafe) and abandonment of the babies after birth. But Mrs. Obioma Imoke, upon assumption of office as first lady said enough was enough of such reckless and intolerable conduct. As aptly observed by her Foundation, there is no illegitimate child, but illegitimate parent.

The First Lady’s expression of humanity was broadened to include abandoned babies and their teenage mothers. Cases of desertion of babies had been on the increase. Young, teenage mothers, who had no means of livelihood had resorted to abandoning such babies in the gutters, bush and refuse bins. Sometimes the lucky ones survive and are rescued while others die in the process. Mothers against Child Abandonment (MACA) was one of the pet projects of Mrs. Obioma Imoke instituted to rescue unwanted babies. It devised, led and facilitated collective action for the protection of all children in Nigeria. MACA also took care of teenage mothers who had been rejected by their families and ensured that an unwanted pregnancy did not destroy the destiny of these young girls. It provided a safe haven for these girls.

Formerly a project under POWER but now an independent organisation, MACA has successfully brought to the fore several previously neglected social and developmental issues in Cross River State, especially the street children phenomenon, which led to the resettlement, reintegration and rehabilitation centre for erstwhile street children. As noted by Roland Ogbonnaya:

MACA was a response to the incessant cases of child abandonment in Cross River State to save the lives of vulnerable children, reduce maternal mortality, give hope to the hopeless/homeless pregnant girls at risk, among others. The initiative was also conceived and in fulfillment of a personal vow she made with her creator.

Mrs. Imoke’s philosophy is that “Forty years from now it will not matter what kind of car you drove; what kind of house you lived in; how much you had in your bank account. But the world will be a little better because you were important in the life of a child”. MACA embarked on public campaign on the electronic media to discourage teenage pregnancy and abandonment of babies. Jingles were aired regularly advising and imploring young mothers who were unable to cater for their babies to get in touch with MACA, using a hot line, instead of abandoning the babies to die as the practice often was.   

The Refuge
The initiator of MACA, Mrs. Imoke, is a woman full of compassion. In furtherance of the goals and programmes of MACA, she launched the Refuge, a home for homeless and neglected young girls who had been ostracised by their families and communities. Most of these girls were victims of ignorance, while others made mistake in the journey of life, which had landed them where they never expected. They became pregnant and were thrown out of their homes. The Refuge provided a home and made the girls feel loved and wanted.

This was a home established for young pregnant women and girls who had been rejected, shunned and left out in the cold by their families and the society. The concept and vision articulated in MACA found expression in the Refuge. The girls were provided shelter, medical, psychological and spiritual care as well as counseling in the home without payment of fee. The vision, philosophy and principles embedded in this project and the practical efforts channeled into achieving them were in consonance with the Millennium Development Goals 4, 5 and 6 which revolved around the reduction of child mortality, improvement of maternal health and the fight against HIV/AIDs.

The Refuge became operational in May 2008 and had since rescued several     babies from abandonment or perhaps death. Of that number, nine were abandoned by their mothers on the streets or delivered to the police; fourteen were delivered by the housemates of the Refuge, courtesy of the medical outfit of the home. Rendering further accounts of the achievements of the centre in February 2009, the highly elated and fulfilled First Lady resoundingly stated that “we have successfully graduated fourteen housemates, fostered eleven babies, reintegrated three babies’ mothers back home with their families and facilitated the adoption of one baby, while we currently have three housemates and nine infants.” Through MACA and the Refuge, Mrs. Imoke saved lives and turned around destinies which would have been lost or destroyed. For the first time she took the campaign against child abandonment out the realm of rhetoric, fanfare and lip service to that of possibility and practicality.

The Refuge Commissioned
The Refuge was unveiled, dedicated and inaugurated by the wife of the Vice President of Nigeria Dame Chief Mrs.  Patience Jonathan (as she then was) in October 2008.   Mrs. Jonathan extolled the initiative and vision of Mrs. Obioma Imoke in establishing the centre. She clearly and visibly exhibited great joy over the project and hoped that it would stem the intractable problem of child abandonment in the state.

The Wife of the Vice President offered supplication on behalf of the teenage mothers, entreating God for unusual and uncommon favour upon them, so that their delivery will be as easy as that of the Biblical Hebrew women. She was sanguine about the emergence some day of a child from the home as either president or vice president of Nigeria.

In her remarks, Mrs. Imoke said that the Refuge was a home established to provide succour in times of need to pregnant teenagers and single mothers who had been shunned and despised by their families, so that they would not in the circumstance abandon the children. Mrs. Imoke recounted some of the objectives of the institution to include reduction of teenage pregnancy, stamping out child abandonment and promotion of chastity and reintegration of vulnerable teenage mothers. She said that in furtherance of these noble objectives, the Refuge was established, and she was elated and fulfilled that the centre had saved the lives of twelve babies between May 2008 when it was opened and October 2008 when it was officially commissioned.

Apart from accommodating these teenage expectant mothers, the home provided them with free counseling sessions, skill acquisition training programme, ante and post-natal medical care and nursery facilities, among others. Dignitaries at the commissioning ceremony embarked on inspection of the home. Dame Patience Jonathan extended a hand of goodwill and magnanimity to the housemates by presenting some bags of rice to them.

Encomiums on Mrs. Imoke following the Inauguration.
          Women leaders from all over the federation assembled in Calabar to bestow encomiums on Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke for single-handedly and unprecedentedly championing the cause of the weak, neglected, downtrodden, abandoned, vulnerable and less privileged members of the society, a feat never seen in the history of Cross River State. The programme to rescue, accommodate, rehabilitate and reorient young, teenage pregnant girls and shield them from the vagaries of ostracism had been eulogised by women generally. This was exactly what transpired at the inauguration of the Refuge, a home established by the First Lady for young pregnant girls. The dignitaries who attended the inauguration paid tribute to Mrs. Imoke for embarking on the project, amomg them, the former national women leader of the People’s Democratic Party and member PDP Board of Trustees, Iyom Josephine Anenih. Also commenting on the visionary leadership of Mrs. Imoke, the wife of the Minister of Special Duties, Mrs. Maureen Orubebe applauded the First Lady for this great stride and enjoined other women in positions of leadership to follow her amiable example and precedent. She prayed for God’s unceasing benevolence and protection for the young mothers and children provided sanctuary in the home.

          Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, no doubt has lofty dreams and great vision for the less privileged which the home will help to actualize. This view was articulated by the Cross River State Commissioner for Social Welfare, Mrs. Edak Iwuchukwu, while acknowledging the unmatchable strides of the First Lady in giving hope to the hopeless and improving the quality of life of the socially disadvantaged. Then Cross River State Commissioner for Information, Barrister Edet Okon Asim expressed delight, gaiety contentment to be identified with the great vision and creativity of Mrs. Imoke. He described the First Lady as distinguished, illustrious esteemed and acclaimed woman who has injected a new life and innovation into the concept humanitarianism, especially the aspect affecting teenage mothers.  Other personages present at the inauguration were the wife of the Governor of Bayelsa State, Alayinigi Sylva, wives of Ministers, wife of Deputy Governor of Cross River State, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, and Some members of the Cross River Executive Council, among others.

D’ Banj Visits the Refuge

          The Refuge continued to play host to dignitaries who came to see and appreciate the good works of Mrs. Obioma Imoke, particularly the aspect of caring for ostracized, pregnant and teenage girls and abandoned babies. A musical icon, D’banj, was one of such important personalities to visit the home. He visited the Refuge on 23 July, 2009 when he came to Calabar. He came to see for himself the giant strides and nationally acclaimed achievements of Mrs. Obioma Imoke in saving lives and moving humanity forward. The musician did not hide his feelings of joy and appreciation over the aims and purpose of setting up the Refuge.

          The musician was escorted round the home by the Special Assistant on NGO and Special Projects, Mrs. Mary Amorji Ogar, who informed the musician of the vision of Mrs. Obioma Imoke and the mission of the home to provide for vulnerable teenage pregnant girls and abandoned babies who were at risk. Mrs. Ogar said at that moment the sanctuary had 10 babies one of whom was brought in on the day of the musician’s visit. She told her guest that the humanitarian work of the First lady had been made possible by support from passionate members of the public vibrantly appreciative of her noble cause. She also enjoined other members of the public to donate generously to support this virtuous, worthy and upright cause.

          Apart from caring for the inmates, the teenage mothers were trained in handicraft before they were properly reintegrated into the society. Those that wanted to go back to school were sent to school. D’banj described Mrs. Imoke as a mother and source of inspiration and motivation to him. He undertook the visit in the company of his manager and personal assistant.   

Chapter Ten: From Street Children to Destiny Children

A Visit to the Abode of Street Children
          The destiny of many homeless children from Cross River, Akwa Ibom and other states started changing when the First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, celebrated Nigeria’s 49the Independence with the children. It was a memorable day when Mrs. Imoke paid a visit to the street children at their residence behind the Central Bank of Nigeria, Calabar branch. According to her, “the 49the Independence celebration would not have been complete   without remembering the vulnerable and street children in our society.”

          The First Lady put smiles on the faces of the children and gave them a pride of place. On behalf of her project, A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC), she made donations worth thousands of naira as part of activities to mark the 49th Independence anniversary. Items donated included cloths, slippers, toothpaste and brushes, detergents, soap, cooked food and drinks, as a way of showing her love to the children abandoned and neglected by their families. The children who had been ostracized by their families and society received love and care from Mrs. Imoke

          The caring and loving First Lady was quite unhappy over the condition of the street children and promised on behalf of the state government to rehabilitate them. She said that government had acquired accommodation to move the children into where they will be transformed to government children. She advised the children not to allow hunger push or force them into vices; promised to provide them food daily; and encouraged them to always look up to her as their mother and confidant.

          While expressing displeasure in seeing these children in the street, the initiator of ASFAC said the government intended to improve their lives and create opportunity for them to go to school and become good citizens. The First Lady pointed out that Cross River was a state where children’s welfare was paramount and restated government’s commitment to ensure that children are given a special place in the society. Speaking on behalf of other children, a ten-year-old boy, Victor Effiong, narrated his experiences of life on the street, and how Mrs. Imoke came to his rescue by picking him from the street and rehabilitating him. Since then, he had ceased from being a vagabond, always endangered, to a transformed person with a home, guardian and opportunity to go to school. He advised other children them to leave the street and move into the home acquired for them by the government. Effiong thanked Mrs. Imoke for all her efforts to make them better citizens in the society.

          In a related development, the Special Assistant to the First Lady on Media and Publicity and that of Finance and Administration, donated on behalf Mrs. Imoke items such as mattresses, detergents, bags of rice and beans, toiletries, salt, Yago energy drinks, writing materials, tubers of yams to two homes in Calabar South Local Government as part of the activities to mark the 49th Independence anniversary.

Strategic Planning Committee for Street Children
          The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, set up a six-member Strategic Planning Committee for the Rehabilitation of the Street Children, with the Project Manager of NAWOCA as the Chairman. At the inauguration of the committee, Mrs. Imoke requested members to prepare a plan of action and the cost implication for rehabilitating the street children. She stated that their recommendations will assist the government in its programme to provide a home and proper upbringing for the street children.

          Mrs. Imoke said it was the wish of the Governor to remove homeless children from the streets of Calabar. Their teeming number on the streets of Calabar does not speak well of the capital city’s status as a tourist destination. These children who have been ostracized and labeled as witches had been passing through psychological trauma, mental torture, emotional stress and disparagement. Those who abuse children in this manner stand the risk of prosecution under the Child Rights Law.

Destiny Child Centre Rehabilitation Home
          The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke fulfilled her promise to rehabilitate street children. About 50 children were rehabilitated in a new home known as Destiny Child Centre (DCC) in Calabar South. This was a follow-up to the promise made by Mrs Imoke, to do everything possible within her power to rehabilitate      this category of children who were abandoned by their family members. The street children made up of 40 boys and 10 girls, between the ages of 10 and 16, were picked from different streets in Calabar. About 37 of the children were said to be from neighbouring Akwa Ibom State, one from Abia State, one was a Cameroonian, and the rest from Cross River State.

          Inspecting the new home after admitting the children, the State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke advised them to be of good behavior, and expressed optimism that most of them would become important personalities in the near future. Governor Imoke frowned at the attitude of some parents towards their children. It will be recalled that the children had been under the care of Mrs. Obioma Imoke, who had pledged her commitment to give them a sense of belonging. Mrs. Imoke expressed satisfaction with the condition of the new home for the children.

          On her part, the Commissioner for Social Development, Mrs Edak Iwuchukwu lauded the project and maintained that the government will continue to collaborate with the initiative of Mrs. Imoke to sustain it. Commenting on the children’s state of health, the Commissioner for Health, Dr. Edet Ikpi, stressed the need for constant counseling of the children by psychologist. The children who were elated at their new home thanked God and the State Government for the gesture. The rehabilitation exercise featured the consecration of the new home, registration, general cleanliness, distribution of clothes, toiletries as well as an interactive session with the Governor and his wife.

Destiny Child Centre Fund Raising         
           The First Destiny Child Fund Raising and Charity Fashion Fiesta were held in Calabar with a call from the State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke for all to help the destiny child attain his destiny. Senator Liyel Imoke who recounted the effort of Mrs. Obioma Imoke to get a home for the vulnerable children called on all stake holders, public spirited individuals, church organisations and non-governmental organizations to help create a state fit for a child. He maintained that giving the children love and a sense of belonging is a worthy cause and advised all to mentor them to become great future leaders. The initiator of ASFAC, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, said the vulnerable homeless children are the reality of what life is all about. She noted that the children had been exposed to lots of negative experience, maintaining that they needed to be rehabilitated properly in order to have a sense of belonging and reintegration.

          The DCC Charity Fashion show was instituted as a yearly ceremony to support children at the home, and as part of the Christmas celebration. The 2014 edition took place at the Cultural Centre Complex, Calabar, on 29 December. On that occasion, Governor Liyel Imoke praised the managers of the centre for also reuniting the children with their biological families, in addition to removing them from them the street. He also thanked kind-hearted individuals and organizations that have supported the centre through the years.

UNICEF Officials Visit former Street Children
          The wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, has said that her long-term plan for the street children in the state is to get them off the street. She disclosed this while conducting UNICEF officials round the Destiny Child Centre in Calabar, Mrs.  Imoke explained that her encounter with the street children in the state revealed to her the harsh conditions they were exposed to and motivated her to act towards providing a comfortable accommodation for them.

          She said that Destiny Child Centre is a big family and welcomed the UNICEF Officials to the centre. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke who was elated at the speedy transformation of the children within one month, stated that everything was being put in place to ensure that their dreams were realized. The UNICEF officials who were led by Mrs. Pelusi Mtabirweki commended Mrs. Imoke for her good works. The team was entertained by the children at the centre.

PFN Commends Rehabilitation of Street Children
The First Lady’s efforts in taking children off the street also received the recognition and endorsement of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), Cross River State Chapter. The President of the PFN in the State, Bishop Emma Isong, lauded Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke for removing a sizeable number of children from the streets of Calabar and caring for them. Bishop Isong made the commendation when the First Lady took the initial 50 homeless children off the street and provided them a comfortable accommodation in Calabar. He said that only a mother with real love for her children would go that far in assisting them. By taking steps to rehabilitate the street children, she had given them hope in their hopeless situation.
The programme to remove the children from the street was particularly felicitous. According to Bishop Isong:

This is the auspicious time for Christians to come out and pray fervently for the unity and progress of our state and country because we are entering the festive and critical period. And with this opportunity being offered to Christians, Mrs. Imoke has demonstrated that women in Cross River are solidly behind the present administration. Mrs. Imoke has changed the perception about Cross River Women. She had shown much commitment and dedication in taking the leaders of the state closer to God through her various religious activities embarked upon since the inception of this administration. 

Senator Imoke Celebrates Easter (2011) with DCC Children
Senator Imoke opted to have lunch with the special children of the Destiny Child Centre in Calabar. The children were living on the street and exposed to all kinds of danger and risks. They were taken off the streets on October 11, 2009, and given a home by the CRS government, and a new name Destiny Children by the wife of the Cross River State Governor, Obioma Liyel Imoke. According to the Governor, “Government is about serving people who need them most”. The government with his wife took food and drinks to the children at the DCC (Nigeria Daily Independent). The Destiny Child Centre enjoyed the support of public-spirited persons and groups.  The National Youths Service Corps (NYSC) donated laundry machines and some books to Destiny Child Centre.

Chapter Eleven: De-Worming Programme for Children

Declaration of War against Worms
           The health of children in Cross River State continued to capture the attention of Mrs. Obioma Imoke. One of her numerous initiatives to keep children healthy was the de-worming exercise she launched in the state, which was described as s declaration of war against worms. This drive was in line with one of the main goals of ASFAC, being to make Cross River a state fit for a child. ASFAC was designed to cater for children in the state; ensure that they grow well; eat well; and stay sufficiently healthy to register in school.

The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, identified worms as one of the factors that impede the growth and development of children. Worms attack the health of children and deny them important nutrients. As a result, the children suffer from malnourishment, tiredness, inability to pay attention to their studies, disruptive academic activities and a bleak future. In other respects, Mrs. Imoke said worms-infested children are physically diminutive and mentally retarded. She was however optimistic about the benefits of the de-worming programme and desired to take the war against worms to every nook and cranny of the state.

Against this backdrop, an aggressive war against worms in the state was launched by Mrs. Imoke, who flagged off the de-worming of 90,000 children aged between 2 and 17 years. The exercise was performed at three centres, namely, Yakurr, Akpabuyo and Ogoja representing the three senatorial districts in the state. The Governor’s wife stated that each local government chairman and their primary health coordinators had been given 5,000 de-worming tablets for administration to children. She urged them to ensure that every child was de-wormed in their localities. The campaign against worms was scheduled to run for a period of six months, as part of the initiative of ASFAC to ensure that the state was indeed fit for a child.

De-worming in Calabar Municipality
           The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, embarked on de-worming exercise for children. Through ASFAC, she was able to provide de-worming tablets for 90,000 children across the state. At the flagging off of the free de-worming exercise for children in Calabar Municipality, the wife of the former Chairman of Calabar Municipal Council, Mrs. Dorothy Etta Mborah commended Mrs. Imoke for her passion, commitment and determination in championing the cause and well-being of children in the state.

           Mrs. Mborah stated that the free de-worming exercise was initiated by the First Lady as part of efforts to create a state fit for a child. She described the successful implementation of the programme across the various local government councils as a reflection of the effective collaboration between the state and local governments.

           The Council’s Supervisor for Health and Social Services enjoined parents to ensure active participation of children in the exercise to promote healthy growth. Highlight of the event was the administration of de-worming tablets on the children by Mrs. Dorothy Mborah. The de-worming exercise continued throughout the weak in public schools in the municipality. Mrs. Obioma Imoke also declared war against worms in children at the Otop Abasi Police Barracks in Calabar. She stated that worms cause weakness in children which brings about weight loss.

De-worming in Akpabuyo
           The First Lady took the campaign against worms to Akpabuyo Local Government Area. She said every child must be de-wormed for a healthy living. With the de-worming of children, there will be no more premature death. She said every child must be de-wormed to ensure the Cross River is a state fit for a child. In her words:

as we come here today, na for the better of children of Cross River State; so that their body go strong well. Dem go fit understand wetin teacher dey talk for class because dem no weak from this worm wey de turn us for belle, you understand. So na him we dey do here today. Our Oga where be Governor of Cross River State, he want make every child for Cross River State grow up fine. He want make every child get intelligence. Therefore, he must make sure say every child in Cross River State get opportunity to live a good and happy and healthy life.

The Chairman of Akpabuyo Local Government, Boniface Archibong, lauded Mrs. Obioma Imoke, WHO and UNICEF for the gesture.

De-worming in Yala
           The de-worming exercise was also flagged off in Yala Local Government Area. The wife of the Chairman of Yala Local Government Area, who represented Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, enumerated some of the programmes of ASFAC to include provision of qualitative education, raising of intelligent children and healthy growth for children. The wife of the council boss said de-worming was a prerequisite for the healthy growth for the child. According to her, worm causes lack of blood and malnutrition, and urged mothers to bring their children for the exercise to enable them to have a healthy, intelligent and bright future. The Coordinator of Primary Health Care in Yala lauded Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her magnanimity and called on mothers to avail their children of the opportunity to have a worm free life.

De-worming in Army and Police barracks
           The wife of the State Governor says the desire of the State Government is to see that every child lives a healthy life. Mrs. Imoke was speaking at the 146 battalion, Nigerian Army, Eburutu Barracks, Calabar, while administering de-worming drugs on children in the Barracks. The First Lady stated that her visit to the barracks was part of the state-wide de-worming exercise for children and lauded UNICEF for sending the medicine for the war against worms in children. The Commissioner for Women Affairs   emphasised the need for children to be healthy at all times. In his remarks the Commanding Officer, 146 Battalion Eburutu Barracks expressed satisfaction with the exercise and thanked Mrs. Imoke for the gesture. He also lauded the magnanimity of the state government for identifying with them.

De-worming in Ugep
           The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, has flagged off de-worming exercise for children between 2 and 17 years in the state. Flagging off the exercise at Ugep, for the Central Senatorial District, Mrs. Imoke enumerated the effects of worms in children to include tiredness, sicknesses, lack of intelligence and dullness, among others. Mrs. Imoke maintained that a worm-free child is bright, sound and has a high intelligence quotient, adding that free worm medicine would be sent to them for up to six months.

           The Governor’s wife said 5,000 tablets were for children in each local government area of the state and explained that wives of local government chairmen were to administer them on children in their local government area. She emphasized the importance of children to the society and informed them that primary education in government-owned schools is free. The Commissioner for Women Affairs said the exercise was to ensure that Cross River is a State fit for a child and described Mrs. Imoke as a caring mother. On his part, the Chairman of Ugep Local Government Area, Chief Ubi Itam Eta encouraged parents to bring out their children for the exercise.

De-worming in Abi
           As part of the effort to de-worm children aged 2 to 17, a de-worming exercise organised by ASFAC was flagged off in Abi Local Government Area by the wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. The ceremony took place at Ediba in Abi Local Government Area. Represented by the wife of Abi Local Government Council Chairman, Mrs. Glory Chuks Agube, Mrs. Imoke said children needed to be de-wormed to be free of hook and tape worms that cause unnecessary tiredness, loss of weight and malnutrition.

           She appealed to parents to avail their children of the opportunity and complement Government effort in making Abi Local Government Area a place fit for a child. In an interview, the wife of the Chairman of Abi Local Government, Mrs. Glory Chuks Agube, said the gesture was in line with the directions of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke to all Chairman of Local Government to take the de-worming exercise to the grassroots. She thanked the governor’s wife for the gesture as it will contribute to the well-being of children in the state in general and Abi in particular.

           In a welcome address, the Councilor representing Ediba   ward described Mrs. Imoke as the Amazon of Abi and expressed gratitude for her contribution to primary health care which he said will make Abi fit for a child. In separate interviews, children in Abi expressed happiness to Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her love towards them and prayed for God’s blessings towards her and her projects.

De-worming at Estate Secondary School
          The First Lady, while declaring open activities to mark the Silver Jubilee of Estate Secondary School, Calabar, also de-wormed some of the students. Mrs. Obioma Imoke, represented by Dr. (Mrs.) Ame Offiong, called on parents and schools to key into government programmes, stating that de-worming exercise has been carried out in the three senatorial districts of the state. She said the exercise was aimed at eliminating parasitic worms in children, which inhibit their growth as well as act as an impediment to the child’s learning ability. She pointed out that government was poised to provide enabling environment to enhance academic performance, as well as make the state fit for a child. Mrs. Imoke advised the school authority to embark on periodic de-worming exercise.

Chapter Twelve: Inculcating Right Values in Youths

Cross River State, during the tenure of Senator Liyel Imoke, had not experienced the violent activities of youths which have manifested in some states in the form of restiveness, militancy, kidnapping and insurgency. The government of Senator Liyel Imoke had to a large extent addressed the needs and concerns of youths through dynamic policies and programmes. In the aspect of channeling the energy and vibrancy of youths of Cross River State into positive and productive ventures, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, has played a prominent complementary role. Through her numerous projects, she motivated and inspired youths and propped up their positive attributes towards self-rebranding. She believes that youths should not be discouraged by their present predicament or disadvantaged position but should forge ahead make the best use of every opportunity life. According to her, “Your present position might not be your fault, but it becomes your responsibility to break off from the shackles of obscurity and reposition yourself for greatness.”

          Therefore, youths have to be focused and work hard to achieve their goals in life. In her words: “to every youth, I’ll say it may just serve you better to focus on yourself, the things you need to achieve and how best to achieve them. Like I always tell you people, hard work never kills. So never expect anything on a platter of gold. Don’t ever stand for mediocrity and always try to be the best. That way, you’ll always succeed.”

BRANDSARISE Youth Empowerment
Mrs. Obioma Imoke had a track record in dealing with matters germane to   youths. A strong advocate of youth empowerment, she always identified with programmes that would help build the potentials of youths, providing enabling environment for them to exhibit them talents and showcase their potentials. In addition to empowerment, Mrs. Imoke demonstrated interest in the ethical, moral and spiritual development of youths in the state. She employed numerous platforms and avenues to address issues concerning youths, one of which was the Brandsarise Youth Empowerment programme. She built synergy with ADSTRAT BMC to inculcate the right values and reorient youths in the state.

Brandsarise is an empowerment conference for youths, designed to help them unearth and awaken the huge endowments God has deposited in them, and build their capacity through personal branding. The knowledge and skills acquired at the conference equip them to be able to build themselves and contribute to nation building.  An invention of ADSTRAT BMC, with Mr. Charles O’Tudor as Chief Executor Officer/Principal Consultant, Brandsarise is designed to propel youths to unlock their potentials and actualise their talents and vision for greatness in all aspects of life. It engenders in youths’ attributes of integrity, industry and patriotism.

It was in this respect that Mrs. Imoke enlisted ADSTRAT MBC limited to    organise Brandsarise youth empowerment and personal branding programme in Calabar. In June 2008, she declared the Brandsarise Season 1 Youth Empowerment open at the Cultural Centre complex in Calabar, Cross River State. Youths numbering more than 500 participated in the conference. On that occasioned, Mrs. Imoke urged the youths to pay attention and make optimal use of the knowledge acquired at Brandarise Season I.  The theme of the seminar was “Personal Branding for Self-Actualisation.” The programme which was launched by Mrs. Imoke had in attendance musical icons and idols in the entertainment industry. The youth seminar, adjudged very successful, was driven by the necessity to equip the youths with the means and methods of utilising their God-given talents to achieve successful and fulfilled life through personal branding principles.

The Cultural Centre, Calabar again hosted Brandsarise Season III Youth Empowerment. The theme of the programme was “Rules of Engagement.” Mrs.     Imoke outlined the first rule of engagement, namely, to develop a vision. The youths should then focus on the vision and work diligently to achieve self-actualisation for personal branding. She said what the youths need in order to succeed in life is the spirit of integrity, enterprise, honour and patriotism. These attributes are necessary to enable them utilise their God-given skills in becoming a successful brand. Resource persons, inspirational speakers and motivational speakers delivered powerful messages on different topics. They spoke extensively on the keys and secrets to success and fame. In attendance were famous artistes and great personalities, among them politicians, media gurus, captains of industries and fashion designers. Mr. O’Tudor, on behalf of ADSTRAT BMC, presented the sum of N500, 000 to Mrs. Imoke in support of her pet project, POWER. 

Moral and Spiritual Rebirth through “Youth Swagger” Concert
Senator Liyel Imoke and his wife, Obioma Imoke, placed high premium on moral     rejuvenation of youths in the state, by inculcating in them values critical to their physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Mrs. Obioma Imoke in partnership with Grace Consulate Evangelical Network instituted an annual concert and praise and worship programme known as “Youth Swagger” to tutor and mentor youths of Cross River State. Year after year thousands of youths from all nooks and crannies of the state gather at the Cultural Centre Complex, Calabar for the programme. On ground to entertain the youths were famous Nigerian gospel artistes, among them, Buchi, Joe Praise, Dayo Laniyi, and Frank Edwards, along with many local artists.

Several dignitaries from all walks of life attended the event, including Pastor Obi Pax Harry. In his message at the concert, Senator Imoke advised the youths to return to the olden days values to enable them make heaven. What the youths needed were the right attitude and fear of God. He said that the deterioration in societal values was caused by lack of good morals, hard work, honesty and patience. The key to transformation of the society resided in young people’s commitment to the worship of God. He enjoined youths to trust in God as there was nothing like leaders by accident. According to him, leadership only comes from the anointing of God.

The facilitator of “Youths Swagger,” Mrs. Obioma Imoke inspired the youths and propped them up to hold firmly unto God. She appreciated them for honouring the invitation in huge numbers and congratulated those who had surrendered their lives to God in the course of the event. Mrs. Imoke encouraged the youths to regularly study the bible that was given to them. This will enable them understand God’s message. She added that “what you came out to do today is not a joke. Make this book your best friend, open the book and read it. God will talk to you.”

Calabar Carnival as Youth Empowerment Industry
The wife of the governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, reiterated government’s commitment to take the Calabar Carnival to the next level by making it a youth empowerment industry. Mrs. Imoke stated this while rounding up a three-week training programme by the Cross River State Carnival Commission in collaboration with the National Carnival Board Association of Trinidad and Tobago to train the youths in management and administration and skill enhancement for the 2009 carnival.

She described the State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, as a man of vision who had taken the Calabar Carnival to the next level. Mrs. Imoke expressed optimism that the initiator of the carnival, and former governor, Mr. Donald Duke, would be proud at the dimension it had assumed, especially as a source of income to both the government and its people.

The governor’s wife thanked members of the National Carnival Board Association of Trinidad and Tobago for spending time in training the youths and advised the youths to take the knowledge they had acquired within the period as empowerment. She said the trained youths were supposed to design some of the costumes for that year’s carnival. The Executive Secretary of the Carnival Commission promised that the skills acquired so far will be utilised effectively during the carnival.

Empowerment through Agriculture
In her push to ensure that youths in the state were not idle, Mrs. Imoke called on the youths, and other unemployed persons to embrace fish farming as a source of livelihood. She made the call at the inauguration of a 15-man Executive Committee of the state branch of Cart Fish Farmers Association in Calabar. The First Lady who spoke through the Special Assistant on Food Processing, Packaging and Marketing, Mr. Anthony Ubi, opined that one of the surest ways of employment generation, poverty reduction and wealth creation for both rural and urban youths in the country was agriculture. She reiterated government determination to meet the domestic food requirement of the state within the shortest possible time by harnessing the potentials in agriculture, especially in fish farming. She assured the Association of assistance in securing micro credit, technical partnership, enabling environment and market outlet.

Chapter Thirteen: Innovations at the Calabar Carnival

The Carnival Calabar Queen (CCQ)
Another dimension, a beauty pageant, was introduced into the Christmas Festival by Mrs. Obioma Imoke. This has been described as a charity angle. Its introduction was a manifestation her resourcefulness, inventive skill, imagination, ingenuity, originality, creativity, drive and dynamism. The Carnival Queen was introduced in 2007. The First Lady pioneered the beauty spectacle as part of the 32 days Calabar Christmas Festival. Young women come under constant societal and peer pressure and harassment. The Calabar Carnival Queen pageant was an annual event designed to encourage and educate young women to be virtuous and chaste, to abstain from pre-marital sex and uphold the inviolability of womanhood.  It was intended that the earnings from the pageant would be allocated to the Refuge project for creating awareness and educating young girls regarding their sexuality and other related issues. Mrs. Imoke also added the pageant as a platform to educate young girls on preventing unwanted pregnancies and thereby secure their future. She was determined to put an end to child abandonment; reduce situations of unwanted pregnancies among unmarried girls; advocate abstinence and promote morality. The girls were given necessary counseling and assistance to facilitate reconciliation with their parents and families in the case of those who have been left out in the cold.

 The beauty extravaganza was organized under the aegis of Mother Against Child Abandonment (MACA), a non-governmental organization instituted by Mrs. Imoke and the Cross River State Carnival Commission to lend a helping hand in child development. The NGO provides relief and support for young, vulnerable girls who become pregnant as a result of rape, slip, blunder or miscalculation. MACA had a home called the Refuge where pregnant teenage girls at risk were accommodated and catered for. The winner of Calabar Carnival Queen served as tourism ambassador for Cross River State and the face of MACA.

           The CCQ pageant was an opportunity for young, beautiful, morally sound and scholarly girls to become role models to schoolgirls, in addition to being a spokesperson for her pet projects. It also became a platform for young girls to exhibit their talents and brandish their beauty. At the 2012 pageant, Mrs Imoke said CCQ was a melting point of activities, as destinies were preserved, and young ladies provided a platform where they could excel.

           The 2008 contest was held at the prestigious Tinapa Business Resort Calabar. At the occasion the First Lady remarked philosophically that the Calabar Carnival Queen was not just the face of Carnival Calabar but also the voice to young teenagers and adults. Mrs. Imoke stated further that, “She is one whose young mind can grasp the workings of other young minds and create ways of getting into those minds to be able to influence them positively”. Mrs. Imoke elucidated further on the inclusion of the beauty pageant in the Christmas festival calendar. The First Lady stated that the Carnival Calabar Queen was widely supported in 2007 and appealed for more support and contributions from individuals and corporate bodies. With the achievements on ground, she had greatly justified and transparently accounted for previous donations.

The winner of the pageant received a brandnew car, N2 million cash prize, one-year supply of clothing and makeup, one-year lodging in the Government Lodge, and a journey to Jamaica. The first runner-up received N500,000 and second runner-up was given N200,000. The following persons won the CCQ pageant from 2007 to 2014.

Chinenye Uwanaka – 2007

Queeneth Orok – 2008

Mayen Ekpo – 2009

Adaeze Eluke – 2010

Emem Udonquak – 2011

Sophia Chidinma Dijeh – 2012

Nancy-Olive Aisagbonhi – 2013

Bola Leaticia Olawole – 2014     

Advocacy Talk by Carnival Queen
           The Calabar Carnival Queen (CCQ) is the spokesperson for Mothers Against Child Abandonment. She visits schools and communities to educate and enlighten young girls on several challenges confronting the girl child. Her message at such fora is to encourage them to practice abstinence and avoid unwanted pregnancy. In the advocacy programme, teenagers are advised not to indulge in sex before marriage. Rather, they should develop skills that would impact their lives positively. Young girls should be studious for a brighter future. The 2008 Calabar Carnival Queen, Miss Queeneth Efiom Orok, embarked on advocacy visit to Onun Comprehensive Secondary School, Mbarakom and Uyanga Model School both in Akamkpa Local Government Area. She was accompanied by the programme manager of NAWOCA, who represented Mrs. Obioma Imoke and the Acting Managing Director of the Tourism Bureau/Executive Director of the State Carnival Commission. Addressing the students, Mrs. Obioma Imoke described the Mother Against Child Abandonment Programme as light at the end of a tunnel and hope to abandoned babies. She spoke on the issue of abandoned babies, vulnerable pregnant teenagers and reproductive health, and gave them a toll-free phone number for free counseling.

           In her address to the students, the Calabar Carnival Queen, Miss Queeneth Orok, advised the teenagers to see education as a steppingstone to a better future. She called on them to shun early sex, and enumerated the dangers associated with it to include unwanted pregnancy, child abandonment, distraction from studies, contracting HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, and evils of peer group pressure, among others. The students, in an interview, expressed appreciation at the advocacy talk which they described as revealing and vital to the development of the youths. The talk featured questions and answers, presentation of gifts and photographs.

Introduction of Children Carnival
           The plan of action to improve the well-being of children revolves around the following principles and values: Children need to have the best possible start in life; children should have access to quality basic education;and children need ample opportunity to develop their individual potentials to the maximum. The First Lady has worked tirelessly and personally invested enormous resources in social, recreational, educational   and sporting activities involving children. She has demonstrated her love and care for children in numerous respects. Upon her initiative and love for children, the Children Carnival was introduced into the biggest street party in Africa – the Calabar Carnival.  As a loving mother, she decided to introduce the children carnival so as to give them a sense of belonging.

          The Children’s Carnival was an innovation introduced at the instance of the First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, to give the children a sense of belonging. The children carnival was also designed for children to develop carnival culture. It had also brought to the fore efforts by Mrs. Imoke to tackle the problem of abandoned babies and rejected teenage mothers without homes. The Children Carnival took off from the Botanical Garden on Mary Slessor Avenue into Marian Road, Barracks Road with the destination at the UJ Esuene Stadium. They covered about four kilometers. The children were received at the U J Esuene Stadium, Calabar by Mrs. Imoke where she also treated them to a carnival party. In her address to the children at the party, the First Lady congratulated them for taking part in the carnival. Mrs. Imoke also expressed gratitude to their parents for their support. She promised them a better deal and well-orchestrated carnival in their next outing. Mrs. Imoke also used the occasion to counsel the children, urging them to be heedful, humble and respect   their parents and guardians. They should carry out their domestic work and errand as a way of encouraging the government to continue with the children carnival.

December 26 was set aside for children carnival while the main carnival will be December 27 for adults. The first of the children carnival took place in 2007. The second was held on December 26, 2008. Activities to usher in the second children carnival began with a call on children to register for the carnival. Mrs. Obioma Imoke made the call in a reception for some children at the end of the dry run at the U. J. Esuene Stadium, Calabar, while expressing delight at the turnout. Those who had not yet registered should endeavour to do so before the day of the carnival. They should also be punctual and take part in the rehearsals for excellent performance, she advised them.

           The First Lady is never short of words of admonition for children on occasions like this. Such counseling is necessary if the children are to grow up in the fear of God and be useful citizens both to their parents and the nation. On this occasion Mrs. Imoke enjoined the children to be obedient to their parents. This will encourage their parents to register them for the carnival. She also announced that a children party will be held after the children carnival walk.


Chapter Fourteen: New Year Eve’s Windfall

Felicitations with Prisoners
          Her Excellency, Obioma Liyel Imoke has always shown kindness for the less privileged. She always identified with their cause, challenges and aspirations. Most of these people have been forgotten by the society and even their own families. One person who has not forgotten them is Obioma Imoke. She chose to spend some time with the less privileged and prisoners in Calabar on 31st December 2008, the eve of the New Year. Her visit to the Afokang Prison in Calabar was memorable and commendable. She donated different items to the prisoners namely over 100 ten-spring bed mattresses, some bags of rice, gallons of vegetable oil, cartons of Dettol and other disinfectants, plastic buckets for bathing, toiletries and bags of garri, known as POWER garri, product of one of Obioma Imoke’s women empowerment outfit. She also presented to the inmates rolls of tissue papers, different kinds of detergents, bottled water, cooked rice and fruit drinks.

          The First Lady was accompanied by the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, The Commissioner for Social Welfare and Community Development, Mrs. Edak Iwuchukwu, the Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, aides to Her Excellency, some wives of members of the State Executive Council and journalists. It was not only material donations that flourished during her visit, the First Lady also imparted spiritual gifts to the inmates.

Addressing the prisoners whom she preferred to call “Housemates” Mrs. Imoke offered to them life-changing advice. They were     advised to turn a new leaf and not begrudge whoever might have contributed to their present predicament. Rather they should see their difficult situation as a period of sober reflection, refining moment and close relationship with God. Mrs. Imoke who described the prisoners as “distinguished” implored them to believe in God and not lose hope as there is no situation God cannot change. She said if the inmates would chart a new course for their lives after their release, then they are destined to enjoy the love, forgiveness and mercy of God because “to err is human and to forgive divine.” They should not see themselves as condemned people, but as people who will fulfill their destinies in life.

          The First Lady and her entourage wished the prisoners a merry Christmas by singing the popular carol “we wish you a merry Christmas”. The prisoners were filled with joy and gratitude for such a historic day. The Deputy Controller of Prisons, Calabar, Mr. Mmeabe Lebosi, who received the First Lady’s entourage, remarked that the he and the inmates were elated and highly appreciative of the kind gestures and love demonstrated by Mrs. Imoke. He stated that prior to the arrival of the First Lady the inmates had just rounded up their football fiesta using the ball Mrs. Imoke donated to them during her visit to the prison in the month of October. He said the gifts had provided the inmates with pleasure and a sense of belonging.

At Orphanages and Rehabilitation Centre

The journey of love, compassion and goodwill of December 31, 2008, also took Mrs. Imoke to Uwanse Motherless Babies Home, Infant Jesus Motherless Orphanage Home, the Inner-City Mission Rehabilitation Centre and the Refuge, a home established by Mrs. Imoke. At the Uwanse Motherless Babies Home and Infant Jesus Motherless Orphanage, she donated items such as cartons of assorted baby milk, toiletries, detergents, disinfectants, cooked food and clothes. She exemplified love and played with the babies by carrying, cuddling and pecking them.

          From the orphanages the First Lady visited the Inner-City Mission Rehabilitation Centre established and run by the Christ Embassy Church at Eyo Eta Street, Calabar. The Centre accommodates street boys who are being rehabilited by the Church. The Pastor, Elis Idenudia, and his assistant, Dr. Rugene Bassey Akiba who conducted the First Lady and her retinue round the dormitories remarked that the boys were picked from the area around the Cultural Centre in Calabar. The hitherto vagabonds were taken in and catered for by the church. Mrs. Imoke made similar donations worth hundreds of thousands of naira for the upkeep of the street boys some of whom have been gainfully employed. They expressed gratitude to the First Lady for regular support to the Centre.

          The New Year eve’s windfall in support of the less privileged also took Mrs. Imoke to the Refuge, a home set up by her to take care of abandoned babies and teenage pregnant girls who have been rejected by their parents and shunned by the society. She presented items to these expectant teenage girls and the children undergoing intensive care and rehabilitation. During the presentation the First Lady said, “though I am not encouraging teenage pregnancy, but I have to provide a kind of home for these ones who are already pregnant in order not to make them vulnerable”. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke revealed that a rat saved (rescued) one of the babies who has been given out on adoption. The baby, some said, was wrapped in a black bag and abandoned to suffocate, but was rescued by a rat which the bag, thus saving the child’s life.

          The windfall continued on New Year’s Day, January 1, 2009. It was another day of magnanimity, generosity, altruism and flow of the milk of human kindness. This time around, the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) Calabar was the beneficiary of the largesse. The First Lady donated six 1.5 horsepower split unit air conditioners to the management of the hospital for use in the theatre. As the child of health workers, Mrs. Imoke appreciated the importance of the sector and the need to enhance its performance.

          On this occasion, the First Lady was represented by the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham. She also presented gifts such as clothes, beverages, hampers and cash to the baby of the year, baby Michael Offiong and his mother. The baby was born at about 5.15 am at the Teaching Hospital. The Deputy Governor’s wife also made personal donations to the baby of the year.

Donations to Male Children’s Ward, UCTH
          The Governor’s wife, Mrs. Obioma Imoke made cheque donations, beverages, ASFAC T. shirts and toiletries to patients at the male children’s ward of the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital to help them augment their medical bills and other needs. Mrs. Imoke thanked the nurses, matron and doctors for working tirelessly to help the children get well.

          Represented by the wife of the Secretary to State Government, Mrs. Ann Ugbo, expressed her love for children, adding that the visit was to make the children feel the impact of May Twenty-Seven. Conducting the entourage round the hospital, the Chief Nursing Officer in charge of Children’s Ward, Mrs. Itam Okon Bassey thanked Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her magnamity, adding that the donation will go a long way to help the patients.

At Children’s Ward, General Hospital
The wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, said Children’s Day could not be complete without visiting children in the hospital. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke stated this when she visited the Children’s Ward at the General Hospital, Mary Slessor Avenue, Calabar, with gift items. Mrs. Obioma Imoke, represented by the wife of the Secretary to the State Government, Mrs. Ann Ugbo, noted that Cross River has passed the Child Rights Bill into law, signifying that the state has the interest of the child at heart. The wife of Governor thanked the nurses and doctors for their amiable character in caring for the children and commended the clean environment of the hospital, adding that it will help in the quick healing of ailments. She also donated food items to a twelve-year-old retroviral patient to build up her body system for ARV treatment. Conducting the entourage round the ward, the matron, Mrs. Ako Eherowa, said 10 children were on admission due to various ailments such as malaria, anaemia and pneumonia. The retroviral patient thanked the entourage, particularly Mrs. Obioma Imoke for the gesture.  

Donations at Ugep and Obubra
As part of efforts to alleviate the suffering of the vulnerable in the society, Mrs. Obioma Imoke donated items worth thousands of naira to Virtuous Woman Orphanage Home Ugep and the Presbyterian Tuberculosis and Leprosy Hospital, Mbembe, Obubra. The items donated included bags of rice, beans, bathing soap, tooth pastes and jerry cans of vegetable oil. Receiving the items at the Presbyterian Tuberculosis and Leprosy Hospital, Mbembe, the Medical Superintendent thanked Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her kind gesture and prayed God to give her the enablement to continue with her good works. 

Donations at Ogoja and Obudu
The wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke exhibited her magnanimity again by donating items worth thousands of naira to five homes in Ogoja and Obudu Local Government Areas. They included St. Joseph Orphanage Home, Itu Mbube, Good Shepherd Centre for Special Education for the Physically Challenged Children and the Leprosy Centre all in Ogoja. Others are St. Joseph Centre for the visually handicapped and Leprosy Centre both in Obudu.

The items donated include cartons of Omo detergent, tin tomatoes, toiletries, bar soap, chocolate drinks, bags of salt, cheese balls, rice, beans, jerry cans of vegetable oil and rolls of tissue paper. Presenting the items, the wife of the State Governor, represented by the wife of Ogoja Local Government Council Chairman, Mrs. Felicia Eweh, said the items were to aid the students, the sick, physically challenged and less privileged in the society. She called on the students to study hard and exhibit positive character worthy of emulation, while imploring others not to be discouraged due to their being physically challenged. Mrs. Eweh explained the absence of the First Lady: “she should have been here herself to present these items but because of activities in the state she cannot come.”

The matrons of the Homes and Schools thanked Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her kind gesture and prayed for God’s protection and sustenance on her family. On their part, the children expressed happiness and thanked God for making the First Lady remember them again. “I want to wish her all the best in life. I want to tell her that in any situation she should put God first. We appreciate what she has been doing for us. I want to tell them thank you for what they have been doing for us. We pray that God should help them to do more than this,” the children said. They showered encomiums Mrs. Imoke, following her milk of human kindness flowing around them.

Donations in Akpabuyo
In her determined effort to alleviate the suffering of the less privileged in the society, Mrs. Obioma Imoke took another bold step in donating to the Christ Embassy Orphanage Home. The gesture took her to the St Veronica Orphanage Home at Etomkpe Yellow Duke in Akpabuyo Local Government Area. The items donated included bags of rice, beans and some tubers of yam.

Donation to Displaced Persons from Cameroun
          The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, again displayed her magnanimity to the displaced persons and returnees from the Republic of Cameroun camped at Ekpri Ikang in Bakassi Local Government Area of Cross River State. Accompanied by the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, Mrs. Imoke gave the traumatised people a surprise package of food items including bags of rice, beans, salt, sugar, garri, spices, tubers of yam, beverages, cooked food, crayfish, cartons of tomatoes and two live cows as part of the Christmas celebration.

          Presenting the materials to the returnees, Mrs. Imoke said it was a way of sharing the Yuletide with the people who, out of   no fault of theirs, have been forcefully harassed out of the comfort of their houses and means of livelihood to live in a camp. She emphasised that the people of the state felt their pulse and were equally troubled by the suffering they were experiencing. The philanthropic First Lady lamented that the most vulnerable groups, women and children, were passing through one of the most difficult times of their lives and needed succour.

          The Director General of the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), Mr. Vincent Aqua, said that the manifestation of the philanthropic spirit of Mrs. Imoke was welcoming, and   said that the gesture will give the returnees a sense of belonging. The Director General later conducted the First Lady round some of the facilities at the camp. The jubilant returnees, numbering over four thousand persons, expressed appreciation to Mrs. Imoke and the State Government through their leader Prince who is also Secretary General of Nigerian Union in Cameroun.

Regularly, Mrs. Imoke visited the camp of the displaced people of Bakassi. POWER gave tremendous support and relief materials to the displaced people. This helped, in no small way, in giving hope and sense of belonging to the displace people who happened to have found themselves in that situation, out of no fault of theirs


Chapter Fifteen: Medical and Humanitarian Assistance to Women

The Campaign against AIDs
          One area which had touched the soul of the First Lady was the health of Cross Riverians, particularly the aspect of terminal illnesses. Some of these illnesses can be cured or managed if they are discovered or diagnosed in time. Unfortunately, however, most victims or patients go about with deadly diseases undiscovered until much damage is occasioned thereby jeopardizing efforts to save the patient’s life. In response to the rising rate of HIV/AIDs in Nigeria, the former Nigerian First Lady, Turai Yar’Adua had launched the National Women Coalition on Aids (NAWOCA) in August 2007, with the aim of public enlightenment and improved advocacies on HIV treatment and prevention. Another objective of NAWOCA was to provide a platform for addressing HIV/AIDs and reproductive health issues of women, among others. State chapters of NAWOCA were also established.

           The Chairperson of NAWOCA, Cross River State Chapter, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, took the bull by the horn in her efforts to eliminate the pandemic in state.

The State First Lady was in the forefront of combating the HIV/AIDs scourge. Under her leadership, NAWOCA Cross River State has been vibrant and proactive in tackling HIV/AIDs. In August 2009, NAWOCA Cross River State gave out HIV test kits to the local government areas. The technical working committee of NAWOCA in the state, the Ministry of Health and wives of Chairmen of councils of the 18 local government participated in the distribution exercise.

Among other strategies, she convened the Cross River State Private Sector Round Table Forum. This brought together many important members of the Cross River State business community in the private sector to deliberate on how to achieve a sustainable HIV/AIDs intervention programme. This was a multi sectoral approach involving all stakeholders. The theme of the one-day forum was “Building Partnership for Sustainable HIV/AIDs Intervention in Cross River State”. The discussions brought to the fore the importance of seeing the pandemic as a developmental issue in which all hands must be on deck to combat it and reduce the level of infection in the state.

          In her capacity as the Chairperson of NAWOCA, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imokepresented the kitsto the wives of Chairmen of the local government councils in Calabar. She enjoined wives of chairmen to carry out continual and relentless sensitization and mobilization programmes to enable people in their communities derive the benefit of the HIV antibody testing. This will make it possible for them to determine their HIV status and also cooperate with their local government area primary healthcare coordinators to appraise the degree to which the test kits have been put to use. Mrs. Obioma Imoke also sought the cooperation of non-governmental organisations, the media and other stakeholders to ensure the success of the programme. Wives of Chairmen should carry out sufficient publicity and spread the message. The NAWOCA Chairperson   passionately appealed to everyone to grab this rare opportunity and take the benefit of the project by undergoing, a test.  Such test would be the first step to staying healthy.

Appeal to Stakeholders
Mrs. Obioma Imoke called on the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) to increase its HIV/AIDs and reproductive health information activities in the state, especially as it affects women. Mrs. Obioma Imoke made the call while declaring open a one-day HIV/AIDs awareness workshop for vulnerable groups organized by the NDDC in collaboration with Health Mission International, and the HIV/AIDs Information Dissemination and care initiative.

          The Governor’s wife, who spoke through the programme manager of NAWOCA, explained that the call was born out of the reality that a healthy nation needs a healthy woman to be a mother to the children and a wife to her husband. She noted that the state government’s effort to bring down the level of HIV/AIDs infection to the barest minimum can only be achieved when more people, organizations and communities synergize efforts and resources in the HIV/AIDs response. The Chairperson of NAWOCA stressed the need for positive behaviourial change from stakeholders and target groups to ensure that the 95 percent uninfected Nigerians would maintain their status, while the 5 percent infected populace will remain healthy.

Collaboration with Faith-Based Organisations
          Mrs. Obioma Imoke has called on faith-based communities to channel their strength and resources into action to check the incidence of HIV/AIDs in the society. Speaking in her capacity as the state Chairperson of NAWOCA, she made the call while inaugurating the Advisory Board of the Assemblies of God AIDs Care Organization in Calabar.

          The wife of the Governor, who was represented by the Project Coordinator of NAWOCA, stated that the coalition was interested in working with committed individuals and organizations to reduce the level of HIV/AIDs infections in the state and commended the Assemblies of God Church for setting up HIV/AIDs and reproductive health need unit for its members and the community. She observed that while the HIV/AIDs pandemic seems to be thriving unabated in certain quarters, some places are making significant progress and recording success stories in the fight which has been achieved by cohesion of efforts among various stakeholders. Mrs. Obioma Imoke said NAWOCA was building the capacity of stakeholders, providing HIV test kits to different facilities with plans underway for the distribution of breast milk supplement with baby formula milk for HIV positive breastfeeding mothers to ensure that their babies remain uninfected.

          The District Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, Calabar District, said the setting up of the organization was based on the fact that AIDs pandemic cuts across all segments of the society and the commitment to ensure that members stay healthy unaffected by HIV virus. He used the opportunity to thank the wife of the Governor for the donation of HIV test kits to the church project.

Distribution of HIV Test Kits
          NAWOCA in collaboration with the State Ministry of Health has flagged off the distribution of HIV test Kits to the local government councils in the state. Presenting the kits, Mrs. Obioma Imoke charged the wives of local government chairmen to embark on advocacy walk to create awareness on HIV/AIDs, voluntary counseling and testing. She added that early detection and treatment will assist in reducing the spread of the virus. Mrs. Obioma Imoke called on the chairpersons to visit the health centres to monitor the progress reports and enjoined them to ensure judicious use of the kits.

Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)
The wife of the Governor and State Chairperson of    NAWOCA Mrs. Obioma Imoke inaugurated a 20-member Committee on Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) and pediatrics HIV/AIDs for the state. The Committee’s objectives are to create a framework for active and sustainable scaling up of the PMTCT service on HIV/AIDs in the state and within the UNICEF Zone A office; to create strategic reduction in the number of babies infected with HIV and other cases of infection within the adult, women and youth population.

          The Committee was also expected to develop a result-oriented programme       on HIV/AIDs intervention activity and to provide a technical direction and coordinating framework for a reduction level in HIV among mothers and babies. Mrs. Imoke expressed optimism that the committee will set pathways for achievement of set goals and maintained that she would ensure open doors in her office for the attainment of positive results in the reduction of HIV/AIDs in the state.  The Commissioner for Health called on stakeholders to show concern in the fight against HIV/AIDs in the society. On his part, the UNICEF children and AIDs programme manager lauded Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke for starting PMTCT in the state with 53 mothers and babies, with only 2 babies infected.

AIDs Global Candlelight

          The Global Candlelight Memorial was observed consistently in Cross River State under the auspices of the State Chapter of NAWOCA in collaboration with Global Council for Health, Washington. This was an advocacy and sensitization programme and involved lighting of candle by the Wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, who was 2009 Global Candlelight Community Coordinator.

The lighting of candle usually signaled the beginning of intensive and vigorous campaign of awareness on HIV/AIDs in the state. The theme of the event was: “Knowing that Together we are the Solution”. The First Lady, represented by the Wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, advised young people to abstain from sex and married couples to remain faithful their partners. She emphasised the importance of knowing one’s status to ensure early treatment and access to anti-retroviral drugs.  

POWER Cancer Advocacy

          The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, has advised women in the state to always conduct self-examination for early detection of cancer. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke stated this at the flagging off of a state-wide campaign against breast and cervical cancer organized by Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER) in conjunction with Pink Pearl Foundation at Ikom. She noted that early detection of the ailment will reduce the spread of the infection and give hope of survival for women infected. Mrs. Imoke reiterated the importance of carrying out early checks in the language the women could understand. The general notion about cancer is that once a person is infected, he or she must die. However, such a person can survive, if it is detected early. In the words of Mrs. Imoke:

One thing where dey inside am be to find out early enough, say you get am you understand what I mean? Once you find out early enough say you get am, then God will do the rest. Because every day na him the doctors dey discover new things about cancer, not things where people talk about cancer. The only thing be say if you no check in time, that is where the problem is. So na him I come tell una say we must begin to check ourselves every day.

So na him I come tell una say we must begin to check ourselves every day.

          The wife of the Delta State Governor, Mrs. Sheila Uduaghan, demonstrated how to conduct personal checks for breast cancer. She enumerated the symptoms of breast cancer to include nipple pain, unusual leaking of fluid, a lump in or around the breast, one breast becomes bigger than the other, swelling and tender of the breast, redness or scaly skin on the nipple and armpit pain, among others. Another speaker and Chief Executive Officer of Pink Pearl Foundation, Orode Uduaghan, called on women to accept the fact about cancer in order to live longer. Other speakers were Dr. Asanga Ewa and Dr. Iquo Ibanga of the Nigerian Medical Women Association. The occasion featured advocacy walk, free test and counseling.

 Cancer Screening

          Cancer is one of these serious diseases and its early detection can offer a respite to the victim. The Cross River State Government has equally risen to the challenge posed by cancer, with a strong determination to reduce it among its populace. In furtherance of this objective, the wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke initiated a programme for cancer screening in the state. The exercise attracted thousands of residents of Calabar. Her concern centres on the fact that much effort, attention and resources have been channeled into diseases such as HIV/AIDs, malaria and tuberculosis while a mostly deadly one like cancer is relegated to the background. As Mrs. Imoke aptly recounted, “cancer is slowly and silently killing our people, as I speak to you, about six of my friends have been diagnosed with this dreadful disease. It gives me great pleasure therefore to warmly welcome the Cancer Medical Mission Team to the state”. The screening, which enjoyed mass participation, took place at the General Hospital, Calabar. It involved screening for breast, cervical and prostate cancer. Also included were free treatment and training of medical personnel, who will replicate same in other Local Government Areas of the State.

          Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke initiated the screening of 324 persons for cancer in the state to mark the 2008 Nigeria’s Cancer Awareness month. The cancer medical programme was conducted by Africa Cancer Care Inc (ACCI). The screening revealed 10 cases of advanced cervical lesions, 70 breast lumps and 11 advanced prostate lesions. Advanced cases were referred to University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH) for treatment under the sponsorship of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. Over 500 women in Ikom LGA took part in a screening exercise for breast cancer, spearheaded by Mrs. Obioma Imoke and Mrs. Sheila Uduaghan, wife of Delta State governor.

Breath of Life
Mrs. Obioma Imoke launched another programme called Breath of Life in response to the alarming rate of death caused by pneumonia, especially among children. It is estimated that about 177,000 children die yearly from pneumonia. Adults also die from the disease. Mrs. Imoke was determined to change this narrative. Touched by this unacceptable situation, she launched the Breath of Life programme to encourage community driven approach to combating pneumonia in the state.

          The programme focused on children as they are more vulnerable to pneumonia. It involved a campaign of sensitisation in rural and urban areas across the state. Under the Breath of Life programme, diagnoses were carried out and those who were found to have contracted the disease were given free treatment. Through this programmed mortality rates significantly reduced. As Mrs. Imoke put it, “we don’t want our children to die anymore of a disease with preventable solutions.” In view of her contributions in alleviating the heavy burden of pneumonia and thereby reducing the rate of mortality in the state, Mrs. Obioma Imoke won the 2012 Small Grants Program for World Pneumonia Day.

Inclusion of Faith-Based Organisations
The Breath of Life project was designed to foster community directed strategy to stop and control pneumonia in Cross River State. One of the strategies adopted by Mrs. Imoke was the incorporation of faith-based organisations into the fight against the dreaded disease. In marking the 2013 World Pneumonia Day, Mrs. Imoke’s project, Breath of life, in collaboration with the state Ministry of Health, ministry of Social Welfare, Department of Community Development and Department of Religious Matters, embarked on advocacy walk. The walk commenced from the Agro Feed Junction, 8 Miles, and ended at the Christian Central Chapel International, Faith Mansion centre open ground. 

          In her message, Mrs. Imoke urged faith-based organizations and religious leaders to be part of the advocacy and sensitization programme. They should enlighten their members on the importance of knowing how best to prevent, control and treat pneumonia. Mothers should follow normal rules of healthy living, and obey instructions of medical practitioners. She advised the people not to listen to religious prejudice against orthodox medicine. Mrs. Imoke reminded them of the theme for the year which was “Innovation.” As she noted, “people perish due to lack of knowledge. You have a responsibility to sensitise your congregation and in sharing necessary information on pneumonia prevention.”

          Mrs. Imoke gave hinted on easy methods of pneumonia prevention, namely hand washing, cross ventilation, good nutrition, exclusive breastfeeding and immunisation. She expressed gratitude to the state chairman of the Christian Association of Nigerian, Arch Bishop Joseph Ukpo (Emeritus) and other religious leaders who took part in observing the World pneumonia Day.

          Other speakers at the occasion were the Special Assistants, Public Health, Non-Governmental Organisations and Special Projects, Dr. Regina Ejemot-Nwadiaro, Executive Director of POWER, Mrs. Tammie Kammonke, and representative of Pfizer Pharmaceutical Company, Mrs Uchenna Anagboso. Dr. Ejemot-Nwadiaro lauded Mrs. Imoke for leading the fight against pneumonia since 2009. Mrs. Anagboso praised the passion demonstrated by the First Lady towards the prevention and elimination of pneumonia, which was the reason for her nomination for the GAVI Award. The Breath of Life project co-opted religious leaders into yhe advocacy and sensitization programme because they were better placed to relay the message on pneumonia. Leaflets were also distributed to members of the public.

Free Baby Formula for Indigent MothersT
The First Lady extended her loving kindness to indigent mothers of multiple births. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke called on indigent mothers of multiple births of children between zero and six months and those of single birth with conditions that prevent the use of their breast milk to register for free supplementary formula for their babies. The offer of free milk was to ensure that their babies received adequate nutrients needed for early child development in the case of multiple births where the mothers’ breast milk may be insufficient in quantity and other cases where due to health reasons mothers are advised not to breastfeed.

          The Governor’s wife reminded the women that breast milk was the best for babies and encouraged responsible breastfeeding for mothers who did not fall into the aforesaid category. She advised women who qualified for the free milk to report to POWER secretariat with evidence of multiple birth and a doctor’s note. Those outside Calabar were to register with the Chairperson of their respective local government areas for disbursement of the free supplementary milk formula.

Campaign for Breastfeeding
The passion for children went beyond rescuing and caring for abandoned babies and rehabilitating teenage mothers. Mrs. Imoke always strived to ensure that babies enjoy good health and are well catered for. In this respect, Mrs. Imoke launched a campaign for breastfeeding of babies. She urged nursing mothers to resuscitate the age-long practice of breastfeeding their babies at all times. Mrs. Imoke stated this at Ikot Nakanda, Akpabuyo Local Government Area during the closing ceremony of World Breastfeeding Week organized by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with UNICEF and Akpabuyo Local Government Council.

          Represented by Mrs. Ann Ugbo, the First Lady remarked that the breastfeeding week celebration was aimed at creating awareness as well as reviving, promoting and supporting the custom of breastfeeding among nursing mothers. It was a grand design aimed at reducing malnutrition and infant mortality in the state and nation in general. Mrs. Imoke highlighted the importance of first six months of exclusive breastfeeding and gave an assurance of the commitment of the state government to support the scheme. Describing breastfeeding as a pride of motherhood, Mrs. Imoke enjoined breastfeeding mothers to put into practice the knowledge they have acquired from the programme during the breastfeeding week. She particularly implored all mothers in Akpabuyo who directly benefitted from the one-week event to show the way in supporting and promoting the programme. Mrs. Imoke also appealed to community leaders, health professionals, government agencies, donors and the mass media to promote the crusade on exclusive breastfeeding.

          The campaign for breastfeeding is predicated on the fact that there is no type of artificial baby food that has as much nutritional valued for a growing baby like breast milk. Children who are exclusively placed on breast milk are generally healthier and display a high level of intelligence. Mothers have been urged to exclusively breastfeed their babies for the first six months.

          In line with her pragmatic and humanitarian approach to a salient issue such as this, Mrs. Imoke gave out some gift items to the first, second and third placed winning babies who, among other criteria, had completed their immunisation. This strategy was designed by Mrs. Imoke to motivate and invigorate breastfeeding. She issued the following message to the women of Cross River State on 2009 breastfeeding week:

Dear women of Cross River State, I bring you peace and love as you     mark yet another World Breastfeeding Week, which starts today August 16 and will stretch onto 21st of August 2009. In line with this year’s theme, “Breastfeeding, A Vital Emergency Response, Are you Ready?” 

I urge all women to be aware of the importance of breastfeeding the baby with exclusive breast milk only for the first six months and more as the case may be. As you are all aware, the importance of breastfeeding cannot be overemphasized. The advantages of breastfeeding include, among others, good health, balanced diet for babies, a source of supply of anti-bodies to the immune system of the baby which is cheap and readily available to all categories of breastfeeding mothers and several other benefits. In carrying out exclusive breastfeeding, you are equally keying into one of my initiatives (A State fit for a Child). One of the cardinal objectives of ASFAC is to reduce infant and maternal mortality rate, and we are doing this through advocacy by supporting exclusive breastfeeding. I therefore urge all mothers to come out en masse to participate in this programme which is supported by UNICEF globally every year. This week-long celebration will create a high level of awareness of breastfeeding and its numerous benefits to the babies and their mothers. Mothers should therefore take advantage of this golden opportunity to learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding from the 16th to the 21st of August, 2009.

I wish to thank our host, Akpabuyo Local Government Area Council, where this year’s breastfeeding week is being flagged off. I also commend the Commissioner for Health and all staff of the Ministry of Health for making conscious effort to enlighten breastfeeding mothers in Cross River State about the benefits of this laudable programme. I

wish you a happy celebration. Thank you and God bless. 

Recreational Centre for Motherless Babies
Campaigning and canvassing for support for the less privileged and improvement in their socio-economic well being was one area, Mrs. Imoke was so passionate about. Thus, she became a source of inspiration to those wishing to invest on social programmes that impact the lives of the downtrodden and less privileged persons. She took the lead even when the project was not directly hers. Thus, no other person could have been better qualified, more capable or worthier to commission a recreational centre at the Motherless Babies Home, Unwanse, Calabar South Local Government Area than Mrs. Obioma Imoke. Her track record in philanthropy speaks volumes and so far, remains unparallel. The project was that of Calabar South Local Government Council and the invitation to her by the council to inaugurate the centre was a clear recognition of the First Lady’s unrivalled contribution to the socio-economic betterment of the less privileged in the society.

          While commissioning the recreational centre, Mrs. Obioma Imoke enjoined Cross Riverians to be passionate on matters that affect children in the State. This will impact positively on the lives of children in the orphanage. The role played by the Chairman of Calabar South Local Government Area, Engineer Andem Ekpo Bassey, in completing the project was applauded by Mrs. Imoke. This she said was in accordance with the philosophy of ASFAC in terms of what the project stands for and what it intends to achieve in Cross River State.

           On his part, the Chairman of Calabar South Local Government Area, Engineer Andem Ekpo Bassey said Mrs. Imoke was invited to inaugurate the centre so as to bestow   upon it a motherly touch as well as impart a message of love to the people. Everyone in attendance was full of appreciation to Mrs. Imoke for honouring the invitation.

Women Empowerment in Abi LGA

This motherly touch and love were also extended to the people of Abi Local Government Area when they invited the First Lady to the women empowerment programme of the wife of Abi Local Government Area Mrs. Agube. Mrs. Imoke’s presence added colour and flavour to the ceremony; and the people were honoured to have her in their mist. Mrs. Obioma Imoke, in her speech, lauded the empowerment programme of the council which provided a variety of assistance and succour to over 80 women in Abi Local Government. Mrs. Imoke also pledged the state government’s continued support to any local government council that embarked on skill acquisition programme. The First Lady enjoined the women to utilise positively the opportunity afforded them by the empowerment programme. In her words, “this is the token government could do to assist you and it is now your responsibility to build on what you have been offered freely”


Chapter Sixteen: Cross River Pray 

Foundation on Christ
Throughout her tenure as First Lady of Cross River State, she has made the Lord Jesus Christ the foundation of the state administration and her humanitarian programmes. She laid her trust in God who, in his infinite mercy, can do all things. A woman of faith, Obioma Imoke led a crusade to heal the land of Calabar and redeem its glory.

          While declaring open the first National Women Conference of the Mount Zion Gospel Church Incorporated at William George Street, Calabar Mrs. Obioma Imoke stressed the need for the church to partner with the state government in the development of the family. The First lady who spoke through a retired Permanent Secretary in the state civil service, Mrs. Eno Oqua, noted that women mould the character of the youths which depict high moral standard, pointing out that the failure of this duty was responsible for widespread violence, cultism and child abandonment. She also stressed the need for women to identify with her projects, among them POPWER, ASFAC, MACA, and Cross River Prays (CRP), pointing out that the women should form cooperatives to enable them benefit from micro credit scheme to enhance their agricultural projects. She lauded women of the church for the programme during which they would be taught empowerment initiatives such as soap-making that will help them in the running of their homes.

          Cross River State and, indeed, the land of Calabar had been known for holding first position in many areas of national life, including being the first capital of Nigeria. But over the years, the state suffered many dislocations and displacement, thus having little or nothing to show for being the first community to receive and interact with white missionaries, traders, educationists and colonialists in present-day Nigeria outside of Lagos. The state has suffered serious limitations, deprivations and backwardness. Thus, for the state to move forward the yoke must be broken and the land healed and committed into the hands of God. This made the need for spiritual rejuvenation and cleansing absolutely necessary.

          The First Lady organized the Cross River Pray Programme which saw the handing over of the state and its activities into God’s hand. She had made a promise to the Almighty God that if given the opportunity to serve as first lady, she would be a channel of assistance and support to marginalised and vulnerable women and children; and to mitigate the hardship they were going through on daily basis.

Cross River Pray: Anointing of the Land and Breaking of Yokes
Activities marking the fourth quarter of Cross River Pray with the theme “Blow the Trumpet” were marked with a city walk and anointing of landmarks in the state capital, Calabar. The exercise was led by Apostle Kure alongside the Governor’s wife, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke and other men of God. Among the places anointed were the Eleven-Eleven Round About, Governor’s Office, Monolith artifact located along the Murtala Muhammed Highway and the City Gate. Also at the Eleven-Eleven Round About, the Ndidem of Quas and Paramount Ruler of Calabar Municipality, HRM Ndidem Thomas Ika Ika Oqua, prayed for the land to yield increase for the people of the state. Conducting intensive prayers at the various locations, Apostle Kure invoked the spirit of God to intercede and break strongholds of ancestral spirits and altars that are inimical to the growth, progress and development of Cross River State. While conducting prayers at the Calabar City Gate, Apostle Kure dug out suspicious materials, including a burnt Bible which he said was meant to suppress the activities and unity of the church. The Cross River Pray held the grand finale at the U. J. Esuene Stadium with a tarry night.         

Cross River Pray: Sensitisation Visit to Monarchs
The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke called on Cross Riverians to return to God to embrace positive changes that will take the state to a greater height. Mrs. Imoke made the call during the sensitisation visit to the Obong of Calabar, Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V and the Ndidem of Quas, Ndidem Thomas Ika Ika Oqua III. The visit was to draw the attention of the traditional rulers to the forthcoming Cross River Pray programme slated from Tuesday November 17 to Friday November 20, with the theme “Below the Trumpet” at the U. J. Esuene Stadium, Calabar, as well as get the royal fathers, spiritual leaders and the public to pray for the liberation of the land and repositioning of the state as the leading state in the federation.

          The Governor’s wife, who said she was only providing a platform for the event, urged all traditional rulers and spiritual leaders to encourage their subjects, congregation and people to turn out en masse to pray for the state. The Obong of Calabar, Edidem Ekpo Okon Abasi Otu V commended the wife of the Governor for her foresight towards the development of the state, and assured her that he would participate in the programme as well as his subjects.

          On his part, the Ndidem of the Quas, Ndidem Thomas Ika Ika Oqua III, said the programme had come at the appropriate time when the traditional institution was working tirelessly to ensure that the people were lifted and affirmed that he would be part of the programme. Speaking separately, some men of God who accompanied Mrs. Obioma Imoke on the visit, Bishop Joseph Bassey and Evangelist Elias Emmanuel said the importance of Cross River Pray was to restore the lost glory of the state and bring back all which the state had lost over the years.

          The men of God disclosed that this quarter’s prayer will feature Bishop David Oyedepo, President of Living Faith Church, Worldwide, Pastor Paul Adefarasin, founder of the House on the Rock. Others are Pastor Obi Pax-Harry, founder of Women Arise Ministry, Pastor (Apostle) Emmanuel Kure General Overseer of Throneroom Trust Ministry and other men of God.

Cross River Pray: Redeeming the Times
Cross River Pray has ended in Calabar with the theme “Redeeming the Times” Cross River Pray is a prayer event built on the word of the Lord as contained in 2 Chronicle Chapter 7, verse 14-15 which says “if my people should humble themselves and seek the face of the Lord I will heal their land”. In her opening speech and consecration, the facilitator of Cross River Pray, and wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, admonished all to shun sin, seek purity and uphold righteousness. Mrs. Obioma Imoke reiterated that Calabar, as the first capital of Nigeria, is going to operate as the first born, adding that Cross River State will regain its lost glory. She charged all to walk circumspectly in the realization of the will of God, and urged them not to be hidden by the veil of deception.

Thanksgiving for Cross River Pray
A thanksgiving service to mark the end of the week long activities of Cross River Pray has been held at the church at Hephzibah, Government House, Calabar. The service which featured praise and worship as well ministration was meant to thank God for the revelation, deliverance and blessings of the Almighty God for the state and its people during the period.

          In a sermon, the Nigerian-born British based cleric, Pastor Obii Pax Harry, exhorted Cross Riverians to key into the days of divine inspiration and reformation rather than celebrate generational curses. The message titled “Seven Principles for Sustainable Reformation” compared the Imoke administration with the reign of Biblical Josiah and identified the concept of collaboration with the key players and sustainable peace as critical for the attainment of purposeful leadership after God’s own heart.

Pastor Pax Harry prophesied spiritual and material restoration and prosperity for the state in the months ahead, adding that God has visited the state to complete his good works and encouraged Cross Riverians to be filled with expectations and great sense of excitement. Also speaking, the wife of the State Governor, and organiser of Cross River Pray, said the four day Solemn Assembly had changed the destiny of Cross Riverians and the   spiritual climate of the state. The Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, and members of the State Executive Council and top government functionaries were among dignitaries at the well attended service.

Chapter Seventeen: The Social Agenda

Acclaimed International Keynote Speaker
The numerous projects, programmes and initiatives of Mrs. Obioma Imoke; her high national and international profile; and strong views on critical social, economic and cultural issues, attracted international attention and approval and made her a much sought after international keymnote speaker. In the bid of some international players to share in her experiences and benefit from her creativity and ingenuity, Mrs. Imoke was invited as keynote speaker or special guest at various international fora. She was keynote speaker at the second annual International Women to Achieve the Impossible (WETATI) in Maryland, USA. She was keynote speaker at the Luncheon Event of the Conference of the International Association of African NGOs. Mrs. Imoke delivered a paper at the 2013 African Fashion Week in London, and was special guest of the UN Secretary-General at the launch of Global Education First Initiative (GEFI).

Mrs. Obioma Imoke endeared herself to many as a crusader on moral, social and ethical issues. She focused on the family, discipline in the home, responsible parenthood, and moral upbringing of children. She led a crusade against social vices as well as proffered pieces of advice whenever the need arose. This ranged from home economics to how married couples can ensure a successful marriage. Unlike first ladies who sat in the comfort of their offices, Mrs. Obioma Imoke reached out to the people who needed help most. She extended love and support to the poor, needy and less privileged. Unlike first ladies whose achievements existed only on the pages of newspapers, Obioma Imoke’s track-record and achievements were visible and could be counted one by one.  She was particularly concerned with the plight of street children who were left in the cold without any hope. According to her, “I see it as a service to God and humanity. It makes me happier that I am able to touch even one life. The investment in DCC is to assist these unfortunate children to have an acceptable life.”

A monumental social problem confronting parents, society and the government had been teenage pregnancy. This has been attributed to several factors, among them, peer pressure, social isolation, alcohol and drug addiction, delinquency and child abuse. Closely associated with teenage pregnancy is child abandonment. This has impacted negatively on the victims, their families and society. In tacling the menace, Mrs. Imoke consisitently counseled teenage girls on pre-marital sexual relationship and the importance of abstinence. Sha had also advised parents to have open, hohest and educational discussions with their children at home on the dangers of illicit relationship.

Beyond the advisory role, Mrs. Imoke established structures and mechanisms to address the multiplicity of issues associated with teenage pregnancies. The establishment of MACA, the Refuge and CCQ were part of her noble initiatives to bring down the problem in the state. She worked hard and campaigned for unity and progress of women of women in the State. This was predicated on the belief that if women were empowered, the whole family would benefit.  Thus Mrs. Imoke took steps to unite and reconcile women groups in the state. Speaking at the Delegates Conference of the National Council of Women Society (NCWS) Cross River State Chapter, Mrs. Imoke lamented the inability of the state chapter to conduct election for over 12 years, adding that it had robbed women of opportunities at the national level. She urged them to work in unity so as to benefit from the good policies of the Imoke administration, and promised to work with newly elected officials.

In pursuit of her social agenda Mrs. Imoke built strong synergy to drive home her vision. Her NGOs worked out some form of partnership with ministries, departments and agencies of government at federal and state levels on ways of adding value to and improving on the quality of life of Cross Riverians. Other partners included individuals, chairmen of local government councils and corporate bodies. In this regard, the Regional Manager of First Bank (as he then was), Mr. Caiphas Etim, while commending Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her complementary efforts towards improving the lives of the less privileged in the state, described her as a true partner in the development of Cross River State.

Synergy with Local Government Chairpersons
In finding solutions to the numerous social issues in the state, Mrs. Obioma Imoke held meetings with local government chairpersons on the way forward. In one of such meetings with chairpersons of local government councils in her office, Mrs. Imoke was participating concerned about high maternal and infant mortality. She identified lack of knowledge and poverty as responsible for the high rate of maternal and infant mortality. As a way forward, she urged pregnant women to visit health centres for medical attention.

          The menace of HIV/AIDs in the state was also a source of worry to Mrs. Imoke. The devastating effect of the disease required drastic action by all stakeholders. On this issue, Mrs. Imoke called for abstinence among youths who were at high risk. She frowned at early marriages which could lead to teenage pregnancy and other dangerous diseases such as VVF, HIV and STIs, and urged parents to enlighten their children on the dangers associated with early sexual exposure. 

          During the interface, Mrs. Imoke also addressed the issue of licensed traditional birth attendants where women had lost their lives during prolonged labour. She proposed a law that would cause traditional birth practitioners to send women giving birth to hospital in the event of protracted labour. The state First Lady further expressed displeasure over truancy by school children, which was having negative effects on standards of education in the state. She abhorred the practice of children roaming the streets when they should be in school studying, and suggested that a task force should be established in all the local government areas to apprehend and punish children seen wandering on the streets during school hours. She posited that the moment one or two persons were punished, it would deter other children.    

Campaign for Gender Equality
The campaign for gender equality has been strong in recent times. The Nigerian First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, had been a relentless crusader for gender equality. Another person who had sustained the campaign for gender equality was the Wife of the Governor of Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke. She is uncompromising and unwavering when issues of gender equality are discussed, maintaining that it is not negotiable in Nigeria.

          Women are partners with men in the development of any society, and growth cannot be achieved without empowering women. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke made this assertion when a team led by the United Nations Women Representative to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Dr. Grace Ongile visited her in Calabar, Mrs. Imoke recognised and lauded the achievements of the Nigerian First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, for mobilising and supporting women’s participation in the political process through her Women for Change and Development Initiative. This effort has made it possible for a substantial number of women to hold elective and appointive positions in government.

          The visit of the UN delegation was a recognition of the achievements recorded by POWER, Mrs. Imoke’s pet project, for which she was well delighted. The leader of the delegation, Dr. Grace Ongile commended Mrs. Obioma Imoke and the Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke for addressing women issues and including them in governance in the state. She pledged to work with them to make sure that the voices of women are heard.

          At another forum, the First Lady of Cross River State made a case for the National Gender Policy to be put into effect in Nigeria to allow more women engage in economic and income generating activities. Mrs. Obioma Imoke made this declaration in a keynote address at a conference convened by Women in Taxation. She urged women to be more industrious, dynamic and proactive in generating income. This can be achieved through collective efforts and eradication of those factors that impede their contribution to economic growth. She said that a conducive atmosphere needed to be created for women to enhance their productivity in the formal and informal sectors. According to Mrs. Imoke, “we must promote women’s livelihoods by emphasing their importance to future economic growth, redressing Government policies for agriculture and rural development as well as improving access to factors of production such as land and capital. “It is also profoundly important for a realignment of the recruitment, promotion and remuneration process to ensure equity across the genders in both the public and private sectors”.

          The strength of women in taxation, Mrs. Imoke said, was extraordinary in view of the fact that the industry is conventionally male dominated. Women in taxation are evidence of their impact on the economic development of Nigeria. She referred to the “Gender in Nigeria Report 2012” which ranked Nigeria 118 out of 134 countries in the Gender Equality Index. Women in Nigeria score very low in many areas of employment. They are mostly found in casual, low-skilled and low paid informal employment sector. The Cross River State First Lady noted that “this limits their access to credit and constraints entrepreneurship and business activity. We must all work collectively to remove all the factors that hinder their optimal participation in and contribution to economic activity. By creating an enabling environment that will enhance female productivity in both the formal and informal sectors of our economy”. Mrs. Imoke advocated a fairer, more inclusive and progressive tax structure in Nigeria.

          Encomiums were showered on the Nigerian First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan, by Mrs. Imoke for Championing the National Gender Policy which manifested in unprecedented electoral successes for female candidates in the 2011 general elections. She also lauded President Goodluck Jonathan for making history with the appointment of more women into his cabinet than any other administration.

At the state level, Mrs. Imoke, had through her pet project POWER, championed the cause of women in politics. She established the POWER Political Advancement for Women (PPA4W) and a trust fund for female politicians in the state. Mrs. Imoke stated that POWER was motivated to create the fund “principally to encourage our female politicians who do not have the means, but are genuinely interested in the cause of promoting decent politics, to be able to access it.” The goals for establishing the trust fund for female politicians, according to Mrs. Imoke, “are to create awareness to the public about the importance of institutionalizing gender friendly policies within our society and especially, our political parties, to guard against inequalities and discriminations which deprive Nigeria of otherwise well qualified persons who could serve successfully in various capacities across the country”.

Campaign to end Violence against Women
Mrs. Obioma Imoke also launched a campaign to end violence against women. She believes that women and men must unite to end violence against women and girls, considering the ordeal of most women and girls in the society. POWER therefore called on government, the civil society, communities, families and individuals to go beyond rhetoric and take practical steps in ending violence against women and girls. Mrs. Imoke in a press statement said “this is the only way to address discrimination against women and promote gender equality”.

She said POWER was ready to partner with relevant stakeholders to initiate practical actions towards ending violence against women. “For us, it is an occasion to review how far we have come in our struggle for gender equality, peace and development. It is also an opportunity to unite, network and mobilise for significant change”. According to her, violence against women and girls has serious short and long-term physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health effects on survivors and their children, and can lead to high social and economic costs. She therefore called for the strict enforcement of legislation and policies that protect women address discrimination against women and promote gender equality. The theme for the 2013 International Women’s Day was: “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”.

Solidarity with Chibok Girls
On April 14, 2014, 276 girls were abducted from a school in Chibok, Borno State by Boko Haram insurgents. The kidnap of the girls drew strong rebuke and condemnation from Mrs. Obioma Imoke. She conveyed her sadness and displeasure during the 2014 Children’s Day celebration in Calabar. Describing the abduction as a violation of the rights of the child, Mrs. Imoke prayed for God’s intervention to secure their release. She expressed optimism that the girls be released and those responsible for acts of violence against them would face justice. For children in the state, Mrs. Imoke assured them of continuous security, love and support to enable them fulfill their dreams in life.

A Solemn Walk for Abducted Girls
As woman of faith, Mrs. Imoke committed the abducted girls into the hands of God, calling on mothers to pray unceasingly for them. She also urged children to join in prayers for the abducted. According to her “This is exhibition where the captors would know that God rules and reigns.” In addition to prayers, children took part in a solidarity walk for the abducted girls. The children, led by Mrs. Imoke, embarked on a solemn walk from the Millennium Park to the Cultural Centre Complex in oneness with the Chibok girls; to share in their plight; and to demonstrate the sensitivity of Cross Riverians to the predicament of the girls and their parents. The state, Mrs. Imoke said, is protected by a multitude of Angels and secured by God: “no monster can come to this place.”    

Guest of the United Nations
The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, was invited to witness and participate in the launch of the United Nations Secretary-General Global Education First Initiative (GEFI) at the United Nations headquarters, New York, USA. The initiative was designed to place quality and transformative education as a crucial item on the social, political and development agenda. The UN Secretary-General got under way a five-year programme in 2012 to hasten developments towards the attainment of Education for All and the Millennium Development Goals related to education. There are three areas of prime concern, namely, to put every child in school; improve the quality of learning; and encourage global citizenship. Mrs. Imoke was one of the very few distinguished developmental activists invited from Nigeria to participate in the ceremony.

Chapter Eighteen: Rebranding Cross River

A Saleable Brand
The wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, has remained a true ambassador of the state. At the prize presentation ceremony for children who participated in the 2008 children version of the Obudu Mountain Race, Mrs. Imoke, speaking through the wife of the Deputy Governor, said that Cross River State was a saleable brand. This statement is a truism, considering the fact that Cross River State has more potentials and natural endowments than many other states in Nigeria. It has large expanse of arable land; the last of the remaining rainforests in sub Saharan Africa; great tourism sites; rare historical artifacts; and abundant human, natural and material resources.

          The Obudu Ranch Resort and the Tinapa Business Resort remain unbeatable and the best in Africa. Calabar, the capital of Cross River State, according to Mrs. Imoke at the Second Cross River Pray Programme, was the first among equals. As a capital city, it had come first in so many respects. Over the years, however, its fortunes dwindled and plummeted. It was again time for the city to regain its prime status in the family of states in Nigeria, she said.

          Cross River State was plausibly the first and only state in Nigeria that had operated a successful branding campaign. The state’s branding platform – Destination Cross River – had proved to be a powerful tool for propelling the economy of the state. In the task of making the city of Calabar and the entire state regain their lost glory, Senator Liyel Imoke, and his wife, Obioma, worked tirelessly to regenerate, reposition and move the state forward. They took the bull by the horn and were undaunted in their pursuit of programmes and policies that uplifted the state.

          The First Lady had been a leading figure in projecting the state into limelight and marketing its endowments and numerous opportunities to the international community. She was in Cannes, France, for the 2009 MIPTV to market Tinapa Studios. Mrs. Imoke was at HiTV stand where she expounded the possibilities, opportunities and potentialities that abound in Tinapa Studios for production of movies.

          In her presentation, Mrs. Obioma Imoke said that everyone had known Cross River as the destination for tourism. Tinapa is endowed with international standard movie studio with ultra modern and hitech facilities which the movie world can take advantage of. Her presence in Cannes was in furtherance of that objective of showcasing the facilities at Studio Tinapa. Mrs. Imoke wondered why anybody from Nigeria would want to go to South Africa for post production of movies when they have Studio Tinapa, with the latest technology in film-making in their backyard. Not much activity had taken place in the studio since its inception. The major obstacle to the full take-off and operations of Tinapa was the absence of gazetting and operational guidelines. That problem having been put behind, Tinapa must swing into action and open up for business. Things must change for good. That was why Mrs. Imoke was there to support HiTV in the task of marketing the Tinapa studio.

 Wooing of Female Investors at WETATI Conference
There are numerous opportunities for women who want to invest in Cross River State. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke has used her resources, pet project and connections to persuade female investors to come to Cross River State. In her keynote speech at the second annual Women Empowerment To Achieve The Impossible (WETATI) conference in Maryland, United States, she informed her audience of the vast investment opportunities for women who wish to put their money in the Cross River State.

          The First Lady who was conferred with the WETATI Lifetime Achievement Award dwelt on investment opportunities for women in Cross River State. Mrs. Imoke was pleased with the opportunity provided her to advertise the investment potentials in the state on the platform of WETATI. “I am extremely delighted to stand before such a distinguished crowd made up of the crème de la crème of women across the world. I am grateful to the WETATI team for putting together this great conference. I do sincerely hope and believe that the two days spent together cross-fertilizing ideas towards seeking solutions to the myriads of problems facing women would indeed help in empowering women to do the impossible”.

          The wife of the Governor stated that Cross River State   also referred to as the nation’s paradise is beautiful and greatly endowed. These attributes along with dynamic government policies, create a favourable environment for investment. As aptly noted by Mrs. Imoke, “for investors in Cross River State, Government has created an enabling environment for businesses to thrive not just by putting in place infrastructure such as pipe-borne water, intricately planned road networks, electricity, including 24/7 street lighting on all major roads in the urban areas, but also gives tax holidays to business start-ups as an incentive for more people especially women to establish new businesses”. The investment opportunities can be found in tourism and entertainment, oil and gas, arts and craft, agriculture, health and infrastructural development, among others. Investment opportunities are also in abundance at the Tinapa Business and Leisure Resort, and women can acquire shops for retail business. The First Lady said “As in most parts of the world, women make up almost half of the total population of Cross River State. The women of Cross River State ate hardworking, strong in character, and very enterprising. The Cross River State Government is conscious of the power that women wield and the need to cater for them”.

Showcasing Cross River State in London
In many international fora, Mrs. Obioma Imoke was reckoned among eminent Africans, often looked up to for direction, guidance and inspiration. Often she was called upon to address such important gatherings and share her experiences and wisdom with them. That was the situation in London when Mrs. Imoke attended the inaugural African Arts and Fashion Banquet held to mark the end of the 2013 African Fashion Week in London. She used the occasion to showcase beautiful Cross River State arts and endowments as well as deliver a paper captioned “Development NGOs as Catalysts for Securing Africa’s Future through Women Entrepreneurship.”

           In her exposition, Mrs. Imoke apprised her listeners on how NGOs in Africa are replacing or complementing the government in the provision of healthcare and education; facilitation of agriculture; and promotion of gender and other developmental processes. Africa is a land of wealth, she said, and development NGOs have a crucial part to play in safe-guarding its future. The importance of empowering women entrepreneurs also came under focus. Mrs. Imoke narrated how POWER, an NGO founded by her, was empowering women in Cross River State, and in turn, how women have contributed to the growth of the state economy. The vision of POWER, she said, was to put in the hands of the woman to enable her satisfy her essential needs.

          It was also a moment to advertise the enormous tourism potentials in Cross River State, whose yearly carnival has tremendously impacted socially and economically on the state and its people. According to Mrs. Imoke:

The government has created tourism brands on which several economic activities are hinged. For instance, the famed yearly carnival goes far beyond the gay moments, colourful display and dance on the 12 kilometre walk around the city of Calabar. Beyond the glitter, dance and drama is a huge economic empowerment platform especially for women of the state that are involved in all segments of the carnival including the production of memorabilia and art and craft which they sell to discerning visitors to the state during that period.

She stated also that vendor booths set up on the carnival routes provide opportunities for local vendors to advertise and sell their products usually on high demand on that day.

Marketing the State through Calabar Festival
During the Imoke administration, the the Calabar Festival enjoyed tremendous international publicity, acceptability and participation. Throughout the 31 days interval, international music stars were invited to perform in the state. This enhanced the profile of the state as the leading national and international destination for tourists. Among international artistes who performed live in Calabar in December, 2009 were Keri Hilson and Wyclef Jean. On that occasion, Keri Hilson, an American singer, songwriter, producer and actress was made Citizen and Ambasssdor of Cross River State by Semator Liyel Imoke and his wife Obioma Imoke.

          The fashion show known as The Destiny Child Charity Fashion Show, initiated by Mrs. Obioma Imoke, was taken to an international audience in Atlanta, USA. The show which served as a source of funding for the maintenance of the Destiny Children, featured children alongside professional models and artistes. The Nigerian Consul-General to Atlanta, Geoffrey Teneilabe said “What Obioma Liyel-Imoke is doing is innovative; she’s taking the rejected and downtrodden in our society and giving them life again. This is the first of its kind in Nigeria. We will encourage her every step of the way, and the good Lord will give her the strength. We also pray for the means to sustain this laudable project.” Norman Jean Martin, Founder, A Fashion Affair Inc., organizers of the event, said of Obioma Imoke: “Our special guest has tirelessly served women and children in her community over the years.”

A Session with Movie Ambassadors
Actors and actresses and some staff of telecommunication giant, Globacom Nigeria, paid a visit to Mrs. Obioma Imoke at Government House, Calabar. Receiving the Globacom Movie Ambassadors, Mrs. Imoke described Cross River State as a brand and a place to be associated with owing to its peaceful nature, hospitality, and delicious cuisine, among others. Mrs. Imoke urged the actors and actresses to use Studio Tinapa, instead of going to South Africa for recording. She encouraged them to be more visible in Cross River programmes like the Calabar Christmas Festival, especially the Calabar carnival which is Africa’s biggest street party, adding that a programme would be developed where people would vote for artistes of their choice. She informed them of POWER, designed to empower women and MACA to rescue abandoned babies and rehabilitate their teenage mothers.

Internationalisation of Leboku Festival
The Leboku Festival is an annual new yam celebration of the people of Ugep in the Central Senatorial District of Cross River State, which has attracted large followership and popularity over the years. Realizing the huge economic potentials in the annual festival, the Imoke administration elevated it to an international standard repositioning it as a dominant feature of the cultural tourism in Nigeria.

Essentially, Senator Imoke sought to enrich the cultural heritage of the state, and place Leboku on the world tourism agenda through the “Destination Cross River” brand. According to him, “Leboku presents an opportunity to increase our tourism offering and keeping ourselves ahead of the competition. Other states can imitate our Carnival Calabar and other elements of our Calabar Festival, but there can only be one Leboku and it will always be a festival unique to the people of Cross River State.” In addition to the tourism potentials and gains associated with Leboku, the government also saw it as a way to rekindle the enthusiasm of youths in agriculture. The new face of the festival started attracting very important personalities and tourists from all over the world, with many corporate bodies clamouring for sponsorship.

Facilitation of Miss Leboku Pageant

           Apart from the Calabar Carnival Queen pageant, Mrs. Obioma Imoke had also facilitated and tremendously supported another beauty contest, the Miss Leboku beauty pageant. Miss Leboku reigned as a Cultural Ambassador of Cross River and the Face of Agriculture in the State. Cross River State became Nigeria’s tourism destination and has been striving to reclaim its lost status as a giant in agriculture in Nigeria. Therefore, the role of Miss Leboku and the boost the pageantry received from Mrs. Obioma Imoke were crucial in achieving certain     strategic goals.

South-South Governors’ Forum
Mrs. Obioma Imoke took a proportionate part of the credit for the successful hosting of the First South-South Governor’s Forum. She was visibly on ground to ensure that arrangements for the commencement of the Summit went according to plan. She visited the Tinapa Business Resort to inspect facilities earmarked for the hosting of the Summit, and ensured the facilities were available and functional.

Apart from ensuring the readiness of the venue and facilities for a successful summit, she took steps to ensure the effective participation of Cross Riverians, and that they were not sidelined. Mrs. Imoke made sure that the People of the state were not mere spectators but active participants, by taking part in exhibitions organised by POWER.  After the meeting of the South-South Governors Forum in Calabar, Mrs. Obioma Imoke presented gift items to the visiting governors. The First South-South Governor’s Wives’ Forum was also held in Calabar. Mrs. Obioma Imoke said 53 children had been rescued. Some of the children had been reunited with their biological parents while others were in the care of her pet projects.

Celebration of Excellence, Hard Work and Achievements

Celebrating Our Amazon
Apart from women empowerment and campaign for gender equality, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke also celebrated the achievements of women. A seasoned politician, foremost industrialist, business mogul and erstwhile Presidential Adviser, Senator (Princess) Florence Ita-Giwa was honoured by the women of Cross River State, led by Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, for her outstanding contributions to the emancipation of womanhood and invaluable contributions to the political, social and economic development of the state and the nation. The ceremony which attracted the cream of the society took place at Studio Tinapa, Calabar.

While speaking at the occasion in Calabar tagged “Celebrating our Amazon” the former Nigerian First Lady, Hajia Turai Yar’adua, lauded the wisdom of Mrs. Obioma Imoke and women in the state for recognizing the achievements of Princess Ita-Giwa in a male-dominated society. Hajia Yar’adua, who was represented by the wife of former Ebonyi State Governor, Mrs. Josphine Elechi maintained that the standard set by Senator Florence Ita-Giwa will continue to remain a reference point in government and enjoined Nigerians to cultivate the attitude of honouring achievers during their lifetime.

Speaking also, the former State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, described Senator Florence Ita-Giwa as dogged and a star brand whose dint of hard work had achieved great successes, adding that the state is privileged to produce another great lady after late Mrs. Margaret Ekpo. Senator Imoke dwelt on the patriotic zeal and passion of Princes Ita-Giwa in the House of Representatives, the Senate and Presidency as well as the struggle for the welfare of Bakassi indigenes

The former president, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, in his message read by his daughter, Senator Iyabo Obasanjo, described Senator Ita-Giwa as a role model and one of the first groups of female Senators in the country whose love for the country should not be in vain.

Mrs. Obioma Imoke was applauded for recognising the achievements of Princess Ita-Giwa. The initiator of the grand reception said in her welcome address that women resolved to honour Senator Ita-Giwa in view of the fact she has been outstanding and unequalled in diverse undertakings as a nurse, industrial medical secretary, philanthropist, politician and supporter of tourism by her leadership of the Seagull Band. Mrs. Imoke said the state was proud of her and her achievements and therefore deemed it imperative to appreciate and celebrate her during her lifetime. She commended women for an impressive turn-out to grace the occasion.

The celebrant, Senator Florence Ita-Giwas, while responding, expressed gratitude to the women and people of the state, led by Mrs. Obioma Imoke, for considering her worthy of such honour at a time politicians are hardly celebrated and lauded the gender sensitive posture of the state which offer women opportunity to aspire to greater heights.

The Senate President, who was represented by the Senator representing Cross River South Senatorial District, Senator Bassey Ewa Henshaw, as well as Senator Victor Ndoma Egba, presented goodwill messages at the ceremony. The former state Deputy Governor, Mr. Efiok Cobham, former Minister of Environment, Mr. John Odey, former state PDP Chairman, the Obong of Calabar as well as associates of Senator Ita-Giwa also witnessed the event.

Celebrating an Achiever and Nation Builder
A dinner was organised in honour of Nigeria’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Chief Mrs. Nkoyo Toyo. The send forth which was organised by the wife of the Governor, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke was in recognition of the Ambassador’s sterling qualities. Speaking at the occasion, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke recalled the positive contributions of Ambassador Toyo not only to the political agenda of the State but also to Nation building. The First Lady urged the Ambassador to continue in her new assignment to contribute meaningfully to nation building as she takes up the challenge. She prayed for God’s blessings and guidance for the new Ambassador and her husband.

          Responding, Ambassador Nkoyo Toyo commended, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke for her magnanimity and promised to justify the confidence reposed in her by the state and the nation. She said while in Ethiopia, efforts will be intensified in projecting the image of the state. She used the forum to commend Senator Liyel Imoke for giving women a sense of responsibility in his administration. Mrs. Toyo is a lawyer, development consultant, gender activist, and Founder of Gender and Development Action (GADA), who has been defending the rights of women in Nigeria and Africa.


Chapter Nineteen: Accolades to a Dynamic Leader

Obong’s Wife Visits First Lady
She has remained a bridge-builder, a unifying force, and    inspirational leader; some salient qualities which have endeared her to many. Whenever the need arose, she had always offered    pieces of life-changing advice to the people of the state. Such an opportunity presented itself when she hosted the wife of the Obong of Calabar, Her Majesty Queen Ansa Ekpo Abasi Otu who paid her a courtesy visit at Government House, Calabar.  On this occasion, Mrs. Obioma Imoke appealed for unity, closer ties and co-operation between the diverse ethnic groups in the state.

          The First Lady urged the wife of the Obong of Calabar to collaborate with other women in the state to cast out and destroy the “Efik and Atam”, dichotomy which has sown the seed of discord, disunity, mistrust and hatred over the years and portrayed the state in negative light. It would be recalled that a one-time Vice Chancellor of the University of Calabar described Cross River State as “an atomistic society perpetually at war with itself”. Thus, Mrs. Imoke’s admonition and appeal for unity was apt and timely to enable the state take its rightful place in the scheme of development.  Her charge to the women to take the lead in the bid to change the negative terminology is even more commendable as women are better positioned to create a positive impact on the society. She said if women directed their vigour, spiritedness and exuberance into hard work, cross River State would achieve the much cherished and desired unity by the time their term of office was over. The First Lady recounted the enormous responsibility associated with the prestigious status of Wife of Obong of Calabar, and prayed God to guide and direct her in all her endeavours.

          The wife of the Obong of Calabar, Queen Ansa Ekpo Abasi Otu, had earlier on behalf of her husband, the Obong of Calabar and the whole of the Efik kingdom expressed gratitude to Mrs. Obioma Imoke and her husband Senator Liyel Imoke for being a tower of strength, support and encouragement during the coronation of the Obong in 2008.

          The Obong’s wife extolled the Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, for his exemplary leadership, modesty and commitment to upholding the truth. She also showered encomium on Mrs. Obioma Imoke for her empowerment programmes in the State. The pet project POWER, she said, has provided relief, assistance and comfort to teenage pregnant girls at risk and abandoned babies. She started further that programmes initiated under POWER have contributed immensely to the reduction of child mortality and enhanced maternal health for women in the state. Her Majesty therefore promised to be available and ready to work with the First Lady to further boost the success of the project and actualise the vision embedded in POWER.

          Some dignitaries who witnessed the visit were the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, wife of the Secretary to the State Government, Mrs. Ann Ugbo, Dr. Mrs. Ame Offiong Special Assistant on Finance Mrs. Immambo Eval Imoke and the Director General Border Communities Development Commission, among others. The climax of the event was exchange of gifts between Her Excellency, Mrs. Obioma Imoke and Her Majesty Queen Ansa Ekpo Abasi Otu.

Children Pay Valentine Visit to Mummy
Children in the state had also showed appreciation to Mrs. Imoke for her passion     and zeal in improving their quality of life.  The children from NTA Calabar “Kiddies Day Out” paid 2009 Valentine visit to Mrs. Imoke to express and extend their felicitations to her as well as exchange warmth pleasantries, particularly for motherly love, care and kindness towards them and the less privileged in general

 In the interactive session, Mrs. Imoke charged children in Cross River State to show love not only during Valentine, but always. She said in 2009 ASFAC will emphasise the need for mothers and children to stay healthy and intensify efforts ensure the passage of the Child Rights Law in the state. the occasion featured cutting of Valentine cake, cultural dances and exchange of gifts. The Cross River State House of Assembly had commenced debate on the Child Rights Bill.

PDP Women Stalwarts Pay Tribute
In recognition of Mrs. Imoke’s charismatic leadership and attributes, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) women stalwarts in the state paid her a courtesy visit in February, 2009. As was usual of such occasions, Mrs. Imoke used the opportunity to advise them on the way forward in life. Among other topics, she revisited the issue of agriculture and urged women to invest in it for the betterment of the people and the state. She praised the role of women as a changing force in the society, and counseled them to be inventive, imaginative and enterprising in order to achieve success as well as bequeath a legacy worthy of mirroring. She recalled the massive support given to Senator Liyel Imoke by women during his re-run election, and used the gathering to thank and appreciate them. The First lady also enjoined them to identify and be part of the programmes of the state government, as that will enable them obtain optimum benefits derivable from such association. Mrs. Imoke desired to hold such interactive session twice yearly.

The Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, in her exhortation encouraged women in the state to support the programmes of the First Lady and follow her dynamic and unmatchable footprints. She advised them to eschew gossip and espouse positive ideas for the attainment of success in life. The gathering was used to re-enact the presentation ceremony of the CBN award to Mrs. Imoke. She was represented at ceremony in Abuja bt the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham. This occasion was chosen for the re-presentation to Mrs. Imoke of the CBN award as the Best Support First Lady for Women Empowerment Micro Credit for 2008. The occasion also featured the handing out of gifts to the women.       

Commendations by NTDC
The Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) also praised the humanitarian work of Mrs. Obioma Imoke when its delegation visited her in Calabar. Led by Assistant Director, Sola Akinkurolere, the NTDC noted with approval the effort by Mrs. To improve the lives of women in the state through her project, POWER the Corporation which has empowerment-related programmes, was therefore seeking ways of cooperating with the First Lady’s project, essentially in the aspect of agricultural tourism. Mr. Akinkurolere presented a gift to Mrs. Imoke, on behalf of the NTDC, in appreciation of her initiatives in women empowerment, and to encourage her to continue with the good works.

Education Ambassador
The dynamism and visionary leadership of Mrs. Obioma Imoke in the area of educational development of children in the state earned her an appointment as Education Ambassador for projects initiated by the wife of the former British Prime Minister, Mr. Gordon Brown. The projects, namely Education for All and Education without Borders, are intended to provide children worldwide access to quality education.

          The announcement was made by Mrs. Brown when she visited the First Lady in Calabar. Mrs. Imoke was appointed ambassador for the projects in view of her outstanding contributions towards the education of children. According to her, “Mrs. Brown heard about Cross River State and what we are doing and that we have free education for children, and compulsory for them at that age and she thought that she would like me to be her ambassador for her EFA project in Nigeria.” Mrs. Imoke and her guest shared the same philosophy about giving every child an opportunity. In the words of the First Lady, “no matter the circumstances of their birth, every child deserves education and so far it is a compliment to what we are doing here and it means that we are taking the right step and dong the right thing.”

Eulogy from Hon. Member  
Throughout her tenure in office Mrs. Imoke received encomiums from Cross Riverians and well wishers all over the country. Hon. Paul Adah former representative of Bekwara, Obudu and Obanliku Federal Constituency in the House of Representatives eulogized states First Lady for her support and mobilization towards the 2008 Christmas Festival and Calabar Carnival.

Wife of Army Chief of Staff Lauds Mrs. Imoke
  The wife of the Chief of Army Staff, Mrs. Felly Elimimbha Minimah, has lauded the contributions of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke to nation-building through her NGOs: POWER and MACA and urged her to continue in her humanitarian support to widows and children. Mrs. Minimah stated this when she paid a courtesy call on Mrs. Imoke in her officer in Calabar.

Former Commissioner Extols First Lady
The programmes embarked upon by Mrs. Imoke attracted encomiums of people from all shades of opinion. The former Commissioner for Information in the State, Dr. Sylvia Atsu, described Mrs. Imoke as a leader that will not lead the people of the state astray. This assertion was made at the inauguration of the second Children parliament by Mrs. Obioma Imoke. Dr. Atsu said that the First Lady’s programmes such as MACA, ASFAC and POWER were geared towards achieving qualitative and meaningful life for the children and people of Cross River State.

Presh and Trill Dedicate Awards to Obioma Imoke
Never has a First Lady of Cross River State received the level of support, popularity and acceptance enjoyed by Mrs. Imoke. This has manifested in several awards and solidarity visits she had received from a wide gamut of the Nigerian society. the dedication of awards by musical icons, K.C. Presh and M Trill to Mrs. Obioma Imoke in Calabar attest to the ubiquitous recognition and appreciation of her service to humanity.

K. C. Presh was awarded the Best Hip-Hop artiste in Africa. M Trill, on the other hand, won an award from Channel O Spirit of Africa Music award with the song “Bounce.” Both of them dedicated their awards to Mrs. Imoke, who has been a source of inspiration to them. The duo felt euphoric, joyous and proud to identify and associate with her achievements and projects to move humanity forward. While devoting the awards to Mrs. Imoke, they promised to train and mentor young artistes towards the advancement and promotion of the state.

In response, Mrs. Imoke, filled with delight and elation, congratulated the idols of music for their excellent and exceptional performances which culminated in the awards to them in South Africa. The awards were a positive development for the Niger Delta in particular and Nigeria in general. This region is often associated with violence, but the two young men, by their sublime performances, have projected the region in a constructive, beneficial and auspicious manner. Mrs. Imoke urged them to emulate Senator Barack Obama, then presidential candidate and draw inspiration from his “Audacity of Hope.” This was a man whose circumstances of birth and colour of his skin could not restrain him from becoming the first black president of the most powerful nation in the world; the first black man in the “White House.” Mrs. Imoke also entreated them to encourage the youths to take a leaf from them. The Principal Consultant of Adstrat Consult, Lagos, Mr. Charles O’Tudor, remarked that it was the wish of the two musicians to fraternize with the First Lady and dedicate the wards to her for her outstandding, superlative and unparalleled performance in empowering the people of Cross River State.

Chapter Twenty: Awards and Honours

Induction into Hall of Fame
Mrs. Obioma Imoke was honoured at an event put together by Kings Communication Limited in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development to mark the second anniversary of MMS Plus’ Weekly Newspaper. At the occasion, the First Lady was inducted into the MMS Plus’ Woman of Fortune Hall of Fame. She was also the guest speaker at the event. In her discourse titled “Galvanising and positioning women for leadership in the Society: A Perspective of a First Lady” she said that women should be independent, educated and empowered in order to accelerate national development. This will make them self-reliant and capable of showcasing their potentials and fulfilling their destinies. One educated woman, she said, was greater and more than 70 men.

          It was against this backdrop that POWER, Mrs. Imoke’s pet project, set out to assume leadership in coordinating and utilising the huge endowments and strength of women. POWER had in numerous and tremendous ways enhanced the socio-economic status of women in Cross Riover State. Mrs. Imoke recommended that women should unite and partner with one another to address those factors that hinder their progress such as poverty, neglect, illiteracy, discrimination, inequality, malnutrition, disease, harmful traditional practices and all forms of violence. Mrs. Imoke expressed gratitude to the leaders and other players in the maritime industry for the honour to her as one of the inductees into the Woman of Fortune Hall of Fame.

Honour at Miss Africa USA Pageant
The wife of the former governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, was nominated for an award by the Miss Africa USA Pageant Organisation. This was in recognition and appreciation of her untiring efforts and selfless service in empowering women and girls and enhancing their quality of life in Cross River State. She was honoured with The Community Empowerment Award. Mrs. Imoke was selected to present an Award named in her honour to the new Miss Africa USA 2013 and to co-chair the Miss Africa USA Pageant in Maryland, USA. Mrs. Imoke was described as a role model, a dynamic leader and mentor to women and girls.

Central Bank of Nigeria Honours Obioma Imoke
All over the world, it is the practice that individuals, groups and corporate bodies that contribute in one way or the other to uplift humanity are recognised and honoured. Many are given awards for their outstanding achievements in the areas of arts, the sciences, humanities and literature.      

          Since she became the First Lady of Cross River State, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke had rendered selfless service to the people of Cross River State. Projects initiated by her to uplift the status of women, children and the downtrodden are unprecedented, unrivalled and unparalleled. She has brought hope to the hopeless and a lifeline to the rejected, the dejected and the ostracised.

          Her project POWER had brought real power to the women. She had been very pragmatic and realistic in her approach to the problems and needs of women and children. Her generosity knows no bounds. Imbued with the milk of human kindness, she has left an indelible mark on the sands of time. Those who have come in contact with her directly or indirectly attest to the ingenuity, love, charisma and humanity embedded in her which has been the driving force behind her initiatives and successes. Her enduring attributes endear her to many and make her succeed where others fail.

          The women empowerment programme of the First Lady received the recognition and approval of the Central Bank of Nigeria. Her phenomenal prowess was rewardrd with the Central Bank of Nigeria Award as the Best Support First Lady for Women Empowerment on Micro Credit for 2008. In his remarks, the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Professor Chukwuma Soludo, who was represented by the Deputy Governor, Financial Sector Surveillance of the Central Bank, Mr. Tunde Lemo, highlighted the need for micro finance banks to position themselves properly for better and improved service delivery to their intended beneficiaries. He emphasised the effect of the global financial crisis and restated the obligation of the apex bank to the development of micro-financial sub sector by reinforcing the regulatory framework, capacity building, guidelines for establishment of Credit Bureau, deposit insurance and agricultural credit guarantee scheme among others.

          The President, Alhaji Umaru Musa Yar’Adua, was represented by the Vice President, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. Speaking at the occasion, President Yar’Adua paid tribute to the CBN for implementing the micro finance policy and regulatory supervisory framework which got under way in 2005. In this regards, President Yar’Adua elucidated that the Federal Government launched the fifty billion naira micro credit fund.

          The first award recipient in the category, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, who was represented by the wife of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Glory Efiok Cobham, responded on behalf of twenty five other award recipients. She acknowledged that the award “is in recognition of my effort at promoting women empowerment and grassroots development amongst the youth of Cross River State through micro credit schemes and the Trust Fund Model”.

She said she was motivated by the desire to touch the lives of others:

My heart desire is to make a difference in the lives of our people. My office as wife of Governor has accorded me the privilege to facilitate the empowerment of women and children who are unable to maximize their full potentials due to socio-economic challenges.

Her office was to complement that of the Governor in the attainment of his laudable programmes:

My office, as you know, is to complement my husband’s policies and programmes, which is captured in his 7-point agenda among which is empowering the Cross River State women to become economically, socially, politically and intellectually productive.

I am doing this through my programmes and projects which include: Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realisation (POWER), Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA) and A State Fit for a Child (ASFAC), Calabar Carnival Queen (CCQ) and recently National Women Coalition on Aids (NAWOCA), which is an initiative of Hajiya Tura Musa Yar’Adua, wife of the President of Nigeria.

The First Lady explained that her empowerment programmes were designed to be a channel through which women and rural dwellers were provided with micro credit facilities that would assist them in small and medium scale businesses.

          In spite of these achievements, more still needs to be done and she will not relent in this regard. She gave an assurance that women in the country and Cross River State in particular will continue to be accorded the motivation, inspiration and support that would enable them achieve their ultimate goals and aspirations in life. The CBN Awards are designed to reward entrepreneurs, farmers, banks, development partners, co-operative societies and other corporate bodies that have distinguished themselves in promoting entrepreneurship microfinance and real sector development.

          The 3rd Annual CBN Conference and Micro-Finance Entrepreneurship Awards which was held at the prestigious Ladi Kwali Hall, Sheraton Hotels and Tower, Abuja, on January 22, 2009, with the theme “Microfinance as a Tool for Poverty Alleviation”, had many activities lined up to reward  outstanding microfinance institutions and entrepreneurs. At the occasion, the Cross River First Lady pledged to “utilize every available opportunity to ensure that every woman, every child and indeed the youths are given the enablement to realize their potentials and become socio-economically independent.”

          Mrs. Imoke was grateful to God Almighty who has been the source of her strength and inspiration; for giving them the ability to serve their people and “for grace and faithfulness in all these”. The Central Bank and Federal Government were not left out of her expression of indebtedness. She expressed gratitude to the Bank for finding them worthy of the honour: “I thank the CBN for this recognition. This award will further encourage me to do more for the women, children, youths and the family in general. Permit me also to appreciate the Federal Government which had been instrumental in making this award possible through the CBN Micro Credit Scheme and the Trust Fund Model.” She eulogised her husband, Senator Liyel Imoke, for being sturdily and dependably behind her and stupendously supporting her projects and her staff for their support and encouragement. The conference had in attendance more than 1,201 participants drawn from the Presidency, National Assembly, State Governments, Microfinance Banks, Development Partners, the Academia, Development Finance Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, the Organized Private Sector, Microfinance clientele and the media.

          It would be recalled that Mrs. Imoke was the first wife of governor to partner with the Central Bank of Nigeria and commercial banks to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the Trust Fund Account of the Federal Government. This singular effort has culminated in more individuals and corporate bodies signing MOUs in order to have access to the funds from the Trust Fund Account of the CBN. This will     enable small and medium scale enterprises draw from the fund. The Cross River State delegation to the conference included, Commissioner for Women Affairs, Mrs. Ekama Awara, Commissioners for Finance, Mr. Kelly Ayamba, Ambassador designate Mrs. Nkoro Toyo, wife of the Cross River State House of Assembly Speaker, Mrs. Iwi Frank Adah, among others.

International Award for Pneumonia Prevention
The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, was nominated for the GAVY CSO Constituency Award. This international award was in recognition of her advocacy and sensitisation on pneumonia prevention and control through her Breath of Life anti pneumonia project. The announcement was made by Dr. Chizoba Wonodi who led a delegation from the International Vaccines Assess Centre (IVAC), John Hopkins University, USA, to appraise the immunization programme in the state.

          The delegation, after a health facility tour and monitoring of immunization exercise, observed that “from the records available, the people exceeded the immunization target.” It was also observed that POWER had carried out a lot of advocacy in the state, including the rural areas. The leader of the delegation said that “Mrs. Imoke has done a lot in the fight against pneumonia. We know this through her concerted efforts, especially during the World Pneumonia Day activities in Cross River State.”

Humanitarian Service Award
The philanthropic work of Mrs. Obioma Imoke received recognition in Seville in Spain. She was honoured with an Award for Humanitarian Service to women, youths and children. The award ceremony was put together by the Association Mujeres Entre Mundos, which promised to collaborate with Mrs. Imoke through development programmes to address challenges facing women, youths and children in the state. Mrs. Imoke praised the Spanish volunteers for finding the Destiny Child Centre and Mothers against Child Abandonment worthy of carrying out their projects in the past one year.

Investiture by Nigerian Girl Guides Association
The outstanding performance of First Lady received the recognition and approval of the Nigerian Girl Guides Association. The National Commissioner of the Nigerian Girl Guides Association, Elder Mrs. Eme Nwakama Okoro, commended Mrs. Obioma Imoke for restoring the dignity of womanhood through her pet projects. Mrs. Okoro stated this at the investiture of Mrs. Imoke as the patron of the Association in her Office in Calabar. The Girl Guides Commissioner recalled that Calabar was the cradle of the Association which produced the first National Commissioner.

          In her address, the State Secretary of the Association, Mrs. Grace Ene, also acknowledged Mrs. Obioma Imoke’s contribution to the development of the girl child through POWER and ASFAC, and expressed the Association’s readiness to partner with her in the projects. She enumerated the Association’s activities to include tree planting, visits to orphanages and hospitals and humanitarian work.

          In her response, Mrs. Imoke expressed gratitude for the honour and enjoined them to revamp the Association within schools to enable young girls to develop and discover their potentials. She urged all to register with the Association to learn different skills to empower themselves, adding that the Surefoot American School will be the first to join the Girl Guides. The occasion featured oath-taking, pledge and Girl Guides songs.  The Nigerian Girl Guides Association is a voluntary organisation open to all girls, young women and adults without distinction. It provides girls and young women with opportunities for self-training in character development and service to others based on spiritual and moral values, responsible citizenship and service to their communities.

Distinguished Motherhood Award
The First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke was conferred with the Distinguished Motherhood Award by the Cross River State Chapter of Nigerian Association of Women Journalist (NAWOJ). She assured members of the Association that she would always partner with them in her activities. The Governor’s wife said that she was delighted for the Award and commended members of the Association for their role in uplifting the status of women. She used the occasion to explain the working of her numerous projects under the Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization (POWER) which include Mothers Against Child Abandonment (MACA), A State fit for a Child (ASFAC), Destiny Child Centre (DCC) and Pink Pearl Project, an integrated cancer care initiative of POWER which has so far treated seventy women who were diagnosed of cancer. The First Lady also informed the association of the recent appointment of women into various political positions in the state.

          The State Chairman of NAWOJ, Miss Uduak Ikang, described Mrs. Obioma Imoke as an epitome of love and care, pointing out that her activities in the development of the state is unique and unprecedented. She identified some of the programme to include Destiny Child Centre, POWER, MACA, ASFAC and Pink POWER Initiative. Miss Ikang further stated that the Award was part of the activities to mark NAWOJ’s 20th   anniversary.

Award of Excellence by Exquisite Ladies
A leading socio-philanthropic organisation in Nigeria, the Exquisite Ladies Foundation, honoured Mrs. Obioma Imoke with an Award of Excellence. This was in acknowledgement and appreciation of praiseworthy, exemplary and excellent service to humanity. She was also inducted as a Life member of the Exquisite Ladies Foundation.

The Peace Ambassador
Mrs. Obioma Imoke craves for peace at all times, because it is only in the atmosphere of peace that meaning progress can be made. It was in recognition of this peaceful disposition and her ability to mobilize the people that Mrs. Imoke was honoured as Peace Ambassador in Nigeria and the continent of Africa. The African First Ladies Peace Mission (AFLPM) awarded her Peace Ambassador at the National Peace Concert organized by the AFLPM at the Eagle Square, Abuja on 8th March 2014. The concert was held to commiserate with the 43 students of the Federal Government College, Yobe State, who were killed by insurgents.

Pillar of Ladies Golfing
Ladies’ golfers have been advised to go beyond the borders of Nigeria and bring laurels to the nation. The wife of the State Governor, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, gave the advice while teeing off the first Calabar Ladies Golf Championship in Calabar. She called on women to maintain the tempo in golfing and train other upcoming golfers to attain great height in the country and beyond. She described golf as a disciplined game for ball control, maintaining that it boosts physical fitness. Mrs. Imoke called on ladies’ golfers to also play their role as mothers in spite of the game and competitions.

          The First Lady was conferred with the award of Pillar of Ladies Golfing in the State at the First Calabar Ladies Golf Championship organized by the Calabar Golf Club. Mrs. Imoke promised to justify the award by supporting the game of golf in the state. She congratulated the winners at the championship and encouraged the losers to work harder to win in a future tournament. On the forthcoming Mary Slessor tournament, Mrs. Imoke promised golfers a better outing in December of that year. The Captain of Ladies Golf, Dr. Anthonia Adindu thanked Mrs. Imoke for encouraging and supporting golfing in state.

Award of “Sustainability Champion”
The Founder/Board Chair, Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization, POWER; and MACA, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke has been honoured with the award of “Sustainability Champion” at the 8th annual Social Enterprise Reports and Awards (SERAs) in recognition of her sustained efforts at meeting the needs of vulnerable people especially women and children.

The event which took place at the Muson Centre in Lagos is an annual event dedicated to honour the most outstanding efforts in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by deserving organizations that are committed to giving back to society.

Mother of Sports in Cross River
Mrs. Obioma Imoke was honoured by the Cross River State Ministry of Youths and Sports. She was honoured as the Mother of Sports in Cross River State. Mrs. Imoke’s honour was in appreciation of her effort in utilising sport as a tool for promoting tourism, income generation and humanitarian. 

Award of Excellence
Mrs. Imoke was given an Award of Excellence at the launching of two books by Bishop Mike Okom. Receiving the award, Mrs. Obioma Imoke, represented by Mr. Mac Falan Eja, described it as a sustainable encouragement to people who strive to make the less privileged live a better life. The First Lady called on youths to embrace moral values and emulate leaders as their role model.

2011 Tourism Man of the Year
In recognition of her contributions to the development of tourism in the state in particular and the nation in general, Mrs. Obioma Imoke was conferred with the 2011 Tourism Man of the Year by promoters of AKWAABA African Travel Market and BANTABA Awards.  She was runner-up in 2010. It is important to point out that the duo of Liyel Imoke and Obioma Imoke made Cross River State the destination for tourism.

International Women Society (IWS) Award
Mrs. Obioma Imoke was one of the recipients of the Humanitarian of the Year 2011 Awards of the International Women Society (IWS). She, alongside other women, was hohoured by IWS for their vision for social change, acts of generosity; and improving the quality of lives of people in their communities.

2012 Small Grants
In recognition of her efforts and initiatives in combating pneumonia and reducing mortality rates, Mrs. Obioma Imoke won the 2012 Small Grants Programme for World Pneumonia Day. The highly elated First Lady said “We don’t want our children to die anymore of a desease with preventable solutions.”

Lions Club International Award
The Lions Club International District 404A Nigeria gave awards to deserving Nigerians at its investiture ceremony in September 2008.  During the “Celebrating Nigeria Conference” in September 2008, several personalities were given awards for their service to the nation. Mrs. Imoke was one of the recipients of the award for initiating programmes such as MACA, ASFAC and POWER.    

Guardian’s 100 Most Inspiring Women in Nigeria 2018
Even after leaving office as First Lady, Mrs. Obioma Imoke continued to excel as an attorney, an acclaimed administrator, a celebrated entrepreneur, a child rights champion, a women’s empowerment promoter and development advocate. That is why she made the list of Guardian Woman 100 Most Inspiring Women in Nigeria 2018. Her scorecard in brokerage, oil and gas, finance and investment and philanthropy is unrivalled. Through POWER, she had impacted lives positively and turned around destinies.

Notable Quotes  

  1. Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke will indeed leave behind a legacy of hope and strength
  2. for the weak, care for the beleaguered people and job for the jobless.
  3. From the foregoing there is therefore a commendable success by the Governor’s wife that the programme she has put together to empower Cross River Women and encourage them in their endevours have etched their success in gold. (Source: Nancy Irek & Emmanuel Okon Giant Strides May 2009)
  4.  As a woman of vision and passion for the people of the state, her pursuit of the task of eradicating AIDs is with unprecedented zeal to turn things around, especially for women and children. (Source: Nancy and Okon)
  5.  If a woman is reached, it is easy to get her husband and the entire family to make positive changes in behaviour that predispose them to the pandemic. (Source: Obioma Imoke)
  6. The scheme (POWER Micro Credit) is a demonstration of the desire of Obioma Imoke, wife of the Cross River State governor and initiator of POWER to secure cheap access to funds for women farmers who are more than 70 percent of the women population of the state for the improvement of their farms and enhancement of their income. (Source: Anietie Akpan the Guardian 5/5/2009)
  7. Of all the first ladies who have played complementary role in the governance of Cross River State with their husbands as Chief Executive, none can be equated under any development indices with Barrister Obioma Liyel Imoke. (Source: Dr. Okpo Ojah all Africa.com 9-6-2009)
  8. To that extent, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke today represents an ideal woman of virtue, a pride of womanhood and an epitome of beauty plus elegance. She is, indeed, a great model and mentor.
  9. Her Excellency Mrs. Imoke apart from saving many lives has restored the lost glory of empowerment of women and youths through education, health and their socio-economic development through her pet project called Partnership Opportunities for Women Empowerment Realization acronymned “POWER”. We therefore commend Mrs. Imoke for initiating these projects (POWER, MACA, The Refuge). Indeed, she is a real mentor, a lady of an enduring visionary drive and a pride of womanhood. Indeed, she is worthy of emulation. (Source: The Nigerian Chronicle, Editorial, September 16-22-2009)
  10. HIV/AIDs is indeed a deadly disease that robbed many countries of their valuable citizens, Cross River State Government plans to tackle this scourge head on with an aim to bring down prevalence to its barest minimum. The Governor, my husband Senator Liyel Imoke without whose unwavering support I would be unable to fully maximize my potential has taken on this herculean task. (Source: Obioma Liyel Imoke POWER Vol. 1 No 3)
  11.  It was now time for Her Excellency to speak. In a most characteristic style, she spoke. In a tone that exhibited honesty and realism she spoke, in a language that the people could understand she spoke, and with a movement and an advice (shine your eye) that showed she had been there she spoke. (Source: Anthony Ubi, POWER Vol. 1 No. 3 – During the presentation of cheques to POWER micro credit beneficiaries)
  12. For many who have followed her activities since her husband was twice elected the governor of Cross River State, the award by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) was not a surprise. Though she has touched many lives in other areas, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke, wife of the Cross River State Governor was the proud recipient of the ‘Best Support First Lady for Women Empowerment (Micro Credit) for 2008 from the CBN. (Source: Roland Ogbonnaya Thisday, February 6, 2009)
  13. In the last six hundred days, she has painstakingly taken interest in empowerment of the rural women, gone around to pick abandoned babies from dustbins as well as giving refuge to both the abandoned children and their teenage mothers. (Source: Roland Ogbonnaya Thisday, February 6, 2009)
  14. Your present position might not be your fault, but it becomes your responsibility to break off from the shackles of obscurity and reposition of yourself for greatness. (Source: Obioma Liyel Imoke at Brandsarise Season III Youth Empowerment Programme in Calabar)
  15. As members of the global greater community, we are gathered here to begin a process that will mark our commitment to be more vigorously involved in the fight against HIV/AIDs which will seriously threaten the gains of development in our society if nothing is done. While the AIDs pandemic seems to be thriving unabated in most places, it will be worthy to observe that some places are making significant progress and recording success stories in the fight against HIV/AIDs. This convergence of efforts in the fight is what we are set to smile once again among ourselves as stakeholders in the fight against HIV/AIDs in Cross River State. (Source: An address presented by Obioma Liyel Imoke on the occasion flagging of activities for the 2009 AIDs Global Candlelight Memorial, Cross River State – POWER online).
  16. It is the strong conviction and belief of Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke that POWER will not die any natural death when she completes her tenure as other projects and programmes in the state did after their initiator’s exit. This is so because her memories will still linger as her current projects will continue to stay afloat in the years to come through those role models she has trained. (Source: POWER – The Journey so far and prospects).
  17.  You cannot be around her and not think of a meaningful venture to go into. The aura for entrepreneurship around her is so strong that all the people that are close to her are all running their businesses. (Source: Kammonke Abam Independent Saturday March 7, 2020)
  18. She has psyched up the women not only to believe in their abilities but work to change their world. In her usual pep talks, she does not cease to remind them that “although they may lack material resources, but they possess a wealth of an even more precious resource: imagination. And their imaginations light the dark. (Source: Roland Oby Ogbonnaya Independent Saturday March 7, 2020)
  19.  The Chronicle Describes Mrs Obioma Imoke as an Amazon. According to the daily: “From the day she arrived Governor’s Lodge, Calabar, Mrs. Obioma Liyel Imoke         , the amiable and resourceful wife of Cross River governor, Senator Liyel Imoke has not rested for a moment. Besotted by a burning desire to change and improve the fortunes of the womenfolk and children of Cross River, Mrs. Imoke has formulated various programmes and projects for their benefit with POWER as flagship.”
  20. The Nigeria Chronicle editorial of September 16 – 22, 2009 states: The issue of abandoned children in our society has become a serious one, a reality we sleep and wake up with on a daily basis. It is unbelievable that a mother would carry a baby for nine months and after going through the near-death experience of giving birth, she decides to throw the baby in a pit or dump it in a dust bin.

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